The ONE!

One Schedule to Rule them All!

Welcome to the "One Schedule to Rule them All!". Thank you for your interest by using this. This is an attempt to make things easier for you, the DEF CON attendee, to figure out the when/what/where during the chaos of DEF CON 30.

It started out simple. I had a Kindle and wanted an ebook of the schedule so I didn't have to wear out the paper pamphlet by pulling it out after every talk to figure out where to go next. Back then there was only the main DEF CON tracks, not really any Villages, and production of the ebooks were easy. Over time the Village system developed with a resulting multiplication in complexity, both for attendees and for my production. The offerings no longer include epub and mobi formats and instead now include html, csv, PDF, ical, public Google calendar, and mysql dump format files. Hopefully you'll find something of use.

The intent is still to be a resource to answer the question at the end of an hour of "What's next?"

As a general rule I do not include:

Be sure to check out the Links section at the bottom of this. Most all of the events listed here were derived from these links and a Infoboot data feed. There is much more going on at DEF CON than what is listed here.

Check out the Guides/Tips/FAQs links if you're new to Las Vegas.
Notable suggestions are:

And finally, this is only as good as the ideas and information used to generate it. I welcome your constructive suggestions and comments. Please send them to

Have a good time at DEF CON 30!

Index of DEF CON 30 Activities

Maps List

Maps Browser

Detailed Village Info

Villages Table

Hour by Hour list of happenings, start at the top, or go to a specific day.
 - Thursday  - Friday  - Saturday  - Sunday

Sorted list of all the Speakers Names linked to their talk's description.
Speaker List

Sorted list of all the Talk's titles linked to the talk description.
Talk Title List

Talk lists for each Village, start at the alphabetic top, or go to a specific Village.
Village Talk List
    AIV - APV - ASV - AVV - BHV - BICV - BTV - CHV - CLV - CON - CPV - DC - DCGVR - DDV - DL - GHV - HHV - HRV - ICSV - IOTV - LPV - MIV - PHV - PLV - PSV - PT - PWV - PYV - QTV - RCV - RFV - RHV - ROV - RTV - SEV - SKY - SOC - TEV - VMV - WS

Descriptions and Info for all the talks.
Talk Descriptions

Contests Table

Demolabs Table

Workshops Table

Paid Trainings Table
Paid Trainings

DEF CON 30 Vendors

The latest news from

The answer to your questsions about DEF CON overall and for this year.


DEF CON .org Links

Combined Schedule Sources

Interesting Links


Maps List

Overview of the Hotels in the area of DEF CON 30
Click on image to view full size

Full floorplan of the Caesars Forum Convention Space
Click on image to view full size

Closeup of the floorplan for the Caesars Forum, Forum Ballroom
Click on image to view full size

Closeup of the floorplan for the Caesars Forum, Summit Ballroom
Click on image to view full size

Closeup of the floorplan for the Caesars Forum, Academy Ballroom
Click on image to view full size

Closeup of the floorplan for the Caesars Forum, Alliance Ballroom
Click on image to view full size

Full floorplan for Flamingo
Click on image to view full size

Closeup of the floorplan for the Flamingo, Corporate Convention Center, Third floor
Click on image to view full size

Closeup of the floorplan for the Flamingo, Executive Converence Center, Lower LeveL
Click on image to view full size

Full floorplan for Harrahs
Click on image to view full size

Full floorplan for Linq
Click on image to view full size

Detailed Village Info

AIV - Artificial Intelligence Village

AIV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (AI Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 14:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @aivillage_dc
   TI @aivillage
   YT link

A.I Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC 30!


DEF CON Discord Channel

AI Village Icon

Artificial Learning techniques are becoming more prevalent in core security technologies like malware detection and network traffic analysis. Its use has opened up new vectors for attacks against non-traditional targets, such as deep learning based image recognition systems used in self driving cars. There are unique challenges in defending and attacking these machine learning systems that the security community needs to be made aware of. This AI Village will introduce DEF CON attendees to these systems and the state of the art in defending and attacking them. We will provide a setting to educate DEF CON at large through workshops and a platform for researchers in this area to share the latest research.

Our main focus is on expanding the hands-on activities that attendees can participate in. This year, attendees will create a realistic face using StyleGAN, learn how to generate text, and attack a discriminatory resume screening program. We'll also have talks via CFP, and workshops: both introductory ML for beginners and intermediate/advanced on Facial Recognition/Adversarial ML. We are planning three contests inside the village: one as a standard CTF, another on evading a malware classifier (Ember), and a final realtime panel of Deepfaked DarkTangent's answering personal questions and giving opinions on life, the universe, and everything!
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APV - AppSec Village

APV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Twilight Ballroom (Appsec Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 14:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @AppSec_Village
   LI @appsecvillage
The first three AppSec Villages were a resounding success. We learned that whether in person or online, our AppSec community is fantastic. We are pumped to be back bigger and better. Come immerse yourself in everything the world of application security has to offer. Whether you are a red, blue, or purple teamer, come learn from the best of the best to exploit software vulnerabilities and secure software. Software is everywhere, and Application Security vulnerabilities are lurking around every corner, making the software attack surface attractive for abuse. If you are just an AppSec n00b or launch deserialization attacks for fun and profit, you will find something to tickle your interest at the AppSec Village. Software runs the world. Everything from IoT, medical devices, the power grid, smart cars, voting apps - all of it has software behind it. Such a variety of topics will be reflected in our cadre of guest speakers representing all backgrounds and walks of life. AppSec Village welcomes all travelers to choose from talks by expert community members, an all AppSec-focused CTF, contests that challenge your mind and your skillz, and more. Bring your thirst for knowledge and passion for breaking things, and your visit to AppSec Village will be a thrill!
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ASV - Aerospace Village

ASV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Forum 112-117 (Aerospace Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @secureaerospace
   LI @aerospace-village
   TW @hack_a_sat
AppSec Village Icon

twitter: @AppSec_Village
CFP Link:

The first three AppSec Villages were a resounding success. We learned that whether in person or online, our AppSec community is fantastic. We are pumped to be back bigger and better.

Come immerse yourself in everything the world of application security has to offer. Whether you are a red, blue, or purple teamer, come learn from the best of the best to exploit software vulnerabilities and secure software. Software is everywhere, and Application Security vulnerabilities are lurking around every corner, making the software attack surface attractive for abuse. If you are just an AppSec n00b or launch deserialization attacks for fun and profit, you will find something to tickle your interest at the AppSec Village.

Software runs the world. Everything from IoT, medical devices, the power grid, smart cars, voting apps - all of it has software behind it. Such a variety of topics will be reflected in our cadre of guest speakers representing all backgrounds and walks of life.

AppSec Village welcomes all travelers to choose from talks by expert community members, an all AppSec-focused CTF, contests that challenge your mind and your skillz, and more. Bring your thirst for knowledge and passion for breaking things, and your visit to AppSec Village will be a thrill!
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AVV - Adversary Village

AVV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Scenic Ballroom (Adversary Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @AdversaryVillag
   IG @AdversaryVillage
   LI @adversaryvillage
   FB @AdversaryVillage
   TI @AdversaryVillage
   YT link
Adversary Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC 30!
Adversary Village Icon


Adversary Village is a community initiative which purely focuses on Adversary simulation/emulation, threat/APT emulation, Breach and adversarial attack simulation, supply chain security simulation, adversary tactics, life, adversary philosophy, survival skills and Purple teaming.Adversary Village will be organizing technical talks, workshops, live demos, Adversary Wars CTF, panel discussions and other hands-on activities on adversary simulation, emulation and purple teaming.

This is different from any of what has been covered in the existing villages, because our focus is on simulation of the actions of a threat actor or an adversary and this being simulated here. As this domain matures, we anticipate active participation from enterprises, as such simulations would help immensely towards internal capacity building from having a "live fire" training opportunity. An increasing number of researchers too are focusing on building tools and techniques for simulation of various adversarial actions against an organization or Supply chain, instead of actual real-world exploitation.
The goal of the Adversary Village would be to build a vendor neutral open security community for the researchers and organizations, who are putting together new means and methodologies towards the simulation/emulation of adversary tactics then purple teaming.

Adversary Wars CTF
Adversary Village will be hosting a CTF named "Adversary Wars", where the participants will have to pose as adversaries and simulate adversarial actions against each element of the dummy target organization.
Our end-goal is to build a CTF platform for adversary simulation/emulation knowledge sharing and exercises.
Adversary Wars would have real world simulation CTF scenarios and challenges, where the adversaries can simulate attacks and learn new attack vectors, TTPs, techniques, etc.
There would be combined exercises which include different levels of threat/adversary emulation and purple teaming.

Adversary Simulator booth
Adversary Simulator booth has hands-on adversary emulation plans specific to a wide variety of threat-actors, these are meant to provide the participant/visitor with a better understanding of the Adversary tactics.
This is a volunteer assisted activity where anyone, both management and technical folks can come-in and experience different categories of simulation, emulation and purple scenarios. Adversary Simulator booth will be having a lab environment focused on recreating enterprise infrastructure, aimed at simulation and emulating various adversaries. Visitors will be able to view, simulate and control various TTPs used by adversaries.
The simulator is meant to be a learning experience, irrespective of whether one is hands-on with highly sophisticated attack tactics or from the management.

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BHV - Bio Hacking Village

BHV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Laughlin I,II,III (Biohacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @dc_bhv
   LI @biohacking-village
   TI @biohackingvillage
   SP link
Click image for larger versionName:	image_2500.pngViews:	1379Size:	34.0 KBID:	239961
DEF CON Discord Channel
CFP Link:

Growing from seeds of demand, the Biohacking Village emerged at DEF CON to deliver action-oriented reinvention of the safety and security of health care. THE BIOHACKING VILLAGE , a 501(c)3 organization, is uniquely poised to inform global conversations in health care cybersecurity research. Representing voices who see ‘code’ as genetics, ‘subroutines’ as organic processes, and ‘programs’ as life itself the BHV has grown to become an expansive and inclusive, hands-on playground for the entire biomedical ecosystem - patients, clinicians, hackers, manufacturers, regulators, hospital administrators, and others seeking healthier futures through meaningful technology. This nimble community delivers hands-on, strident learning labs to influence in health care, industry, and manufacturing.

We bring the biomedical ecosystem to DEF CON in five ways:
DEVICE LAB : The highly-collaborative environment builds health care, connecting security researchers, manufacturers, clinicians, and regulators, to learn from each other and develop skills, codifying best practices and paths for high fidelity cyber safety.

SPEAKER LAB: Speakers foster critical thinking, problem solving, human interaction literacy, ethics debates, creativity, and collaboration. Subject matter experts and researchers share the future of their research, reflecting the biological technologies and emerging threats.

CATALYST LAB: Providing interaction with thought leaders from the medical device and citizen science communities through training and hands-on workshops and solutions design, to cover the entirety of the biomedical device and security ecosystem.

CAPTURE THE FLAG: Featuring the virtual learning environment of St. Elvis Hospital, the CTF offers protocol, regulatory, and biological challenges to access and assess vulnerabilities in real devices.

TABLE TOP EXERCISES: Discussion-based sessions of increasing complexity and difficulty regarding vulnerabilities in a series of Machiavellian healthcare industry scenarios.
Attached Files
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BICV - Blacks in Cybersecurity

BICV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Twilight Ballroom (Blacks In Cybersecurity Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 16:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 16:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @BlackInCyberCo1
   IG @blackincyberconf
   TI @blacksincybersecurity
   YT link
   LI @blackincyberconference
   PT @blacksincybersecurity
   FB @blackincyberconf
Blacks In Cybersecurity (B.I.C) Village
PAST FORUM (not for this year:) DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC 30!
Icon or Logo for BIC Village

The Blacks In Cybersecurity (BIC) Village seeks to bring culturally diverse perspectives to the holistic Cybersecurity community; by way of a series of talks and a capture the flag event.

In providing these activities, we believe that we can normalize the discussion of deficiency and prejudices in Cybersecurity literacy, education and development that ultimately impact the progress and development of the field.

Our village programming is also designed to highlight Black experiences, innovations in the field, Black culture and Black history which is designed to encourage more diverse hobbyists and professionals to engage and contribute to this conference and the greater Cybersecurity and Hacker/Maker communities.
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BTV - Blue Team Village

BTV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Savoy Ballroom (Blue Team Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @BlueTeamVillage
   TI @blueteamvillage
Blue Team Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
Blue Team Village Icon/image

DEF CON Discord Channel

We're still standing for our fourth DEF CON! Coming through the looking glass to showcase the defensive side of hacking, Blue Team Village is where you can find out all the multifarious facets of what it means to be a defender. You'll be able to teach and learn about the various ways to keep people safe - and how to subvert attacker expectations to turn their methods back on them.

You'll also be able to find community and mentor-ship within the defensive hacking paradigm, allowing you to find your path within this specialization to learning new skills and refining your old ones.

If you're looking for a community of like-minded hackers with a tendency towards forensics, threat hunting, and other blue-aligned topics, come celebrate the art of defensive hacking with us!

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CHV - Car Hacking Village

CHV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Forum 124-128 (Car Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 12:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @CarHackVillage
Click image for larger versionName:	image_586.pngViews:	991Size:	319.9 KBID:	240930

Twitter: @CarHackVillage

Learn, hack, play. The Car Hacking Village is an open, collaborative space to hack actual vehicles that you don't have to worry about breaking! Don't have tools? We'll loan you some. Never connected to a car? We'll show you how. Don't know where the controllers are? We'll show you how to take it apart. Want to learn more about automotive hacking and cyber security? Check out our talks. Want to hack mobility scooters? Yes! We'll do that to. Also, check out the CHV CTF.

Visit for the latest information.

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CLV - Cloud Village

CLV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Scenic Ballroom (Cloud Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @cloudvillage_dc
Cloud Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!

DEF CON Discord Channel

Cloud Village Icon

With the industry shifting towards cloud infrastructure at a rapid speed, the presence of an open platform to discuss and showcase cloud research becomes a necessity.

Cloud village is an open platform for researchers interested in the area of cloud security. We plan to organize talks, tool demos, CTF and workshops around Cloud Security and advancements.
We will open Call for Papers/Workshops/Tools as soon as we get an approval from DEF CON.

Our CTF will be a jeopardy style 2.5 days contest where participants will have to solve challenges around Cloud infrastructure, security, recon, etc. These challenges will cover different cloud platforms including AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, etc. We will also reward our top 3 teams with awards.
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CON - Contests

CON Village: Talk List

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CPV - Crypto Privacy Village

CPV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Vista Ballroom (Crypto Privacy Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @cryptovillage
   YT link
   TI @cryptovillage
Crypto & Privacy Village (CPV)
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
Click image for larger versionName:	image_601.jpgViews:	889Size:	19.7 KBID:	239822

DEF CON Discord Channel

At the Crypto & Privacy Village (CPV) you can learn how to secure your own systems while also picking up some tips and tricks on how to break classical and modern encryption. The CPV features workshops and talks on a wide range of cryptography and privacy topics from experts. We'll also have an intro to crypto talk for beginners, crypto-related games, the infamous CPV puzzle, a key-signing party, privacy-related art installations, and other great events like the Gold Bug Crypto Privacy Contest.

The CPV discusses the interesting intersection of privacy and technology as well as building privacy enhancing technologies. We are able to dig into the nitty gritty details of cryptography and give high level crypo intros for those who might feel intimidated by it. We also discuss and hack on major topics and issues: facial recognition technology, license plate readers, privacy enhancing clothing, crypto backdoor laws.

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DC - DEF CON Talks

DC Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
Social Media Links:
   TW @defcon
   FB @defcon
   IG @wearedefcon

Return to Index


DCGVR Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
Social Media Links:
   TI @defcon_groups

Return to Index

DDV - Data Duplication Village

DDV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Exec Conf Ctr - Lake Meade and Valley of Fire (Data Duplication Village) - Map
Hours: Thur: 16:00 - 19:00 - Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 11:00
Social Media Links:
Data Duplication Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
Data Duplication Village Icon

Check the schedule and/or for the most up-to-date information.

DEF CON Discord Channel

It's true, the Data Duplication Village is back for DC 30! We have all the bits and bytes available from packed up into nice, neat packages. If you're looking for something to fill up all your unused storage, may I recommend a nice hash table or two with a side of all of the DefCon talks? This is a "free-to-you" service where we're providing you direct access to terabytes of useful data to help build those skills.

DEF CON will provide a core set of drive duplicators as well as data content options. We accept 6, 8, and 10TB drives on a first come, first served basis and duplicate 'till we can no longer see straight. Bring in your blank SATA3 drives - check them in early - to get the data you want. Come back in about 24 hours to pick up your data-packed drive. Space allowing, we'll accept drives all the way through until Saturday morning - but remember, it's FIFO!

WHAT IS AVAILABLE - Three drives:
  1. 6TB drive 1-3: Updated archive of plus other "direct from DT" content, built on last years collection and always adding more for your data consuming appetite.
  2. 6TB drive 2-3: GSM A51 and MD5 hash tables (Tables 1-2) with about 404 gigs free
  3. 6TB drive 3-3: more rainbowtables, lanman, mysqlsha1, ntlm, and some word lists (Tables 2-2) with about 136 gigs free

The DC 29 content will be posted at once finalized

* 6TB SATA3 512e format 7200rpm drive - one for each source you want

If you want a full copy of everything you will need three drives.
You can bring back last year's drive(s) to be wiped / updated (you should remove any 2018 stickers).

Data Duplication Village Hours:

- Thursday, August 11, 16:00 - 19:00 (drop off only)
- Friday, August 12, 10:00 - 17:00
- Saturday, August 13, 10:00 - 17:00
- Sunday, August 14, 10:00 - 11:00 (last chance pickup only)

- Space permitting, last drop off is Saturday at 3:00pm.
- Last chance pickup is Sunday from 10:00 to 11:00.

We're working on a method to post completed ticket ranges to and


But wait - there's more! A few years ago, we made our our stretch goal a reality to provide a pick-and-pull datastore in the DDV. We expect to do it bigger and better this year! Dark Tangent and KnightOwl l post the up-to-date details in the DC Forum thread and you are encouraged to ask any questions you have there as con approaches.

. Photo image of people at past Data Duplication VIllage

. Photo image of hard disks in a data duplication device

. Photo image of many hard drives on a table


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DL - DEF CON DemoLabs

DL Village: Talk List
Home Page:

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GHV - Girls Hack Village

GHV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: Flamingo - Virginia City III (Girls Hack Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @girlshackvllg
   IG @blackgirlshack
Click image for larger version  Name:	image0.jpg Views:	2 Size:	72.1 KB ID:	240892

Girls Hack Village seeks to bring gender diverse perspectives of the contributions, perspectives, and issues facing women/girl hackers. It is a space to discuss issues affecting girls in cybersecurity and will include Talks, Workshops, and Discussions Panels. We are looking to have a village for womxn in ethical hacking fields that differ from organizations by focusing specifically on the experience of women as a diverse minority in cybersecurity.

Our village is designed to highlight the contributions and experiences of girls in cybersecurity. Women are underrepresented in cybersecurity and our goal is to highlight the female experience in Cybersecurity. Women are traditionally underrepresented at defcon and the girlshackvillage will give attendees the opportunity to learn about cybersecurity and hacking in a gender friendly place.

We will use the Discord to disseminate information during the village open hours and for Q&A during the discussion panel.

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HHV - Hardware Hacking and Solder Skills Village

HHV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Exec Conf Ctr - Red Rock VI, VII, VII (Hardware Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Social Media Links:

Hardware Hacking and Soldering Skills Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!


DEF CON Discord
Hardware Hacking and Soldering Skills Village Icon

Every day our lives become more connected to consumer hardware. Every day the approved uses of that hardware are reduced, while the real capabilities expand.

Come discover hardware hacking tricks and tips regain some of that capacity, and make your own use for things! We have interactive demos to help you learn new skills. We have challenges to compete against fellow attendees. We have some tools to help with your fever dream modifications. Come share what you know and learn something new.

We are two villages in one. We run a large number of tables for soldering when in person, and to allow people to understand that hardware is more than soldering we run the Hardware Hacking Village as embedded / reversing / hardware things other than soldering.
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HRV - Ham Radio Village

HRV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Virginia City I (Ham Radio Village Exams) - Map
Hours: Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 09:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 12:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @HamRadioVillage
   TI @HamRadioVillage
Ham Radio Village & Exams
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
Ham Radio VIllage and Exam Icon

DEF CON Discord Channel

Ham radio isn’t just what your grandpa does in the shed out back. Radios are an important piece of technology we use everyday, and amateur (“ham”) radio has been at the forefront of its development since day one -- we are some of the original hardware hackers! DIY, exploration, and sharing has always been a vital part of our community and the goal of Ham Radio Village is to nurture this growth into the next generation with all of the amazing people at DEF CON.

Our village will have demos, talks, presentations, contests, and of course, license exams!

So come visit Ham Radio Village to learn more about the hobby, including how antennas work (and how to build your own), how to actually use that software defined radio sitting on the shelf, how to trackdown a rogue transmitter with a handheld radio, and how you can _legally_ transmit 1,500 Watts into the airwaves after taking a simple multiple-choice test!

One of the unique things about ham radio is that it goes deep into the theory and science of radio. This knowledge unlocks a whole new level of understanding about why and how radios work and radio waves propagate. With just about everything containing some sort of radio these days, this information can help us better research, attack, and defend all things that emit RF. For example: Just about anyone can build an antenna with simple hardware; having an understanding of the fundamentals allows you to troubleshoot and tune the performance of that antenna to pick up the exact signals you want while filtering out the rest.

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ICSV - Industrial Control Systems Village

ICSV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 314 - 319 (ICS Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @ICS_Village
   LI @icsvillage
   YT link
   TI @ics_village
ICS Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
ICS Village Icon

DEF CON Discord Channel

ICS Village is a non-profit organization with the purpose of providing education and awareness of Industrial Control System security.
• Connecting public, industry, media, policymakers, and others directly with ICS systems and experts.
• Providing educational tools and materials to increase understanding among media, policymakers, and the general population.
• Providing access to ICS for security researchers to learn and test.
• Hands on instruction for industry to defend ICS systems.

High profile Industrial Controls Systems security issues have grabbed headlines and sparked changes throughout the global supply chain. The ICS Village allows defenders of any experience level to understand these systems and how to better prepare and respond to the changing threat landscape.

Interactive simulated ICS environments, such as Hack the Plan(e)t and Howdy Neighbor, provide safe yet realistic examples to preserve safe, secure, and reliable operations. We bring real components such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), Remote Telemetry Units (RTU), actuators, to simulate a realistic environment throughout different industrial sectors. Visitors can connect their laptops to assess these ICS devices with common security scanners, network sniffers to sniff the industrial traffic, and more!
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IOTV - Internet Of Things Village

IOTV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 311, 320 (IoT Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @iotvillage
   TW @ISEsecurity
   TW @Villageidiotlab
   LI @iotvillage
   TI @iotvillage
IoT Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
IoT Village Icon
Follow both ISE ( @ISEsecurity )
IoT Village (
@IoTvillage) on Twitter for updates.

DEF CON Discord Channel

IoT Village advocates for advancing security in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry through bringing researchers and industry together. IoT Village hosts talks by expert security researchers, interactive hacking labs, live bug hunting in the latest IoT tech, and competitive IoT hacking contests. Over the years IoT Village has served as a platform to showcase and uncover hundreds of new vulnerabilities, giving attendees the opportunity to learn about the most innovative techniques to both hack and secure IoT. IoT Village is organized by security consulting and research firm, Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) , and the non-profit organization, Village Idiot Labs (VIL) . Watch IoT Village In Action to get an idea of our content and our attendees.

Keep an eye out for The IoT RED ALERT Contest.
Check out the official IoT Village Store for all your IoT Village swag!

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LPV - Lock Pick Village

LPV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 203-204, 235 (Lock Pick Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @toool
   TI @toool_us
Click image for larger version  Name:	image_599.png Views:	0 Size:	45.8 KB ID:	240933


Want to tinker with locks and tools the likes of which you've only seen in movies featuring secret agents, daring heists, or covert entry teams?

Then come on by the Lockpick Village, run by The Open Organization Of Lockpickers, where you will have the opportunity to learn hands-on how the fundamental hardware of physical security operates and how it can be compromised.

The Lockpick Village is a physical security demonstration and participation area. Visitors can learn about the vulnerabilities of various locking devices, techniques used to exploit these vulnerabilities, and practice on locks of various levels of difficultly to try it themselves.

Experts will be on hand to demonstrate and plenty of trial locks, pick tools, and other devices will be available for you to handle. By exploring the faults and flaws in many popular lock designs, you can not only learn about the fun hobby of sport-picking, but also gain a much stronger knowledge about the best methods and practices for protecting your own property.
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MISC - Misc

MISC Village: Talk List

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MIV - MisInformation Village

MIV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (Misinformation Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @MisinfoVillage
   TW @misinfocon
[Details to be changed later: This is what I have so far:] Click image for larger versionName:	Misinformation Village Small Logo.jpgViews:	462Size:	100.4 KBID:	242025


The Misinformation Village aims to present a comprehensive overview of misinformation tactics, current campaigns, potential methods for defense and inoculation, and discussions of current and future campaigns. We seek to define, identify, understand, address, and combat misinformation, as well as strengthen online content credibility and information quality.

Twitter: @misinfovillage

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MUS - Music

MUS Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
Social Media Links:
   TW @defcon_music
   YT link
   TI @defcon_music
   TI @defcon_chill
Music Link All the Things:
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PHV - Packet Hacking Village

PHV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Academy 411-414, 420 (Packet Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @wallofsheep
   FB @wallofsheep
   TI @wallofsheep
Packet Hacking Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
Packet Hacking VIllage Icon

DEF CON Discord Channel

Packet Hacking Village

The Packet Hacking Village is an experience like no other. We are one of the longest-standing DEF CON villages, and we wear that honor with pride. The Packet Hacking Village is a place where everyone can take away some knowledge, whether they are a threat hunter, pentester, or an enthusiastic newcomer. We provide exciting events, live music, competitions with awesome prizes, and learning opportunities for all levels.

Wall of Sheep

The Wall of Sheep is an entertaining and interactive demonstration of what happens when network users let their guard down.

People don’t always think about internet safety in a practical sense. Even seasoned industry professionals get careless and believe that technology will passively protect them. The Wall of Sheep puts these assumptions to the test, and shows that when people let their guard down, anything can happen - and often does.

We monitor the DEF CON network, waiting for users to log into their email, web sites, or other network services without the protection of encryption. Once found, we post redacted yet identifiable information on the Wall of Sheep as a good-natured reminder that security matters, and someone is always watching.

Capture The Packet

The time for those of hardened mettle is drawing near; are you prepared to battle?
Compete in the world’s most challenging cyber defense competition based on the Aries Security cyber range. Tear through hundreds of bleeding-edge challenges, traverse a hostile enterprise-class network, and diligently analyze the findings to escape unscathed. Glory and prizes await those who emerge victorious from this upgraded labyrinth.

While Capture The Packet can easily scale for users of every level, for DEF CON we pull out all the stops and present our most fiendishly difficult puzzles. Capture The Packet has been a DEF CON Black Badge event for over 10 years, and we don’t plan on stopping. This event attracts the best of the best from around the world to play – are you ready to show us what you’ve got?

Packet Detective & Packet Inspector

DEF CON regularly attracts fresh talent in the Information Security field. Packet Detective and Packet Inspector engage experienced professionals and newcomers alike with hands-on, volunteer supported exercises.

These challenges promote critical thinking, teach core security tools, build professional cybersecurity skillsets, and inspire attendees towards larger Capture The Flag (or Packet!) style events.

Packet Detective and Packet Inspector are a great way for folks of all experience levels to learn under the eye of our skilled volunteers. Whether it’s time to brush up on skills or time to launch a new career, this is the best place to start.

Walkthrough Workshops

Walkthrough Workshops offer hands-on training at a self-guided pace. In these workshops, attendees take a deep dive into some of the most relevant subjects in cybersecurity with subject matter experts standing by to assist. Every year we bring new topics to the table, and our team of experts from all walks of life provide mentoring to guide the way.


At the Packet Hacking Village, we work hard to create a unique mood and vibe. The Wall of Sheep DJ Company (WoSDJCo) brings music and atmosphere into the mix. Our goal is to help everyone have a good time while staying entertained and motivated. Stop by and enjoy the smooth beats and deep vibes of musical hackery.

The Packet Hacking Village is where you’ll find network shenanigans and a whole lot more. There’s exciting events, live music, competitions with awesome prizes, and tons of giveaways. PHV welcomes all DEF CON attendees and there is something for every level of security enthusiast from beginners to those seeking a black badge. Wall of Sheep gives attendees a friendly reminder to practice safe computing through strong end-to-end encryption. PHV Speakers, Workshops, and Walkthrough Workshops delivers high quality content for all skill levels. Packet Detective and Packet Inspector offers hands-on exercises to help anyone develop or improve their Packet-Fu. WoSDJCo has some of the hottest DJs at con spinning live for your enjoyment. Finally... Capture The Packet, the ultimate cyber defense competition that has been honored by DEF CON as a black badge event for seven of the eight years of it’s run.
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PLV - Policy Village

PLV Village: Talk List
Sched Page:
DC Village Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 224-227 ( - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @DEFCONPolicy

Hackers are early users and abusers of technology, and that technology is now critical to modern life. As governments make policy decisions about technology Hackers, researchers and academics need to be part of that conversation before decisions are made, not after policies are implemented. To do that DEF CON is a place for everyone on the policy and technology spectrum to interact, learn from each other, and improve technology.

Policy will build connections across and between technical and policy experts and provide opportunities for attendees interested
in learning more about how policy and technology intersect and to examine the challenges at this intersection.

Our Policy program will consist of Main stage presentation and panels, daytime sessions in our policy track, and some
evening lounges that will provide an off the record and more intimate setting to have policy-focused conversation

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PSV - Physical Security Village

PSV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 201-202 (Physical Security Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @bypassvillage
   TI @bypassvillage
Click image for larger version  Name:	LockBypassVillageLogo_HD.png Views:	0 Size:	33.2 KB ID:	240741

Expect hours of operation at DEF CON:
* Friday: 11:00-18:00
* Saturday: 10:00-19:00
* Sunday: 10:00-13:00

The Physical Security Village (formerly the Lock Bypass Village) explores the world of hardware bypasses and techniques generally outside of the realm of cyber-security and lockpicking. Come learn some of these bypasses, how to fix them, and have the opportunity to try them out for yourself.

We’ll be covering the basics, like the under-the-door-tool and latch slipping attacks, as well as an in depth look at more complicated bypasses. Learn about elevator hacking, attacking alarm systems at the sensor and communication line, and cut-away and display models of common hardware to show how it works on the inside.

Looking for a challenge? Show us you can use lock bypass to escape from a pair of standard handcuffs in under 30 seconds and receive a prize!

How will you or your village contribute a new perspective to the content at DEF CON?

The Physical Security Village (formerly the Lock Bypass Village) is almost 100% hands on and is one of the only villages that has content about physical security. We strive to develop new content on a yearly basis to retain the interest of new and existing participants. This year we will be rebuilding all of our door displays to improve the production value, we will also have new displays that capture elevator security, double doors (with a deadbolt), forcible entry, some content on Access controls/Wiegand/RFID cloning, and other subjects.
Door Display Lines of people ready practicing bbypssing mounted locks

- ELectronic door mag-stripe

- Door Displays

- Example Talk, Speaker Karen

- Logo

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PT - Paid Training

PT Village: Talk List
Home Page:

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PWV - Password Village

PWV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 218-219 (Password Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @PasswordVillage
   TI @passwordvillage
   YT link
Click image for larger versionName:	image_2536.jpgViews:	677Size:	57.0 KBID:	240941


The Password Village provides training, discussion, and hands-on access to hardware and techniques utilized in modern password cracking, with an emphasis on how password cracking relates to your job function and the real world . No laptop? No problem! Feel free to use one of our terminals to access a pre-configured GPGPU environment to run password attacks against simulated real-world passwords. Village staff and expert volunteers will be standing by to assist you with on-the-spot training and introductions to Hashcat, as well as other FOSS cracking applications. Already a password cracking aficionado? Feel free to give a lightning talk, show off your skills, help a n00b learn the basics, or engage in riveting conversation with other password crackers.
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PYV - Payment Village

PYV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Virtual - Payment Village
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @paymentvillage
   TI @paymentvillage
   YT link
[Image to be added later]


Payment technologies are an integral part of our lives, yet few of us know much about them. Have you ever wanted to learn how payments work? Do you know how criminals bypass security mechanisms on Point of Sales terminals, ATM’s and digital wallets?

Payment technologies are an integral part of our lives, yet few of us know much about them. Have you ever wanted to learn how payments work? Do you know how criminals bypass security mechanisms on Point of Sales terminals, ATM’s and digital wallets? Come to the Payment Village and learn about the history of payments. We’ll teach you how hackers gain access to banking endpoints, bypass fraud detection mechanisms, and ultimately, grab the money!

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QCV - Queercon

QCV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Social Media Links:
   TW @Queercon
   FB @126504813280

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QTV - Quantum Village

QTV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 217 (Quantum Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @quantum_village
Click image for larger versionName:	Qvillagejpg.jpgViews:	754Size:	11.5 KBID:	240895

Village's twitter Handle: @quantum_village

Official web address/URL:

CFP Link: Coming Soon.

Have you heard about ‘Q-Day’? Or perhap had someone tell you that ‘Quantum is coming!’ - well, they were right! Quantum Village is here! QV is a place to Engage, Explore, Discover, and Discuss ‘Quantum Information Science & Technology’ (QIST) from the hacker’s point of view. Free from ‘quantum woo’ and sales pitches we have activities, talks, seminars, badges, stickers, and more for people to learn about this new and fast growing part of tech. From talks for experts to workshops for the newbie, if you want to get quantum aware we have something for you!

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RCV - Recon Village

RCV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: LINQ - 3rd flr - Social B and C (Recon Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @ReconVillage
   FB @reconvillage
Recon Village
Returning for DC30!
DC29 Forum:
Recon VIllage Icon

Twitter: /
DEF CON Discord Channel
Recon Village is an Open Space with Talks, Live Demos, Workshops, Discussions, CTFs, etc. with a common focus on Reconnaissance. The core objective of this village is to spread awareness about the importance of reconnaissance, open-source intelligence (OSINT), and demonstrating how even small information about a target can cause catastrophic damage to individuals and organizations.

We will have our Jeopardy Style OSINT CTF Contest again. The challenges will be around harvesting information about target organizations, their employee's social media profiles, their public svn/gits, password breach dumps, darknet, paste(s), etc. followed by active exploitation, bug hunting, investigation, and pentest scenarios of virtual targets. All the target organizations, employees, servers, etc. will be created by our team and hence will not attract any legal issues.

Similar to the last year, there will be Awesome rewards for CTF winners, along with free t-shirts, stickers, village coins, and other schwag which attendees can grab and show off.
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RFV - Radio Frequency Village

RFV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Flamingo - Eldorado Ballroom (Radio Frequency Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @rfhackers
   TW @rf_ctf
Click image for larger versionName:	image_1794.jpgViews:	800Size:	6.1 KBID:	240936


(Formerly the Wireless Village)
Returning for DC30!

RF Hackers Sanctuary presents: The Radio Frequency Village at DEF CON .

After 14 years of evolution, from the WiFi Village, to the Wireless
Village, RF Hackers Sanctuary presents: The Radio Frequency Village at

The Radio Frequency Village is an environment where people come to learn about the security of radio frequency (RF) transmissions, which includes wireless technology, applications of software defined radio (SDR), Bluetooth (BT), Zigbee, WiFi, Z-wave, RFID, IR and other protocols within the usable RF spectrum. As a security community we have grown beyond WiFi, and even beyond Bluetooth and Zigbee.

The RF Village includes talks on all manner of radio frequency command and control as well as communication systems. While everyone knows about the WiFi and Bluetooth attack surfaces, most of us rely on many additional technologies every day. RF Hackers Sanctuary is supported by a group of experts in the area of information security as it relates to RF technologies. RF Hackers Sanctuary’s common purpose is to provide an environment in which participants may explore these technologies with a focus on improving their skills through offense and defense. These learning environments are provided in the form of guest speakers, panels, and Radio Frequency Capture the Flag games, to promote learning on cutting edge topics as it relates to radio communications. We promise to still provide free WiFi.

Speaker and contest schedule can be found on our website:

Co-located with the RF Village is the RF Capture the Flag. Come for
the talks, stay for the practice and the competition.
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RHV - Retail Hacking Village

RHV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 310, 320 (Retail Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @RetailHacking
Click image for larger version  Name:	Logo_V4.png Views:	0 Size:	1.8 KB ID:	242050

Have you ever wondered about the inner workings of point of sale systems, remote pricing handsets, and wireless wheel locking systems?

Then the Retail Hacking Village is for you!

Here you can test and hack various retail devices - all in the name of security research.

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ROV - Rogues Village

ROV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: LINQ - 3rd flr - Evolution (Rogues Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @RoguesVillage
   TI @roguesvillage
   TW @foursuits_co

Returning for DC30!
DC29 Forum:

DEF CON Discord Channel
Rogues Village icon or logo

Rogues Village is a place to explore alternative approaches and uses for security concepts, tools, and techniques by looking to non-traditional areas of knowledge. Incorporating expertise from the worlds of magic, sleight of hand, con games, and advantage play, this village has a special emphasis on the overlap between Social Engineering, Physical Security, and Playful Mischief.

Because we specialize in non-traditional approaches, Rogues Village can be an excellent entry point for people with a less established background in the security space. By introducing and engaging with existing topics in innovative, relatable, and frequently hands-on ways, they can become easier for people to approach and pick up for the first time.

Additionally, we are one of the few villages with a view that explicitly extends beyond the security space, meaning our perspective will necessarily include influences, ideas, and inspirations that are unique to Rogues Village.
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RTV - Red Team Village

RTV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: Flamingo - Mesquite Ballroom (Red Team Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @RedTeamVillage_
   TI @redteamvillage
[Image to be added later]


CFP: Coming Soon!

The Red Team Village is focused on training the art of critical thinking, collaboration, and strategy in offensive security. The RTV brings together information security professionals to share new tactics and techniques in offensive security. Hundreds of volunteers from around the world generate and share content with other offensively minded individuals in our workshops, trainings, talks, and conferences.

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SEV - Social Engineering Village

SEV Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: LINQ - 3rd flr - Social A (Social Engineering Community) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 19:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @sec_defcon
[Image/Logo/Iconography coming later]

The Social Engineering Community is formed by a group of individuals who have a passion to enable people of all ages and backgrounds interested in Social Engineering with a venue to learn, discuss, and practice this craft. We plan to use this opportunity at DEF CON to present a community space that offers those elements through panels, presentations, research opportunities, and contests in order to act as a catalyst to foster discussion, advance the craft and create a space for individuals to expand their network. SEC Village plans to accomplish the above by bringing together passionate individuals to have a shared stake in building this community.

For more information on our village stay tuned by following us at:

Call for Papers is open:

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SKY - SkyTalks - 303

SKY Village: Talk List
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
Location: LINQ - BLOQ (SkyTalks 303) - Map
Hours: Fri: 08:30 - 18:30 - Sat: 08:30 - 18:30 - Sun: 08:30 - 14:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @dcskytalks
   FB @Skytalks
303 Skytalks

Since DEF CON 16, Skytalks has been proud to bring you Old School DEF CON in a non-recorded, off-the-record track. Talks include technical deep dives, off-the-beaten path discussions, name-and-shame rants, cool technology projects, and plenty of shenanigans. We pride ourselves on a simple creed: “No recording. No photographs. No bullshit.

Twitter: @dcskytalks

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SOC - Social Activities: Parties/Meetups

SOC Village: Talk List

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TEV - Tamper Evidence Village

TEV Village: Talk List
DC Forums Page:
Location: Summit BR 201-205, 235 Summit-Forum Pre-Fun 3 - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00

Tamper-evident" refers to a physical security technology that provides evidence of tampering (access, damage, repair, or replacement) to determine authenticity or integrity of a container or object(s). In practical terms, this can be a piece of tape that closes an envelope, a plastic detainer that secures a hasp, or an ink used to identify a legitimate document. Tamper-evident technologies are often confused with "tamper resistant" or "tamper proof" technologies which attempt to prevent tampering in the first place. Referred to individually as "seals," many tamper technologies are easy to destroy, but a destroyed (or missing) seal would provide evidence of tampering! The goal of the TEV is to teach attendees how these technologies work and how many can be tampered with without leaving evidence.

The Tamper-Evident Village includes the following contests and events:
(A change to this content may appear soon.)
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VMV - Voting Village

VMV Village: Talk List
Sched Page:
DC Forums Page:
DC Discord Chan:
Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 313-314, 320 (Voting Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Social Media Links:
   TW @votingvillagedc
   YT link
Voting Village
Returning for DC30!
DC29 Forum:
Voting Village Icon

DEF CON Discord Channel

Voting Village explores voting machines, systems, and databases and works to promote a more secure democracy.

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WS - DEF CON Workshops

WS Village: Talk List
Home Page:

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Talk/Event Schedule


This Schedule is tentative and may be changed at any time. Check at an Info Booth for the latest.


Thursday - 00:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -


Thursday - 01:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -


Thursday - 02:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -


Thursday - 03:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -


Thursday - 04:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -


Thursday - 05:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -


Thursday - 06:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -


Thursday - 07:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -
DC - Human Registration Open


Thursday - 08:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -


Thursday - 09:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - cont...(00:00-09:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(08:00-14:30 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
PYV - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
WS - The Purple Malware Development Approach - Mauricio Velazco,Olaf Hartong
WS - Network Hacking 101 - Ben Kurtz,Victor Graf
WS - Protect/hunt/respond with Fleet and osquery - Guillaume Ross,Kathy Satterlee
WS - Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark - How this stuff really works - Chris Greer


Thursday - 10:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(08:00-14:30 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - The Purple Malware Development Approach - Mauricio Velazco,Olaf Hartong
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Network Hacking 101 - Ben Kurtz,Victor Graf
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Protect/hunt/respond with Fleet and osquery - Guillaume Ross,Kathy Satterlee
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark - How this stuff really works - Chris Greer


Thursday - 11:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(08:00-14:30 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - The Purple Malware Development Approach - Mauricio Velazco,Olaf Hartong
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Network Hacking 101 - Ben Kurtz,Victor Graf
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Protect/hunt/respond with Fleet and osquery - Guillaume Ross,Kathy Satterlee
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark - How this stuff really works - Chris Greer


Thursday - 12:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
CON - The Gold Bug – Crypto and Privacy Village Puzzle -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(08:00-14:30 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Friends of Bill W -
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - The Purple Malware Development Approach - Mauricio Velazco,Olaf Hartong
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Network Hacking 101 - Ben Kurtz,Victor Graf
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Protect/hunt/respond with Fleet and osquery - Guillaume Ross,Kathy Satterlee
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark - How this stuff really works - Chris Greer


Thursday - 13:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(08:00-14:30 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe


Thursday - 14:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(08:00-14:30 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
WS - Introduction to Software Defined Radios and RF Hacking - Rich
WS - Pentesting Industrial Control Systems 101: Capture the Flag! - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - House of Heap Exploitation - Zachary Minneker,Maxwell Dulin,Kenzie Dolan,Nathan Kirkland
WS - Introduction to Azure Security - Nishant Sharma,Jeswin Mathai


Thursday - 15:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-15:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest -
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Introduction to Software Defined Radios and RF Hacking - Rich
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Pentesting Industrial Control Systems 101: Capture the Flag! - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - House of Heap Exploitation - Zachary Minneker,Maxwell Dulin,Kenzie Dolan,Nathan Kirkland
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Introduction to Azure Security - Nishant Sharma,Jeswin Mathai


Thursday - 16:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-16:59 PDT) - ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ -
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DDV - DDV (Data Duplication Village) starts accepting drives for duplication -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Queercon Mixer -
SOC - Toxic BBQ -
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Introduction to Software Defined Radios and RF Hacking - Rich
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Pentesting Industrial Control Systems 101: Capture the Flag! - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - House of Heap Exploitation - Zachary Minneker,Maxwell Dulin,Kenzie Dolan,Nathan Kirkland
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Introduction to Azure Security - Nishant Sharma,Jeswin Mathai


Thursday - 17:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DDV - cont...(16:00-18:59 PDT) - DDV (Data Duplication Village) starts accepting drives for duplication -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(16:00-17:59 PDT) - Queercon Mixer -
SOC - Friends of Bill W -
SOC - cont...(16:00-21:59 PDT) - Toxic BBQ -
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Introduction to Software Defined Radios and RF Hacking - Rich
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Pentesting Industrial Control Systems 101: Capture the Flag! - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - House of Heap Exploitation - Zachary Minneker,Maxwell Dulin,Kenzie Dolan,Nathan Kirkland
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Introduction to Azure Security - Nishant Sharma,Jeswin Mathai


Thursday - 18:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DDV - cont...(16:00-18:59 PDT) - DDV (Data Duplication Village) starts accepting drives for duplication -
SOC - Thursday Opening Party - Entertainment - Archwisp,DJ St3rling,Dr. McGrew,FuzzyNop,Magician Kody Hildebrand,NPC Collective,TRIODE,Ytcracker
SOC - DC702 Pwnagotchi Party -
SOC - cont...(16:00-21:59 PDT) - Toxic BBQ -


Thursday - 19:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(07:00-19:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
SOC - cont...(18:00-20:59 PDT) - DC702 Pwnagotchi Party -
SOC - cont...(16:00-21:59 PDT) - Toxic BBQ -


Thursday - 20:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
SOC - cont...(18:00-20:59 PDT) - DC702 Pwnagotchi Party -
SOC - cont...(16:00-21:59 PDT) - Toxic BBQ -


Thursday - 21:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
SOC - Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment - CodexMafia,DotOrNot,Heckseven,PankleDank,Tavoo
SOC - cont...(16:00-21:59 PDT) - Toxic BBQ -


This Schedule is tentative and may be changed at any time. Check at an Info Booth for the latest.


Friday - 00:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend


Friday - 01:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -


Friday - 02:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -


Friday - 03:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -


Friday - 04:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -


Friday - 05:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -


Friday - 06:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -
SOC - DEF CON Bike Ride "CycleOverride" -


Friday - 07:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -


Friday - 08:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -
DC - Human Registration Open
DC - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
SEV - (08:30-08:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village opens - morning welcome and introduction


Friday - 09:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - (09:30-10:50 PDT) - Automate Detection with Machine Learning  - Gavin Klondike 
ASV - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -
CON - AutoDriving CTF -
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - DCGVR - Welcome reception 👋 -
PYV - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SEV - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SEV - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SKY - (09:30-10:20 PDT) - Combatting sexual abuse with threat intelligence techniques - Aaron DeVera
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
WS - CICD security: A new eldorado - Gauthier Sebaux,Remi Escourrou,Xavier Gerondeau
WS - Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing - Hardik Shah
WS - Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks - Matt Cheung
WS - The Art of Modern Malware Analysis: Initial Infection Malware, Infrastructure, and C2 Frameworks - Aaron Rosenmund,Josh Stroschein,Ryan J Chapman
WS - DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to Forensicating Evil - Michael Register,Michael Solomon


Friday - 10:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - cont...(09:30-10:50 PDT) - Automate Detection with Machine Learning  - Gavin Klondike 
AIV - Opening Remarks on the State of AI & Security  - Brian Pendleton,Sven Cattell
APV - Agility Broke AppSec. Now It's Going to Fix It. - Roy Erlich,Emil Vaagland,Seth Kirschner,Jim Manico
ASV - cont...(09:00-16:59 PDT) - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
ASV - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - Hack-A-Sat Team - 1st Lt Kevin Bernert,Capt Elijah Williams,Rachel Mann,Mark Werremeyer,Mike Walker,Aaron Myrick,Jordan Wiens,Steve Colenzo
ASV - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
AVV - (10:15-10:30 PDT) - Welcome and Introduction - Abhijith B R
AVV - (10:30-11:15 PDT) - How to be the Best Adversary Simulator - Tim MalcomVetter
BHV - Healthcare Policy != Policy - Nina Alli
BHV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - A Capitalist approach to hospital security - Eirick Luraas
BICV - The GACWR Story: Building a Black Owned Cyber Range - GACWR Team ,Jovonni Pharr
BTV - Blue Team Village Opening Ceremony -
BTV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian Live: Eating the Elephant 1 byte at a Time - aviditas,ChocolateCoat
BTV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 1 Endpoint Forensics Walkthrough - Omenscan
BTV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTH: Go Phish: Visualizing Basic Malice - SamunoskeX
CHV - Biometrics system hacking in the age of the smart vehicle - Huajiang "Kevin2600" Chen,Li Siwei
CLV - Cloud Village Opening Note - Jayesh Singh Chauhan
CLV - Automating Insecurity in Azure - Karl Fosaaen
CLV - (10:50-11:30 PDT) - Making the most of Microsoft cloud bug bounty programs: How I made in $65,000 USD in bounties in 2021 - Nestori Syynimaa
CON - (10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -
CON - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - Octopus Game - On-site Sign-in (Mandatory) -
CON - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - Radio Frequency Capture the Flag -
CON - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - The Gold Bug – Crypto and Privacy Village Puzzle -
CON - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - Back to School! Hello RSA... and beyond! - Mike Guirao
DC - Old Malware, New tools: Ghidra and Commodore 64, why understanding old malicious software still matters - Cesare Pizzi
DC - Computer Hacks in the Russia-Ukraine War - Kenneth Geers
DC - (10:30-11:15 PDT) - OopsSec -The bad, the worst and the ugly of APT’s operations security - Tomer Bar
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Panel - "So It's your first DEF CON" - How to get the most out of DEF CON, What NOT to do. - DEF CON Goons
DC - Panel - DEF CON Policy Dept - What is it, and what are we trying to do for hackers in the policy world? - DEF CON Policy Dept,The Dark Tangent
DC - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - Memorial Room Open -
DC - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Keynote - Jayson E. Street
DDV - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - TheAllCommander - Matthew Handy
DL - Access Undenied on AWS - Noam Dahan
DL - Vajra - Your Weapon To Cloud - Raunak Parmar
DL - FISSURE: The RF Framework - Christopher Poore
DL - Zuthaka: A Command & Controls (C2s) integration framework - Lucas Bonastre,Alberto Herrera
GHV - Girls Hack Village Introduction - Tennisha Martin
GHV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - Pause…Push,Pass, Pivot - Mary Chaney
HHV - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - Uwb Security Primer: Rise Of A Dusty Protocol - Göktay Kaykusuz
HHV - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
ICSV - Ohm, how do I get into ICS? - Dennis Skarr,Josephine Hollandbeck,Christine Reid,Erin Cornelius,Kairie Pierce
ICSV - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - Drone Hack -
LPV - (10:15-10:45 PDT) - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
MIV - The hybrid strategies of autocratic states: narrative characteristics of disinformation campaigns in relation to issues of a scientific-health nature - Carlos Galán
PHV - Packet Inspector -
PHV - Packet Detective -
PHV - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - Linux Trainer -
PHV - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - HardWired -
PHV - Wall of Sheep -
PSV - Physical Security Village -
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - Quantum Village Opening Ceremony - Quantum Village Team
RCV - The Future of Collecting Data from the Past: OSINT Now and Beyond - Micah Hoffman
RCV - (10:50-11:35 PDT) - Information Confrontation 2022 – A loud war and a quiet enemy - Luke Richards (Wbbigdave)
RFV - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - RF CTF Kick Off Day 1 - RF Hackers Village Staff
RHV - Human Chip Implants -
SEV - cont...(09:00-11:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SKY - cont...(09:30-10:20 PDT) - Combatting sexual abuse with threat intelligence techniques - Aaron DeVera
SKY - (10:35-11:25 PDT) - Hundreds of incidents, what can we share? - Brenton Morris,Guy Barnhart-Magen
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Election Cyber Security in the National Guard - Brigadier General Teri (Terin) D. Williams
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - CICD security: A new eldorado - Gauthier Sebaux,Remi Escourrou,Xavier Gerondeau
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing - Hardik Shah
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks - Matt Cheung
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - The Art of Modern Malware Analysis: Initial Infection Malware, Infrastructure, and C2 Frameworks - Aaron Rosenmund,Josh Stroschein,Ryan J Chapman
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to Forensicating Evil - Michael Register,Michael Solomon


Friday - 11:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - I’m not Keylogging you! Just some benign data collection for User Behavior Modeling - Harini Kannan 
APV - cont...(10:00-11:15 PDT) - Agility Broke AppSec. Now It's Going to Fix It. - Roy Erlich,Emil Vaagland,Seth Kirschner,Jim Manico
APV - (11:15-13:15 PDT) - Data security and privacy in application security - Eyitayo Alimi
ASV - cont...(09:00-16:59 PDT) - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - That's No Moon -- A Look at the Space Threat Environment - Mike Campanelli
ASV - (11:30-11:55 PDT) - DDS Space Signal Lab - James Pavur
AVV - cont...(10:30-11:15 PDT) - How to be the Best Adversary Simulator - Tim MalcomVetter
AVV - (11:30-13:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - (11:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - (11:30-12:15 PDT) - 'Damn the exploits! Full speed ahead!' How naval fleet tactics redefine cyber operations - Christopher Cottrell
BHV - Where there's a kiosk, there's an escape - Michael Aguilar (v3ga)
BHV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Departmenf of Defense 5G Telemedicine and Medical Training: The Future of Healthcare the Remote Warrior - Paul Young
BICV - Creating More Black Hackers: Growth Systems for Cybersecurity Enthusiasts - Segun Ebenezer Olaniyan
BTV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian Live: Eating the Elephant 1 byte at a Time - aviditas,ChocolateCoat
BTV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 1 Endpoint Forensics Walkthrough - Omenscan
BTV - (11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian: IR - It all starts here, scoping the incident - ChocolateCoat
BTV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTH: Go Phish: Visualizing Basic Malice - SamunoskeX
BTV - (11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTI: Generating Threat Intelligence from an Incident - ttheveii0x,Stephanie G.,l00sid
BTV - Attribution and Bias: My terrible mistakes in threat intelligence attribution - Seongsu Park
BTV - (11:45-12:45 PDT) - Malicious memory techniques on Windows and how to spot them - Connor Morley
BTV - Practical Dark Web Hunting using Automated Scripts - Apurv Singh Gautam
CHV - Getting naughty on CAN bus with CHV Badge - evadsnibor
CLV - cont...(10:50-11:30 PDT) - Making the most of Microsoft cloud bug bounty programs: How I made in $65,000 USD in bounties in 2021 - Nestori Syynimaa
CLV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Shopping for Vulnerabilities - How Cloud Service Provider Marketplaces can Help White and Black Hat Vulnerability Research - Alexandre Sieira
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(00:00-11:59 PDT) - DEF CON MUD -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Octopus Game - On-site Sign-in (Mandatory) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CMD+CTRL -
CON - Beverage Cooling Contraption Contest (BCCC) -
CON - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Radio Frequency Capture the Flag -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CON - The Schemaverse Championship - Practice Round -
CPV - Positive Identification of Least Significant Bit Image Steganography - Michael Pelosi
CPV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - OPAQUE is Not Magic - Steve Thomas
DC - The PACMAN Attack: Breaking PAC on the Apple M1 with Hardware Attacks - Joseph Ravichandran
DC - cont...(10:30-11:15 PDT) - OopsSec -The bad, the worst and the ugly of APT’s operations security - Tomer Bar
DC - (11:30-11:50 PDT) - Running Rootkits Like A Nation-State Hacker - Omri Misgav
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - The Dark Tangent & Mkfactor - Welcome to DEF CON & The Making of the DEF CON Badge - Michael Whiteley (Mkfactor),Katie Whiteley (Mkfactor),The Dark Tangent
DC - cont...(10:00-11:15 PDT) - Panel - DEF CON Policy Dept - What is it, and what are we trying to do for hackers in the policy world? - DEF CON Policy Dept,The Dark Tangent
DC - (11:30-12:15 PDT) - A Policy Fireside Chat with the National Cyber Director - Kim Zetter,Chris Inglis
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Cyber Attack Trends in 2022 - Jon Clay
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - TheAllCommander - Matthew Handy
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - Access Undenied on AWS - Noam Dahan
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - Vajra - Your Weapon To Cloud - Raunak Parmar
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - FISSURE: The RF Framework - Christopher Poore
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - Zuthaka: A Command & Controls (C2s) integration framework - Lucas Bonastre,Alberto Herrera
GHV - Workshop: Intro to CTF - Professor Rogers
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HHV - From Zero To Sao … Or, How Far Does This Rabbit Hole Go? - Bradán Lane
HRV - (11:30-12:30 PDT) - Your Amateur Radio License and You - Justin/InkRF
ICSV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - CRITICAL FINDING: Lessons Learned from Dozens of Industrial Network Architecture Reviews - Miriam Lorbert,Nate Pelz
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - Closing a Security Gap in the Industrial Infrastructure Ecosystem: Under-Resourced Organizations - Dawn Cappelli
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
IOTV - Hacking Product Security Interviews -
IOTV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Hacking Product Security Interviews -
LPV - Medeco cam lock exploit "an old attack made new again" - N∅thing
MIV - cont...(10:00-11:30 PDT) - The hybrid strategies of autocratic states: narrative characteristics of disinformation campaigns in relation to issues of a scientific-health nature - Carlos Galán
MIV - (11:30-13:30 PDT) - Cognitive Security: Human Vulnerabilities, Exploits, & TTPs - Matthew Canham
MIV - (11:30-13:30 PDT) - Detecting the "Fake News" Before It Was Even Written, Media Literacy, and Flattening the Curve of the COVID-19 Infodemic - Preslav Nakov
MIV - (11:30-13:30 PDT) - Uncovering multi-platform misinformation campaigns with Information Tracer - Zhouhan Chen
MIV - (11:30-13:30 PDT) - SimPPL: Simulating Social Networks and Disinformation - Swapneel Mehta
MIV - (11:30-13:30 PDT) - Dazed and Seriously Confused: Analysis of Data Voids & the Disinformation Landscape of Central Asia - Rhyner Washburn
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Bypass 101 - Karen Ng
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - Meet Lucy - Jamie Friel
RCV - cont...(10:50-11:35 PDT) - Information Confrontation 2022 – A loud war and a quiet enemy - Luke Richards (Wbbigdave)
RCV - (11:35-11:59 PDT) - (Not-So-Secret) Tunnel: Digging into Exposed ngrok Endpoints - Eugene Lim
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - RF CTF Kick Off Day 1 - RF Hackers Village Staff
RFV - (11:30-12:30 PDT) - How a weirdly shaped piece of metal pulls cat memes out of thin air - Tyler
RHV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Human Chip Implants -
RHV - Rock the Cash Box - Spicy Wasabi
ROV - Picking Pockets, Picked Apart - James Harrison
RTV - Red Team Village Keynote Panel - John Hammond,Alh4zr3d,Ryan M. Montgomery
SEV - cont...(09:00-11:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SKY - cont...(10:35-11:25 PDT) - Hundreds of incidents, what can we share? - Brenton Morris,Guy Barnhart-Magen
SKY - (11:40-11:59 PDT) - Android, Birthday Cake, Open Wifi... Oh my! - A.Krontab
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - No Starch Press - Book Signing - Craig Smith, The Car Hacker's Handbook
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - CICD security: A new eldorado - Gauthier Sebaux,Remi Escourrou,Xavier Gerondeau
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing - Hardik Shah
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks - Matt Cheung
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - The Art of Modern Malware Analysis: Initial Infection Malware, Infrastructure, and C2 Frameworks - Aaron Rosenmund,Josh Stroschein,Ryan J Chapman
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to Forensicating Evil - Michael Register,Michael Solomon


Friday - 12:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - AI Village Keynote - Keith E. Sonderling 
APV - cont...(11:15-13:15 PDT) - Data security and privacy in application security - Eyitayo Alimi
ASV - cont...(09:00-16:59 PDT) - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - Hackers Help Make My Airline Secure - Deneen Defiore
ASV - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
AVV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(11:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - cont...(11:30-12:15 PDT) - 'Damn the exploits! Full speed ahead!' How naval fleet tactics redefine cyber operations - Christopher Cottrell
AVV - (12:15-12:30 PDT) - Malware Emulation Attack Graphs - Jack Wells
AVV - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - Hacked by Raspberia: Simulating a nationally disruptive attack by a non-existent state actor - Sanne Maasakkers
BHV - Gird your loins: premise and perils of biomanufacturing - Nathan Case
BHV - (12:30-13:30 PDT) - How to stop Surveillance Captalism in Healthcare - Andrea Downing,Jillian Simons,Valencia Robinson
BICV - "The Man" in the Middle - Alexis Hancock
BTV - cont...(11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian: IR - It all starts here, scoping the incident - ChocolateCoat
BTV - cont...(11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTI: Generating Threat Intelligence from an Incident - ttheveii0x,Stephanie G.,l00sid
BTV - cont...(11:45-12:45 PDT) - Malicious memory techniques on Windows and how to spot them - Connor Morley
BTV - cont...(11:00-12:30 PDT) - Practical Dark Web Hunting using Automated Scripts - Apurv Singh Gautam
CHV - Remote Exploitation of Honda Cars - Mohammed Shine
CLV - A ransomware actor looks at the clouds: attacking in a cloud-native way - Jay Chen
CLV - (12:30-13:10 PDT) - Weather Proofing GCP Defaults - Shannon McHale
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CMD+CTRL -
CON - cont...(11:00-14:59 PDT) - Beverage Cooling Contraption Contest (BCCC) -
CON - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - Octopus Game - Individual Phase -
CON - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Radio Frequency Capture the Flag -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - BIC Village Capture The Flag  -
CON - Betting on Your Digital Rights: EFF Benefit Poker Tournament -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - PSA: Doorbell Cameras Have Mics, Too - Matthew Guariglia,Yael Grauer
DC - Avoiding Memory Scanners: Customizing Malware to Evade YARA, PE-sieve, and More - Kyle Avery
DC - One Bootloader to Load Them All - Jesse Michael,Mickey Shkatov
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Glitched on Earth by humans: A Black-Box Security Evaluation of the SpaceX Starlink User Terminal - Lennert Wouters
DC - cont...(11:30-12:15 PDT) - A Policy Fireside Chat with the National Cyber Director - Kim Zetter,Chris Inglis
DC - (12:30-13:15 PDT) - Global Challenges, Global Approaches in Cyber Policy - Gaurav Keerthi,Lily Newman,Pete Cooper
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Exploits and Dragons - Mauro Eldritch,AdanZkx
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - Packet Sender - Dan Nagle
DL - Wakanda Land - Stephen Kofi Asamoah
DL - AzureGoat: Damn Vulnerable Azure Infrastructure - Nishant Sharma,Rachna Umraniya
DL - EMBA - Open-Source Firmware Security Testing - Michael Messner,Pascal Eckmann
DL - Mercury - David McGrew,Brandon Enright
GHV - cont...(11:00-12:30 PDT) - Workshop: Intro to CTF - Professor Rogers
GHV - (12:30-13:30 PDT) - Resumé Review
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - cont...(11:30-12:30 PDT) - Your Amateur Radio License and You - Justin/InkRF
ICSV - Understanding Modbus TCP and the GRACE Console [[Maritime]] - Dave Burke
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - The least secure biometric lock on Earth? - Seth Kintigh
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Cognitive Security: Human Vulnerabilities, Exploits, & TTPs - Matthew Canham
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Detecting the "Fake News" Before It Was Even Written, Media Literacy, and Flattening the Curve of the COVID-19 Infodemic - Preslav Nakov
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Uncovering multi-platform misinformation campaigns with Information Tracer - Zhouhan Chen
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - SimPPL: Simulating Social Networks and Disinformation - Swapneel Mehta
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Dazed and Seriously Confused: Analysis of Data Voids & the Disinformation Landscape of Central Asia - Rhyner Washburn
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - Red Teaming the Open Source Software Supply Chain - Allan Friedman,Aeva Black
PLV - Hacking law is for hackers - how recent changes to CFAA, DMCA, and global policies affect security research - Harley Geiger,Leonard Bailey
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - Pwning Alarm Wires - Bill Graydon
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - An introduction to quantum algorithms - Kathrin Spendier,Mark Jackson
RCV - Not All Who Wander Are Lost: Using OSINT for a Fulfilling Travel Experience - Tracy Z. Maleeff
RCV - (12:45-13:30 PDT) - Stalking Back - MasterChen
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - cont...(11:30-12:30 PDT) - How a weirdly shaped piece of metal pulls cat memes out of thin air - Tyler
RFV - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - Intro guide to keyfob hacking - Woody
RHV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Human Chip Implants -
ROV - (12:30-13:30 PDT) - Catch the Cheat - Four Suits Co
RTV - Dip Your Toes in Infrastructure Testing: A Hands on Workshop Focusing on the Things CTF's Don't Teach - Andrew Sutters,Jules Rigaudie
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - Cold Calls -
SKY - The Richest Phisherman in Colombia - Matt Mosley,Nick Ascoli
SKY - (12:45-13:35 PDT) - Taking Down the Grid - Joe Slowik
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - No Starch Press - Book Signing - Jasper van Woudenberg, Hardware Hacking Handbook
SOC - Friends of Bill W -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - The State of Election Security Training - Jerome Lovato
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - CICD security: A new eldorado - Gauthier Sebaux,Remi Escourrou,Xavier Gerondeau
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing - Hardik Shah
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks - Matt Cheung
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - The Art of Modern Malware Analysis: Initial Infection Malware, Infrastructure, and C2 Frameworks - Aaron Rosenmund,Josh Stroschein,Ryan J Chapman
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to Forensicating Evil - Michael Register,Michael Solomon


Friday - 13:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition Launch - Hyrum Anderson 
APV - cont...(11:15-13:15 PDT) - Data security and privacy in application security - Eyitayo Alimi
APV - (13:45-14:45 PDT) - Hacking 8+ million websites - Ethical dilemmas when bug hunting and why they matter - Rotem Bar
ASV - cont...(09:00-16:59 PDT) - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - Cyber Star© Competition Presented by The Space ISAC -
ASV - Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session -
ASV - Cyber Star Card Game Tutorial - Rick White
ASV - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - (13:30-13:55 PDT) - Securing the Future of Aviation CyberSecurity - Timothy Weston
AVV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(11:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - (13:15-13:45 PDT) - Balancing the Scales of Just-Good-Enough - Frank Duff,Ian Davila
BHV - cont...(12:30-13:30 PDT) - How to stop Surveillance Captalism in Healthcare - Andrea Downing,Jillian Simons,Valencia Robinson
BHV - (13:30-13:59 PDT) - DIY Medicine With Unusual Uses for Existing FDA-Approved Drugs - Mixæl S. Laufer
BTV - Obsidian Forensics: KillChain1 - Adventures in Splunk and Security Onion - Wes Lambert,ExtremePaperClip,Omenscan
BTV - Obsidian: IR - Mise En Place for Investigations - ChocolateCoat,aviditas,CountZ3r0
BTV - Obsidian CTH: Hunting for Adversary's Schedule - Cyb3rHawk
BTV - Improving security posture of MacOS and Linux with Azure AD - Michael Epping,Mark Morowczynski
BTV - Ransomware ATT&CK and Defense - Daniel Chen,Esther Matut,Ronny Thammasathiti,Nick Baker,Ben Hughes
CHV - RFCommotion - Invisible Serial Ports Flying Through the Air - Kamel
CLV - cont...(12:30-13:10 PDT) - Weather Proofing GCP Defaults - Shannon McHale
CLV - Security at Every Step: The TL;DR on Securing Your AWS Code Pipeline - Cassandra Young (muteki)
CLV - (13:40-14:20 PDT) - Sponsored Talk
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CMD+CTRL -
CON - cont...(11:00-14:59 PDT) - Beverage Cooling Contraption Contest (BCCC) -
CON - cont...(12:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Radio Frequency Capture the Flag -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(12:00-14:59 PDT) - BIC Village Capture The Flag  -
CON - cont...(12:00-14:59 PDT) - Betting on Your Digital Rights: EFF Benefit Poker Tournament -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - Reflections on 9 Years of CPV - Whitney Merrill
CPV - (13:30-13:59 PDT) - How to Respond to Data Subject Access Requests - Irene Mo
DC - Backdooring Pickles: A decade only made things worse - ColdwaterQ
DC - (13:30-13:50 PDT) - Weaponizing Windows Syscalls as Modern, 32-bit Shellcode - Tarek Abdelmotaleb,Dr. Bramwell Brizendine
DC - You’re <strike>Muted</strike>Rooted - Patrick Wardle
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Emoji Shellcoding: 🛠️, 🧌, and 🤯 - Georges-Axel Jaloyan,Hadrien Barral
DC - cont...(12:30-13:15 PDT) - Global Challenges, Global Approaches in Cyber Policy - Gaurav Keerthi,Lily Newman,Pete Cooper
DC - (13:30-14:15 PDT) - A Policy Fireside Chat with Jay Healey - Jason Healey,Fahmida Rashid
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - How to Start and Run a Group - Xray
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DDV - How long do hard drives and SSDs live, and what can they tell us along the way? - Andrew Klein
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - Packet Sender - Dan Nagle
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - Wakanda Land - Stephen Kofi Asamoah
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - AzureGoat: Damn Vulnerable Azure Infrastructure - Nishant Sharma,Rachna Umraniya
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - EMBA - Open-Source Firmware Security Testing - Michael Messner,Pascal Eckmann
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - Mercury - David McGrew,Brandon Enright
GHV - cont...(12:30-13:30 PDT) - Resumé Review
GHV - (13:30-14:30 PDT) - Leading the Way - Alshlon Banks,Eric Belardo,Monique Head,Rebekah Skeete,Yatia Hopkins,Mari Galloway,Tennisha Martin
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HHV - Reversing An M32C Firmware – Lesson Learned From Playing With An Uncommon Architecture - Philippe Laulheret
HRV - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
ICSV - The USCG's Maritime Cybersecurity Strategy [[maritime]] - RADM John Mauger
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Cognitive Security: Human Vulnerabilities, Exploits, & TTPs - Matthew Canham
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Detecting the "Fake News" Before It Was Even Written, Media Literacy, and Flattening the Curve of the COVID-19 Infodemic - Preslav Nakov
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Uncovering multi-platform misinformation campaigns with Information Tracer - Zhouhan Chen
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - SimPPL: Simulating Social Networks and Disinformation - Swapneel Mehta
MIV - cont...(11:30-13:30 PDT) - Dazed and Seriously Confused: Analysis of Data Voids & the Disinformation Landscape of Central Asia - Rhyner Washburn
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - cont...(12:00-13:45 PDT) - Red Teaming the Open Source Software Supply Chain - Allan Friedman,Aeva Black
PLV - cont...(12:00-13:45 PDT) - Hacking law is for hackers - how recent changes to CFAA, DMCA, and global policies affect security research - Harley Geiger,Leonard Bailey
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (13:30-13:59 PDT) - RFID Hacking 101 - Ege F
PWV - Hacking Hashcat - Ray “Senpai” Morris
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
RCV - cont...(12:45-13:30 PDT) - Stalking Back - MasterChen
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - Wardriving 101 - or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bad Fuel Economy and High Gas Prices - Raker
RFV - (13:30-13:59 PDT) - Keeping Your Distance: Pwning  RFID Physical Access Controls From 6FT and Beyond - Daniel Goga,Langston Clement (aka sh0ck)
RHV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Human Chip Implants -
ROV - cont...(12:30-13:30 PDT) - Catch the Cheat - Four Suits Co
RTV - cont...(12:00-15:59 PDT) - Dip Your Toes in Infrastructure Testing: A Hands on Workshop Focusing on the Things CTF's Don't Teach - Andrew Sutters,Jules Rigaudie
RTV - Attack and Defend with the Command and Control (C2) Matrix - Jake Williams
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
RTV - Quiet Recon: Gathering everything you need with LDAP and native AD services  - Cory Wolff
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(12:45-13:35 PDT) - Taking Down the Grid - Joe Slowik
SKY - (13:50-14:40 PDT) - Don't Blow A Fuse: Some Truths about Fusion Centres - 3ncr1pt3d
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - No Starch Press - Book Signing - Fotios Chantzis, Paulino Calderon, & Beau Woods, Practical IoT Hacking
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Truly Maligned: How Disinformation Targets Minority Communities to Create Voter Suppression - Nicole Tisdale


Friday - 14:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - The Chaos of Coding with Language Models - Nick Dorion 
APV - cont...(13:45-14:45 PDT) - Hacking 8+ million websites - Ethical dilemmas when bug hunting and why they matter - Rotem Bar
APV - (14:45-16:45 PDT) - Hands-on threat modeling - Chris Romeo
ASV - cont...(09:00-16:59 PDT) - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - cont...(13:00-14:59 PDT) - Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session -
ASV - cont...(13:00-14:59 PDT) - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - Final Boarding Call for Cyber Policy Airlines Flight 443 - Ayan Islam,Mary Brooks,Olivia Stella,Rebecca Ash
AVV - cont...(11:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - Master of Puppets: How to tamper the EDR? - Daniel Feichter
AVV - (14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - (14:40-14:59 PDT) - Exotic data exfiltration - Jean-Michel Amblat
BHV - (14:30-15:59 PDT) - How to have an extraterrestrial conversation. Active METI Principles and Hackathon! - Chris Richardson,Éanna Doyle
BICV - DEI in Cybersecurity (Breaking through the barrier, behind the barrier... behind the barrier) - Damian Grant
BTV - Obsidian CTH Live: Killchain 1 Walkthrough -
BTV - Obsidian Forensics: The Importance of Sysmon for Investigations - ExtremePaperClip
BTV - Obsidian REM: Long Walks On The Beach: Analyzing Collected PowerShells - Alison N
BTV - (14:15-15:15 PDT) - Lend me your IR's! - Matt Scheurer
BTV - cont...(13:00-14:30 PDT) - Ransomware ATT&CK and Defense - Daniel Chen,Esther Matut,Ronny Thammasathiti,Nick Baker,Ben Hughes
CHV - Security like the 80's: How I stole your RF - Ayyappan Rajesh
CHV - (14:30-15:10 PDT) - Integrating mileage clocking and other hacking equipment into a vehicle simulator rig - David Rogers
CLV - cont...(13:40-14:20 PDT) - Sponsored Talk
CLV - (14:20-14:50 PDT) - Flying Under Cloud Cover: Built-in Blind Spots in Cloud Security - Noam Dahan
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CMD+CTRL -
CON - cont...(11:00-14:59 PDT) - Beverage Cooling Contraption Contest (BCCC) -
CON - cont...(12:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - Hack3r Runw@y  -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(12:00-14:59 PDT) - BIC Village Capture The Flag  -
CON - cont...(12:00-14:59 PDT) - Betting on Your Digital Rights: EFF Benefit Poker Tournament -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - Securing and Standardizing Data Rights Requests with a Data Rights Protocol - Dazza Greenwood,Ginny Fahs,Ryan Rix
CPV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - The Multiverse of Madness: Navigating the 50-State Approach to Privacy and Security - Anthony Hendricks
DC - Process injection: breaking all macOS security layers with a single vulnerability - Thijs Alkemade
DC - Phreaking 2.0 - Abusing Microsoft Teams Direct Routing - Moritz Abrell
DC - (14:30-15:15 PDT) - Trace me if you can: Bypassing Linux Syscall Tracing - Rex Guo,Junyuan Zeng
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Space Jam: Exploring Radio Frequency Attacks in Outer Space - James Pavur
DC - cont...(13:30-14:15 PDT) - A Policy Fireside Chat with Jay Healey - Jason Healey,Fahmida Rashid
DC - (14:30-15:15 PDT) - Leak The Planet: Veritatem cognoscere non pereat mundus - Xan North,Emma Best
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Advanced Packet Wrangling with tcpdump - Scribbles
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - CyberPeace Builders - Adrien Ogee
DL - AWSGoat : A Damn Vulnerable AWS Infrastructure - Jeswin Mathai,Sanjeev Mahunta
DL - AADInternals: The Ultimate Azure AD Hacking Toolkit - Nestori Syynimaa
DL - PCILeech and MemProcFS - Ulf Frisk,Ian Vitek
DL - Badrats: Initial Access Made Easy - Kevin Clark,Dominic “Cryillic” Cunningham
GHV - cont...(13:30-14:30 PDT) - Leading the Way - Alshlon Banks,Eric Belardo,Monique Head,Rebekah Skeete,Yatia Hopkins,Mari Galloway,Tennisha Martin
GHV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - First Year in Cyber - Crystal Phinn,T. Halloway
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HHV - Movie-Style Hardware Hacking - Bryan C. Geraghty
HRV - cont...(13:00-15:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - Exposing aberrant network behaviors within ICS environments using a Raspberry Pi - Chet Hosmer,Mike Raggo
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - cont...(13:00-16:59 PDT) - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - The Right Way To Do Wrong: Physical security secrets of criminals and professionals alike - Patrick McNeil
MIV - (14:30-15:59 PDT) - Multi-Stakeholder Online Harm Threat Analysis - Jennifer Mathieu
MIV - (14:30-15:59 PDT) - FARA and DOJ’s Approach to Disinformation - Adam Hickey
MIV - (14:30-15:59 PDT) - Fireside Chat - Adam Hickey,Jennifer Mathieu
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - Meet the Feds: ONCO Edition
PLV - Emerging Technical Cyber Policy Topics - Kurt Opsahl,Luiz Eduardo,Yan Shoshitaishvili,Yan Zhu
PLV - Emerging Cybersecurity Policy Topics
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - Pwning RFID From 6ft Away - Daniel Goga,Langston Clement (aka sh0ck)
QTV - The Quantum Tech Showcase: From QKD to QRNG Demo - Vikram Sharma
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - Getting started with Meshtastic - aromond
RFV - (14:30-15:30 PDT) - Have a Software Defined Radio? - Design and make your own antennas - Erwin
ROV - False Dealing - Daniel Roy
RTV - cont...(12:00-15:59 PDT) - Dip Your Toes in Infrastructure Testing: A Hands on Workshop Focusing on the Things CTF's Don't Teach - Andrew Sutters,Jules Rigaudie
RTV - Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - Ron Taylor
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - cont...(13:00-15:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(13:50-14:40 PDT) - Don't Blow A Fuse: Some Truths about Fusion Centres - 3ncr1pt3d
SKY - (14:55-15:45 PDT) - Cloud Threat Actors: No longer cryptojacking for fun and profit - Nathaniel Quist
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - No Starch Press - Book Signing - Travis Goodspeed, PoC or GTFO Volume 3
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Information Operations - Bryson Bort,Nicole Tisdale,Trapezoid
WS - Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of C Creatures - Eigentourist
WS - Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows - RCE Edition - Jake Labelle,Phil Young
WS - Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: PLC secure coding practices - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - FROM ZERO TO HERO IN A BLOCKCHAIN SECURITY - Dikla Barda,Oded Vanunu,Roman Zaikin
WS - Securing Smart Contracts - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman


Friday - 15:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - LATMA - Lateral movement analyzer - Gal Sadeh 
APV - cont...(14:45-16:45 PDT) - Hands-on threat modeling - Chris Romeo
ASV - cont...(09:00-16:59 PDT) - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - Ask an Airport CISO - Aakinn Patel
AVV - cont...(11:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - cont...(14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - Building Adversary Chains Like an Operator - David Hunt,Stephan Wampouille
BHV - cont...(14:30-15:59 PDT) - How to have an extraterrestrial conversation. Active METI Principles and Hackathon! - Chris Richardson,Éanna Doyle
BTV - Heavyweights: Threat Hunting at Scale - Sherrod DeGrippo,Ashlee Benge,Jamie Williams,nohackme,Sean Zadig,Ryan Kovar
BTV - cont...(14:15-15:15 PDT) - Lend me your IR's! - Matt Scheurer
BTV - (15:30-16:30 PDT) - Malware Hunting - Discovering techniques in PDF malicious - Filipi Pires
CHV - cont...(14:30-15:10 PDT) - Integrating mileage clocking and other hacking equipment into a vehicle simulator rig - David Rogers
CHV - (15:30-15:55 PDT) - Smart Black Box Fuzzing of UDS CAN - Soohwan Oh,Jonghyuk Song,Jeongho Yang
CLV - Prowler Open Source Cloud Security: A Deep Dive Workshop - Toni de la Fuente
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CMD+CTRL -
CON - cont...(12:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(14:00-15:59 PDT) - Hack3r Runw@y  -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - ID theft insurance - The Emperor’s new clothes? - Per Thorsheim
DC - LSASS Shtinkering: Abusing Windows Error Reporting to Dump LSASS - Asaf Gilboa,Ron Ben Yitzhak
DC - cont...(14:30-15:15 PDT) - Trace me if you can: Bypassing Linux Syscall Tracing - Rex Guo,Junyuan Zeng
DC - (15:30-16:15 PDT) - Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling - James Kettle
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Exploring the hidden attack surface of OEM IoT devices: pwning thousands of routers with a vulnerability in Realtek’s SDK for eCos OS. - Octavio Gianatiempo,Octavio Galland
DC - cont...(14:30-15:15 PDT) - Leak The Planet: Veritatem cognoscere non pereat mundus - Xan North,Emma Best
DC - (15:30-16:15 PDT) - How Russia is trying to block Tor - Roger Dingledine
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Ham Radio is not just for Dinosaurs, Why hackers need an amateur radio license - Giglio
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DDV - No bricks without clay - Data Fusion and Duplication in Cybersecurity - Lior Kolnik
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - CyberPeace Builders - Adrien Ogee
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - AWSGoat : A Damn Vulnerable AWS Infrastructure - Jeswin Mathai,Sanjeev Mahunta
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - AADInternals: The Ultimate Azure AD Hacking Toolkit - Nestori Syynimaa
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - PCILeech and MemProcFS - Ulf Frisk,Ian Vitek
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - Badrats: Initial Access Made Easy - Kevin Clark,Dominic “Cryillic” Cunningham
GHV - Workshop: Network Penetration Testing w HyperQube - Craig Stevenson,Kevin Chapman,Makayla Ferrell,Tennisha Martin
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HHV - Injectyll-Hide: Build-Your-Own Hardware Implants - Jeremy Miller,Jonathan Fischer
HRV - cont...(13:00-15:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
HRV - Hacking Ham Radio: Dropping Shells at 1200 Baud - Rick Osgood
ICSV - Wind Energy Cybersecurity: Novel Environments facing Increased Threats - Meg Egan
ICSV - (15:30-15:59 PDT) - Power Flow 101 for hackers and analysts - Stefan Stephenson-Moe
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - cont...(13:00-16:59 PDT) - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - (15:30-15:45 PDT) - Handcuffs and how they work - Steven Collins
MIV - cont...(14:30-15:59 PDT) - Multi-Stakeholder Online Harm Threat Analysis - Jennifer Mathieu
MIV - cont...(14:30-15:59 PDT) - FARA and DOJ’s Approach to Disinformation - Adam Hickey
MIV - cont...(14:30-15:59 PDT) - Fireside Chat - Adam Hickey,Jennifer Mathieu
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - cont...(14:00-15:59 PDT) - Meet the Feds: ONCO Edition
PLV - cont...(14:00-15:45 PDT) - Emerging Technical Cyber Policy Topics - Kurt Opsahl,Luiz Eduardo,Yan Shoshitaishvili,Yan Zhu
PLV - cont...(14:00-15:45 PDT) - Emerging Cybersecurity Policy Topics
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (15:30-15:59 PDT) - Elevators 101 - Karen Ng
QTV - Debate - QKD -
QTV - (15:30-16:30 PDT) - Quantum Hardware Hacking - Mark C
RCV - The Bug Hunters Methodology – Application Analysis Edition v1.5 - JHaddix
RCV - (15:50-16:25 PDT) - The Richest Phisherman in Colombia - Nick Ascoli
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - cont...(14:30-15:30 PDT) - Have a Software Defined Radio? - Design and make your own antennas - Erwin
RFV - (15:30-15:59 PDT) - WIPS/WIDS Evasion for Rogue Access Points - Eric Escobar
RHV - Mitigating vulnerabilities in two-factor authentication in preventing account takeover - Larsbodian
ROV - (15:30-16:30 PDT) - Secrets of an Advantage Player - RxGamble
RTV - cont...(12:00-15:59 PDT) - Dip Your Toes in Infrastructure Testing: A Hands on Workshop Focusing on the Things CTF's Don't Teach - Andrew Sutters,Jules Rigaudie
RTV - Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - Ron Taylor
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - Omar Santos
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - cont...(13:00-15:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(14:55-15:45 PDT) - Cloud Threat Actors: No longer cryptojacking for fun and profit - Nathaniel Quist
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - (15:30-16:30 PDT) - EFF: Reproductive Justice in the Age of Surveillance - Corynne McSherry,Daly Barnett,India McKinney,Kate Bertash
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of C Creatures - Eigentourist
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows - RCE Edition - Jake Labelle,Phil Young
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: PLC secure coding practices - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - FROM ZERO TO HERO IN A BLOCKCHAIN SECURITY - Dikla Barda,Oded Vanunu,Roman Zaikin
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Smart Contracts - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman


Friday - 16:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - Panel: AI and Hiring Tech - Rachel See
APV - cont...(14:45-16:45 PDT) - Hands-on threat modeling - Chris Romeo
ASV - cont...(09:00-16:59 PDT) - California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - Pen Test Partner Power Hour - Alex Lomas,Ken Munro
AVV - cont...(11:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - cont...(14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(15:00-16:59 PDT) - Building Adversary Chains Like an Operator - David Hunt,Stephan Wampouille
BHV - (16:30-17:59 PDT) - Medical Device Hacking: A hands on introduction - Malcolm Galland,Caleb Davis,Carolyn Majane,Matthew Freilich,Nathan Smith
BICV - The Last Log4Shell Talk You Need - Ochuan Marshall
BTV - Take Your Security Skills From Good to Better to Best! - Tanisha O'Donoghue,Kimberly Mentzell,Neumann Lim (scsideath),Tracy Z. Maleeff,Ricky Banda
BTV - cont...(15:30-16:30 PDT) - Malware Hunting - Discovering techniques in PDF malicious - Filipi Pires
BTV - (16:45-16:59 PDT) - YARA Rules to Rule them All - Saurabh Chaudhary
CHV - (16:30-16:59 PDT) - canTot - a CAN Bus Hacking Framework to Compile Fun Hacks and Vulnerabilities - Jay Turla
CLV - cont...(15:00-16:59 PDT) - Prowler Open Source Cloud Security: A Deep Dive Workshop - Toni de la Fuente
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CMD+CTRL -
CON - cont...(12:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - Once More Unto the Breach: Federal Regulators' Response to Privacy Breaches and Consumer Harms - Alexis Goldstein,Erie Meyer
CPV - (16:45-17:30 PDT) - Owned or pwned? No peekin' or tweakin'! - Nick Vidal,Richard Zak
DC - Wireless Keystroke Injection (WKI) via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - Jose Pico,Fernando Perera
DC - cont...(15:30-16:15 PDT) - Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling - James Kettle
DC - (16:30-17:15 PDT) - A dead man’s full-yet-responsible-disclosure system - Yolan Romailler
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Hacking ISPs with Point-to-Pwn Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) - Gal Zror
DC - cont...(15:30-16:15 PDT) - How Russia is trying to block Tor - Roger Dingledine
DC - (16:30-17:15 PDT) - The Internet’s role in sanctions enforcement: Russia/Ukraine and the future - Bill Woodcock
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Pwning Lazy Admins - Jabbles
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
GHV - cont...(15:00-16:30 PDT) - Workshop: Network Penetration Testing w HyperQube - Craig Stevenson,Kevin Chapman,Makayla Ferrell,Tennisha Martin
GHV - (16:30-16:59 PDT) - TBD - Slammer Musuta
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
ICSV - Research and Deliverables on Utilizing an Academic Hub and Spoke Model to Create a National Network of ICS Institutes - Casey O'Brien
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - cont...(13:00-16:59 PDT) - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
MIV - Tracking Scams and Disinformation by Hacking Link Shorteners - Justin Rhinehart,Sam Curry
MIV - History of Russian Cyber & Information Warfare (2007-Present) - Ryan Westman
MIV - History of the weaponization of social media - Gina Rosenthal
MIV - Information Confrontation 2022 - A loud war and a quiet enemy - Luke Richards (Wbbigdave)
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - Election Security Bridge Building - Michael Ross,Jack Cable,Trevor Timmons
PLV - Moving Regulation Upstream - An Increasing focus on the Role of Digital Service Providers - Jen Ellis,Adam Dobell,Irfan Hemani
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
QTV - cont...(15:30-16:30 PDT) - Quantum Hardware Hacking - Mark C
QTV - (16:30-17:30 PDT) - PQC in the Real World - James Howe
RCV - cont...(15:50-16:25 PDT) - The Richest Phisherman in Colombia - Nick Ascoli
RCV - (16:25-17:10 PDT) - Scanning your way into internal systems via URLScan - Rojan Rijal
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - A Telco Odyssey. 5G SUCI-Cracker & SCTP-Hijacker - Miguel Gallego Vara,Pedro Cabrera
ROV - cont...(15:30-16:30 PDT) - Secrets of an Advantage Player - RxGamble
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web - Corey Ball
RTV - Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - Omar Santos
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - (16:30-16:59 PDT) - Social Engineering the People you Love - Micah Turner
SKY - Automated Trolling for Fun and No Profit - burninator
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Queercon Mixer -
SOC - cont...(15:30-16:30 PDT) - EFF: Reproductive Justice in the Age of Surveillance - Corynne McSherry,Daly Barnett,India McKinney,Kate Bertash
SOC - DC404/DC678/DC770/DC470 (Atlanta Metro) Meetup -
SOC - DEF CON Holland DC3115 & DC3120 Group Meetup -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Open Source Zero Trust Security using Ory Keto - Patrik Neu
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of C Creatures - Eigentourist
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows - RCE Edition - Jake Labelle,Phil Young
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: PLC secure coding practices - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - FROM ZERO TO HERO IN A BLOCKCHAIN SECURITY - Dikla Barda,Oded Vanunu,Roman Zaikin
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Smart Contracts - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman


Friday - 17:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AVV - cont...(11:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - cont...(14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - (17:15-17:15 PDT) - Assessing Cyber Security ROI: Adversary simulation and Purple teaming - Ben Opel,Bryson Bort,Itzik Kotler,Joe Vest
BHV - cont...(16:30-17:59 PDT) - Medical Device Hacking: A hands on introduction - Malcolm Galland,Caleb Davis,Carolyn Majane,Matthew Freilich,Nathan Smith
BTV - Blue Teaming Cloud: Security Engineering for Cloud Forensics & Incident Response - John Orleans,Misstech,Cassandra Young (muteki),KyleHaxWhy
CHV - CANalyse 2.0 : A vehicle network analysis and attack tool. - Kartheek Lade (@0xh3nry),Rahul J
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CMD+CTRL -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Qualifications -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups -
CON - cont...(12:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - EFF Tech Trivia -
CON - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - cont...(16:45-17:30 PDT) - Owned or pwned? No peekin' or tweakin'! - Nick Vidal,Richard Zak
CPV - (17:30-17:59 PDT) - [T]OTPs are not as secure as you might believe - Santiago Kantorowicz
DC - Let's Dance in the Cache - Destabilizing Hash Table on Microsoft IIS - Orange Tsai
DC - cont...(16:30-17:15 PDT) - A dead man’s full-yet-responsible-disclosure system - Yolan Romailler
DC - (17:30-17:50 PDT) - Deanonymization of TOR HTTP hidden services - Ionut Cernica
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Hunting Bugs in The Tropics - Daniel Jensen
DC - cont...(16:30-17:15 PDT) - The Internet’s role in sanctions enforcement: Russia/Ukraine and the future - Bill Woodcock
DC - (17:30-18:15 PDT) - Walk This Way: What Run D.M.C. and Aerosmith Can Teach Us About the Future of Cybersecurity - Jen Easterly,The Dark Tangent
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Starting Threat Hunting with MITRE ATT&CK Framework - Shellt3r
GHV - Imposter Syndrome- The Silent Killer of Motivation - Melissa Miller
GHV - (17:30-17:59 PDT) - Hidden Payloads in Cyber Security - Chantel Sims aka Root
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
ICSV - Why aren’t you automating? - Don C.Weber
ICSV - (17:30-17:59 PDT) - Stop worrying about Nation-States and Zero-Days; let's fix things that have been known for years! - Vivek Ponnada
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - cont...(16:00-17:45 PDT) - Election Security Bridge Building - Michael Ross,Jack Cable,Trevor Timmons
PLV - cont...(16:00-17:45 PDT) - Moving Regulation Upstream - An Increasing focus on the Role of Digital Service Providers - Jen Ellis,Adam Dobell,Irfan Hemani
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - Physical Security Bypasses - redteamwynns
QTV - cont...(16:30-17:30 PDT) - PQC in the Real World - James Howe
RCV - cont...(16:25-17:10 PDT) - Scanning your way into internal systems via URLScan - Rojan Rijal
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - When you're too competitive for your own good - D4rkm4tter,El Kentaro,Grim0us
ROV - DIY Restraint Breaking - Zac
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - Phishing with Empathy: Running Successful Phishing Campaigns without Making Enemies and Irritating People - Brian Markham,SooYun Chung
SEV - (17:30-17:59 PDT) - Socially Engineering the Social Engineers: Understanding Phishing Threats by Engaging with Actors - Crane Hassold
SKY - Deadly Russian Malware in Ukraine - Chris Kubecka
SOC - Meet the Digital Lab at Consumer Reports -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(16:00-17:59 PDT) - Queercon Mixer -
SOC - cont...(16:00-18:59 PDT) - DC404/DC678/DC770/DC470 (Atlanta Metro) Meetup -
SOC - Friends of Bill W -
SOC - cont...(16:00-18:59 PDT) - DEF CON Holland DC3115 & DC3120 Group Meetup -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of C Creatures - Eigentourist
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows - RCE Edition - Jake Labelle,Phil Young
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: PLC secure coding practices - Alexandrine Torrents,Arnaud Soullie
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - FROM ZERO TO HERO IN A BLOCKCHAIN SECURITY - Dikla Barda,Oded Vanunu,Roman Zaikin
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Smart Contracts - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman


Friday - 18:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(10:30-18:30 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(17:00-19:59 PDT) - EFF Tech Trivia -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
DC - Pulling Passwords out of Configuration Manager: Practical Attacks against Microsoft's Endpoint Management Software - Christopher Panayi
DC - Tear Down this Zywall: Breaking Open Zyxel Encrypted Firmware - Jay Lagorio
DC - cont...(08:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Killer Hertz - Chris Rock
DC - cont...(17:30-18:15 PDT) - Walk This Way: What Run D.M.C. and Aerosmith Can Teach Us About the Future of Cybersecurity - Jen Easterly,The Dark Tangent
DC - (18:30-18:50 PDT) - Dragon Tails: Supply-side Security and International Vulnerability Disclosure Law - Trey Herr,Stewart Scott
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - When (Fire)Fox Gets Angry! A Web Browser for Red Teamers - sidepocket
SEV - Ethics, morality & the law -
SOC - cont...(17:00-19:59 PDT) - Meet the Digital Lab at Consumer Reports -
SOC - Black & White Ball - Entertainment - Biolux,Dual Core,Icetre Normal,Keith Meyers,Magician Kody Hildebrand,Miss Jackalope,n0x08,Skittish & Bus
SOC - cont...(16:00-18:59 PDT) - DC404/DC678/DC770/DC470 (Atlanta Metro) Meetup -
SOC - cont...(16:00-18:59 PDT) - DEF CON Holland DC3115 & DC3120 Group Meetup -
SOC - (18:30-21:30 PDT) - Girls Hack Village Meetup: Shoot Your Shot Networking Event -
SOC - Lawyers Meet -


Friday - 19:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(17:00-19:59 PDT) - EFF Tech Trivia -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
PLV - Fireside Policy Chats - Leonard Bailey
PLV - Meet the Feds: CISA Edition (Lounge) - CISA Staff
SOC - cont...(17:00-19:59 PDT) - Meet the Digital Lab at Consumer Reports -
SOC - (19:30-01:59 PDT) - Hacker Karaoke -
SOC - cont...(18:30-21:30 PDT) - Girls Hack Village Meetup: Shoot Your Shot Networking Event -


Friday - 20:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
PLV - cont...(19:00-20:15 PDT) - Fireside Policy Chats - Leonard Bailey
PLV - (20:30-21:45 PDT) - Fireside Policy Chats - Gaurav Keerthi
PLV - Meet the Feds: DHS Edition (Lounge) - DHS Staff
SOC - Movie Night Double Feature - Arrival & Real Genius -
SOC - Hacker Jeopardy -
SOC - Pilots and Hackers Meetup -
SOC - cont...(18:30-21:30 PDT) - Girls Hack Village Meetup: Shoot Your Shot Networking Event -
SOC - BlueTeam Village Party -


Friday - 21:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
PLV - cont...(20:30-21:45 PDT) - Fireside Policy Chats - Gaurav Keerthi
PLV - cont...(20:00-21:59 PDT) - Meet the Feds: DHS Edition (Lounge) - DHS Staff
SOC - cont...(20:00-23:59 PDT) - Movie Night Double Feature - Arrival & Real Genius -
SOC - cont...(20:00-21:59 PDT) - Hacker Jeopardy -
SOC - cont...(20:00-21:59 PDT) - Pilots and Hackers Meetup -
SOC - Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment - CaptHz,DJ Scythe,DJ UNIT 77 [ 0077 : 0077 ],Magik Plan,Tense Future
SOC - cont...(18:30-21:30 PDT) - Girls Hack Village Meetup: Shoot Your Shot Networking Event -
SOC - cont...(20:00-22:59 PDT) - BlueTeam Village Party -


Friday - 22:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
SOC - cont...(20:00-23:59 PDT) - Movie Night Double Feature - Arrival & Real Genius -
SOC - Queercon Party -
SOC - cont...(20:00-22:59 PDT) - BlueTeam Village Party -


Friday - 23:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
SOC - cont...(20:00-23:59 PDT) - Movie Night Double Feature - Arrival & Real Genius -


This Schedule is tentative and may be changed at any time. Check at an Info Booth for the latest.


Saturday - 08:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
SEV - (08:30-08:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village opens - morning welcome and introduction


Saturday - 09:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - Human Registration Open
DC - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - DCGVR - Social Hour -
PYV - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SEV - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - (09:30-10:20 PDT) - Geo-Targeting Live Tweets - Chet Hosmer
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
WS - Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class - Barrett Darnell,Wesley Thurner
WS - Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanced Volatile Memory Analysis for Fun and Profit - Solomon Sonya
WS - Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling - Cam,Eijah
WS - Windows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitives - Paul Laîné,Rohan Durve
WS - CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs (or “The Petting Zoo” - Breaking into CTFs) - Chris Forte,Robert Fitzpatrick


Saturday - 10:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - A few useful things to know about AI Red Teams  - Sudipto Rakshit 
APV - WarTime AppSec - Chris Kubecka
ASV - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - Building Your Own Satellite Ground Station - Eric Escobar
ASV - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - (10:30-10:55 PDT) - Quantum Snake Oil? What Ailments Can It Cure? - Jose Pizarro
AVV - Drag us to Wonder Bad: a tale of how to be good people by capturing credentials and 2FA - Daniel Isler
AVV - (10:30-12:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - (10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
BHV - Space Station Sapians: Health is out of this world - Dr. Josef Schmid
BHV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - Faking Positive COVID Tests - Ken Gannon
BICV - When The "IT" Hits The Fan, Stick To the Plan - Levone Campbell
BTV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian Forensics: KillChain3 - Continued Adventures in Splunk and Security Onion - Wes Lambert,Omenscan,ExtremePaperClip
BTV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian: IR - OODA! An hour in incident responder life - juju43
BTV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTH: Sniffing Compromise: Hunting for Bloodhound - CerealKiller
CLV - OAuth-some Security Tricks: Yet more OAuth abuse - Jenko Hwong
CLV - (10:40-11:20 PDT) - Who Contains the “Serverless” Containers? - Daniel Prizmant
CON - (10:30-11:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 2 -
CON - (10:30-14:30 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - CTF Platform Open for Submissions -
CON - (10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - (10:45-11:30 PDT) - PII: The Privacy Zombie - Alisha Kloc
DC - Scaling the Security Researcher to Eliminate OSS Vulnerabilities Once and For All - Jonathan Leitschuh
DC - Literal Self-Pwning: Why Patients - and Their Advocates - Should Be Encouraged to Hack, Improve, and Mod Med Tech - Cory Doctorow,Christian "quaddi" Dameff MD,Jeff “r3plicant” Tully MD
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Brazil Redux: Short Circuiting Tech-Enabled Dystopia with The Right to Repair - Kyle Wiens,Corynne McSherry,Louis Rossmann,Paul Roberts,Joe Grand
DC - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - Memorial Room Open -
DC - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Building the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline: How to Recruit and Educate the Next Generation of Cyber Warriors - CyberQueenMeg
DDV - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - Empire 4.0 and Beyond - Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose,Anthony "Cx01N" Rose
DL - Memfini - A systemwide memory monitor interface for linux - Shubham Dubey,Rishal Dwivedi
DL - svachal + machinescli - Ankur Tyagi
DL - Injectyll-HIDe: Pushing the Future of Hardware Implants to the Next Level - Jonathan Fischer,Jeremy Miller
DL - EDR detection mechanisms and bypass techniques with EDRSandBlast - Thomas Diot,Maxime Meignan
GHV - Learn The Game, Play The Game, Change the Game - Yatia Hopkins
GHV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - Opportunity Fuels Grit - Tanisha O'Donoghue
HHV - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
ICSV - Industry 4.0 and the MTS of the Future – Convergence, Challenges and Opportunities [[MARITIME]] - Zac Staples
ICSV - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - BURP Suite, Forensics Tools & 0-day Exploit Development. - Ken Pyle
IOTV - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - Drone Hack -
LPV - (10:15-10:45 PDT) - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
MIV - Tools for Fighting Disinformation - Preslav Nakov
MIV - (10:45-12:30 PDT) - Mass Disinformation Operations - How to detect and assess Ops with OSINT & SOCMINT tools and techniques - Paula González Nagore
PHV - Packet Detective -
PHV - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - Linux Trainer -
PHV - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - HardWired -
PHV - Wall of Sheep -
PHV - Packet Inspector -
PLV - Hacking Operational Collaboration - David Forscey,Brianna McClenon,Gavin To,Hristiana Petkova,Seth McKinnis
PLV - Imagining a cyber policy crisis: Storytelling and Simulation for real-world risks - Nina Kollars,Safa Shahwan Edwards,Winnona DeSombre
PSV - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - Bypass 101 - Karen Ng
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - QC 101 workshop - Mark C
RCV - Attack Surface Management Panel - Ben Sadeghipour
RCV - (10:50-11:35 PDT) - FOX STEED: Analysis of a Social Media Identity Laundering Campaign - Shea Nangle
RFV - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - (10:30-11:30 PDT) - RF CTF Kick Off Day 2 - RF Hackers Village Staff
RHV - Human Chip Implants -
RTV - Container and Kubernetes Offense - Michael Mitchell
RTV - Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - Ron Taylor
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - cont...(09:00-11:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(09:30-10:20 PDT) - Geo-Targeting Live Tweets - Chet Hosmer
SKY - (10:35-11:25 PDT) - What your stolen identity did on its CoViD vacation - Judge Taylor
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Dominion ImageCast X CVEs and reflections on CVD for election systems - Assistant Professor Drew Springall
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class - Barrett Darnell,Wesley Thurner
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanced Volatile Memory Analysis for Fun and Profit - Solomon Sonya
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling - Cam,Eijah
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Windows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitives - Paul Laîné,Rohan Durve
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs (or “The Petting Zoo” - Breaking into CTFs) - Chris Forte,Robert Fitzpatrick


Saturday - 11:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - Hands-on Hacking of Reinforcement Learning Systems - Dr. Amanda Minnich 
APV - The Log4J Rollercoaster - from an incident response perspective - Guy Barnhart-Magen,Brenton Morris
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - Cyber Threats Against Aviation Systems: The Only Threat Briefing You Really Need - Teresa Merklin
AVV - cont...(10:30-12:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - Nimbly Navigating a Nimiety of Nimplants: Writing Nim Malware Like The Cool Kids - Cas Van Cooten
BHV - How to Leverage MDS2 Data for Medical Device Security - Jeremy Linden
BHV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - All information should be free (except the brain data you want to keep in your head)  - Isabel Straw
BICV - Cryptocurrency: A Bridge Across the Digital Divide - Stephanie Barnes
BTV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian Forensics: KillChain3 - Continued Adventures in Splunk and Security Onion - Wes Lambert,Omenscan,ExtremePaperClip
BTV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian: IR - OODA! An hour in incident responder life - juju43
BTV - (11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 3 Endpoint Forensics Walkthrough - Omenscan
BTV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTH: Sniffing Compromise: Hunting for Bloodhound - CerealKiller
BTV - (11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTI: Operationalizing Threat Intelligence - l00sid,Stephanie G.,ttheveii0x
BTV - Threat Hunt Trilogy: A Beast in the Shadow! - Dr. Meisam Eslahi
BTV - Web Shell Hunting - Joe Schottman
CLV - cont...(10:40-11:20 PDT) - Who Contains the “Serverless” Containers? - Daniel Prizmant
CLV - (11:20-11:59 PDT) - Purple Teaming & Adversary Emulation in the Cloud with Stratus Red Team - Christophe Tafani-Dereeper
CON - cont...(10:30-11:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Preliminaries -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 2 -
CON - cont...(10:30-14:30 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - CTF Platform Open for Submissions -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - cont...(10:45-11:30 PDT) - PII: The Privacy Zombie - Alisha Kloc
CPV - (11:30-12:30 PDT) - Jailed By a Google Search Part 2: Abortion Surveillance in Post-Roe America - Kate Bertash
DC - No-Code Malware: Windows 11 At Your Service - Michael Bargury
DC - How To Get MUMPS Thirty Years Later (or, Hacking The Government via FOIA'd Code) - Zachary Minneker
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(10:00-11:15 PDT) - Brazil Redux: Short Circuiting Tech-Enabled Dystopia with The Right to Repair - Kyle Wiens,Corynne McSherry,Louis Rossmann,Paul Roberts,Joe Grand
DC - (11:30-12:15 PDT) - Reversing the Original Xbox Live Protocols - Tristan Miller
DC - My First Hack Was in 1958 (Then A Career in Rock’n’Roll Taught Me About Security) - Winn Schwartau
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - How my High School Creative Writing Class Helped Me Become a Better Incident Responder - GyledC
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - Empire 4.0 and Beyond - Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose,Anthony "Cx01N" Rose
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - Memfini - A systemwide memory monitor interface for linux - Shubham Dubey,Rishal Dwivedi
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - svachal + machinescli - Ankur Tyagi
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - Injectyll-HIDe: Pushing the Future of Hardware Implants to the Next Level - Jonathan Fischer,Jeremy Miller
DL - cont...(10:00-11:55 PDT) - EDR detection mechanisms and bypass techniques with EDRSandBlast - Thomas Diot,Maxime Meignan
GHV - What is the Info Sec Color Wheel? - Saman Fatima
GHV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Black in Cybersecurity Research and Education: The Experience of one Black Girl's Journey through Graduate School - Katorah Williams
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
HRV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Ham Nets 101 - Jon Marler
ICSV - Describing Maritime Cyber work roles Using the NICE Framework - Tyson B. Meadors
ICSV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Taking MITRE ATT&CK for ICS to Sea - Tyson B. Meadors
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - BURP Suite, Forensics Tools & 0-day Exploit Development. - Ken Pyle
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Metal and Fire... Copying Keys via Mold and Cast Tactics - Deviant Ollam
MIV - cont...(10:45-12:30 PDT) - Mass Disinformation Operations - How to detect and assess Ops with OSINT & SOCMINT tools and techniques - Paula González Nagore
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PLV - cont...(10:00-11:45 PDT) - Hacking Operational Collaboration - David Forscey,Brianna McClenon,Gavin To,Hristiana Petkova,Seth McKinnis
PLV - cont...(10:00-11:45 PDT) - Imagining a cyber policy crisis: Storytelling and Simulation for real-world risks - Nina Kollars,Safa Shahwan Edwards,Winnona DeSombre
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - Bypass 102 - Karen Ng
PWV - So long, PBKDF2! The end of password-based key derivation - Vivek Nair
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - QML/QNLP workshop/showcase - Thomas Cervoni
RCV - cont...(10:50-11:35 PDT) - FOX STEED: Analysis of a Social Media Identity Laundering Campaign - Shea Nangle
RCV - (11:35-12:10 PDT) - Phonerator, an advanced *valid* phone number generator for your OSINT/SE needs - Martin Vigo
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - cont...(10:30-11:30 PDT) - RF CTF Kick Off Day 2 - RF Hackers Village Staff
RHV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Human Chip Implants -
RHV - Ethical considerations in using digital footprints for verifying identities for online services - Larsbodian
ROV - Juicing & Marking Cards - B
RTV - Container and Kubernetes Offense - Michael Mitchell
RTV - Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - Ron Taylor
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
RTV - Phishing With Phineas (Again) - Steroid Boosted Hack Recreation Workshop - George Karantzas
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - cont...(09:00-11:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(10:35-11:25 PDT) - What your stolen identity did on its CoViD vacation - Judge Taylor
SKY - (11:40-12:30 PDT) - This one time, at this Hospital, I got Ransomware - Eirick Luraas
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Three Time's a Charm: Our Experience at the Public Hacking Trials of the Brazilian Election Systems - Ivo de Carvalho Peixinho
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class - Barrett Darnell,Wesley Thurner
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanced Volatile Memory Analysis for Fun and Profit - Solomon Sonya
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling - Cam,Eijah
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Windows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitives - Paul Laîné,Rohan Durve
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs (or “The Petting Zoo” - Breaking into CTFs) - Chris Forte,Robert Fitzpatrick


Saturday - 12:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - A System for Alert Prioritization - Ben Gelman ,Salma Taoufiq
APV - Implementing E2E multi-client communication (for fun, work or profit) - what could go wrong? - Nicolas Boeckh
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - Introduction to Aircraft Networks and Security Design Considerations - Sean Sullivan
ASV - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
AVV - cont...(10:30-12:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - Control Validation Compass: Intelligence for Improved Security Validation - Scott Small
AVV - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - Python vs Modern Defenses - Diego Capriotti
BHV - Breaking the Intelligence Cycle - how to tailor intelligence function to your needs? - Ohad Zaidenberg
BICV - Decolonizing Cybersecurity - Birhanu Eshete
BTV - cont...(11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 3 Endpoint Forensics Walkthrough - Omenscan
BTV - cont...(11:30-12:30 PDT) - Obsidian CTI: Operationalizing Threat Intelligence - l00sid,Stephanie G.,ttheveii0x
BTV - (12:15-12:45 PDT) - Even my Dad is a Threat Modeler! - Sarthak Taneja
BTV - cont...(11:00-14:59 PDT) - Web Shell Hunting - Joe Schottman
CLV - SquarePhish - Phishing Office 365 using QR Codes and Oauth 2.0 Device Code Flow - Kamron Talebzadeh,Nevada Romsdahl
CLV - (12:30-13:10 PDT) - Security Misconfigurations in the Cloud - "Oh Look, something fluffy, poke, poke, poke" - Kat Fitzgerald
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-14:30 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - CTF Platform Open for Submissions -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CON - The Schemaverse Championship -
CPV - cont...(11:30-12:30 PDT) - Jailed By a Google Search Part 2: Abortion Surveillance in Post-Roe America - Kate Bertash
DC - All Roads leads to GKE's Host : 4+ Ways to Escape - Billy Jheng,Muhammad ALifa Ramdhan
DC - The Evil PLC Attack: Weaponizing PLCs - Sharon Brizinov
DC - (12:30-13:15 PDT) - Analyzing PIPEDREAM: Challenges in testing an ICS attack toolkit. - Jimmy Wylie
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(11:30-12:15 PDT) - Reversing the Original Xbox Live Protocols - Tristan Miller
DC - (12:30-12:50 PDT) - The hitchhacker’s guide to iPhone Lightning & JTAG hacking - stacksmashing
DC - Tracking Military Ghost Helicopters over our Nation's Capital - Andrew Logan
DC - (12:30-13:15 PDT) - UFOs, Alien Life, and the Least Untruthful Things I Can Say. - Richard Thieme
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Fun with bookmarks: From someone who spends way too much time on Twitter - Allen Baranov
DCGVR - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - Careful Who You Colab With: Abusing Google Colaboratory - Antonio Piazza
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - alsanna - Jason Johnson
DL - unblob - towards efficient firmware extraction - Quentin Kaiser,Florian Lukavsky
DL - PMR - PT & VA Management & Reporting - Abdul Alanazi,Musaed Bin Muatred
DL - Defensive 5G - Eric Mair,Ryan Ashley
DL - SharpSCCM - Chris Thompson,Duane Michael
GHV - Exploring Fruadsters Persuasion Strategies on Employment Databases - Tessa Cole
GHV - (12:30-13:30 PDT) - Resumé Review
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - cont...(11:00-17:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - Understanding AIS Protocols and the GRACE Console [[Maritime]] - Gary Kessler
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - BURP Suite, Forensics Tools & 0-day Exploit Development. - Ken Pyle
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Dozier Drill Tournament -
MIV - cont...(10:45-12:30 PDT) - Mass Disinformation Operations - How to detect and assess Ops with OSINT & SOCMINT tools and techniques - Paula González Nagore
MIV - (12:30-13:15 PDT) - Cognitive Security in Theory and Practice - Sara-Jayne Terp
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PLV - Hacking Aviation Policy - Timothy Weston,Ayan Islam,Pete Cooper,Ken Munro,Meg King
PLV - Addressing the gap in assessing (or measuring) the harm of cyberattacks - Adrien Ogee
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - The least secure biometric lock on Earth - Seth Kintigh
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - Why Organizations Must Consider Crypto Agility - Vikram Sharma
RCV - cont...(11:35-12:10 PDT) - Phonerator, an advanced *valid* phone number generator for your OSINT/SE needs - Martin Vigo
RCV - New Frontiers in GitHub Secret Snatching - Tillson Galloway
RCV - (12:55-13:30 PDT) - Finding Hidden Gems In Temporary Mail Services - Berk Can Geyikçi
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RHV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Human Chip Implants -
ROV - (12:30-13:30 PDT) - Verbal Steganography Re-Loaded - Four Suits Co,Jax,Zac
RTV - Container and Kubernetes Offense - Michael Mitchell
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
RTV - Quiet Recon: Gathering everything you need with LDAP and native AD services  - Cory Wolff
RTV - Hacking Active Directory
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - Cold Calls -
SKY - cont...(11:40-12:30 PDT) - This one time, at this Hospital, I got Ransomware - Eirick Luraas
SKY - (12:45-13:35 PDT) - Voter Targeting, Location Data, and You - l0ngrange
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - No Starch Press - Book Signing - Corey Ball, Hacking APIs
SOC - Friends of Bill W -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - United We Stand - Michael Moore,Nate Young
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class - Barrett Darnell,Wesley Thurner
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanced Volatile Memory Analysis for Fun and Profit - Solomon Sonya
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling - Cam,Eijah
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - Windows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitives - Paul Laîné,Rohan Durve
WS - cont...(09:00-12:59 PDT) - CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs (or “The Petting Zoo” - Breaking into CTFs) - Chris Forte,Robert Fitzpatrick


Saturday - 13:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - CatPhish Automation - The Emerging Use of Artificial Intelligence in Social Engineering - Justin Hutchens 
APV - (13:30-14:30 PDT) - Running system tests with active authn/z - Lars Skjorestad
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session -
ASV - Hunting for Spacecraft Zero Days Using Digital Twins - Brandon Bailey
ASV - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
AVV - cont...(10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - Linux Threat Detection with Attack Range - Rod Soto,Teoderick Contreras
BHV - Out of the Abyss: Surviving Vulnerability Management - Leo Nendza,Mike Kijewski
BHV - (13:30-14:30 PDT) - Radical inclusivity and intersectionality in the biohacking world - Berkelly Gonzalez
BICV - State of the Model - GACWR Team ,Jovonni Pharr
BTV - Obsidian CTH Live: Killchain 3 Walkthrough -
BTV - Obsidian: IR - Final Reporting Made Exciting* - aviditas,CountZ3r0
BTV - Obsidian REM: Phishing In The Morning: An Abundance of Samples! - Alison N
BTV - The DFIR Report Homecoming Parade Panel - Kostas,ICSNick - Nicklas Keijser,Ch33r10,nas_bench - Nasreddine Bencherchali,Justin Elze,Jamie Williams
BTV - cont...(11:00-14:59 PDT) - Web Shell Hunting - Joe Schottman
CLV - cont...(12:30-13:10 PDT) - Security Misconfigurations in the Cloud - "Oh Look, something fluffy, poke, poke, poke" - Kat Fitzgerald
CLV - BrokenbyDesign: Azure | Get started with hacking Azure - Ricardo Sanchez,Ricardo Sanchez,Roy Stultiens,Siebren Kraak
CLV - (13:40-14:20 PDT) - us-east-1 Shuffle: Lateral Movement and other Creative Steps Attackers Take in AWS Cloud Environments and how to detect them - Felipe Espósito
CON - (13:30-17:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Main Rounds -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-14:30 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - CTF Platform Open for Submissions -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - Cryptle: a secure multi-party Wordle clone with Enarx - Nick Vidal,Richard Zak,Tom Dohrmann
CPV - (13:45-14:30 PDT) - Exploring Unprecedented Avenues for Data Harvesting in the Metaverse - Gonzalo Munilla Garrido,Vivek Nair
DC - Exploring Ancient Ruins to Find Modern Bugs: Discovering a 0-Day in an MS-RPC Service - Ben Barnea,Ophir Harpaz
DC - cont...(12:30-13:15 PDT) - Analyzing PIPEDREAM: Challenges in testing an ICS attack toolkit. - Jimmy Wylie
DC - (13:30-14:15 PDT) - Do Not Trust the ASA, Trojans! - Jacob Baines
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Chromebook Breakout: Escaping Jail, with your friends, using a Pico Ducky - Jimi Allee
DC - cont...(12:30-13:15 PDT) - UFOs, Alien Life, and the Least Untruthful Things I Can Say. - Richard Thieme
DC - (13:30-14:15 PDT) - HACK THE HEMISPHERE! How we (legally) broadcasted hacker content to all of North America using an end-of-life geostationary satellite, and how you can set up your own broadcast too! - Andrew Green,Karl Koscher
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Security Concerns of the Medical Laboratory - Squiddy
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - alsanna - Jason Johnson
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - unblob - towards efficient firmware extraction - Quentin Kaiser,Florian Lukavsky
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - PMR - PT & VA Management & Reporting - Abdul Alanazi,Musaed Bin Muatred
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - Defensive 5G - Eric Mair,Ryan Ashley
DL - cont...(12:00-13:55 PDT) - SharpSCCM - Chris Thompson,Duane Michael
GHV - cont...(12:30-13:30 PDT) - Resumé Review
GHV - (13:30-14:30 PDT) - Hacking Diversity - Ebony Pierce,Jessica Afeku,Melissa Miller,Rebekah Skeete,Sonju Walker,Tennisha Martin,Tessa Cole,Tracy Z. Maleeff
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HHV - RoboSumo -
HRV - cont...(11:00-17:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
HRV - Getting on the air: My experiences with Ham radio QRP - Jeremy Hong
ICSV - We Promise Not to Brick It... But If We Do... - Marissa Costa,Todd Keller
ICSV - (13:30-13:59 PDT) - Cyber Physical Lab Environment for Maritime Cyber Security - Wesley Andrews
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - BURP Suite, Forensics Tools & 0-day Exploit Development. - Ken Pyle
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - cont...(12:00-13:59 PDT) - Dozier Drill Tournament -
LPV - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
MIV - cont...(12:30-13:15 PDT) - Cognitive Security in Theory and Practice - Sara-Jayne Terp
MIV - (13:15-14:15 PDT) - Examining the urgency of gendered health misinformation online through three case studies - Jenna Sherman
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - cont...(12:00-13:45 PDT) - Hacking Aviation Policy - Timothy Weston,Ayan Islam,Pete Cooper,Ken Munro,Meg King
PLV - cont...(12:00-13:45 PDT) - Addressing the gap in assessing (or measuring) the harm of cyberattacks - Adrien Ogee
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (13:30-13:59 PDT) - RFID Hacking 101 - Ege F
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
RCV - cont...(12:55-13:30 PDT) - Finding Hidden Gems In Temporary Mail Services - Berk Can Geyikçi
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - Antennas for Surveillance - Kent Britain WA5VJB
RHV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Human Chip Implants -
ROV - cont...(12:30-13:30 PDT) - Verbal Steganography Re-Loaded - Four Suits Co,Jax,Zac
RTV - cont...(12:00-15:59 PDT) - Hacking Active Directory
RTV - Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - Ron Taylor
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - Omar Santos
RTV - How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - Scott Brink
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(12:45-13:35 PDT) - Voter Targeting, Location Data, and You - l0ngrange
SKY - (13:50-15:40 PDT) - INTERNET WARS 2022: These wars aren't just virtual - Bryson Bort,Cheryl Biswall,Chris Kubecka,Gadi Evron,Harri Hursti,Jivesx,Russ Handorf
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - No Starch Press - Book Signing - Joe Gray, Practical Social Engineering
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -


Saturday - 14:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - The Use of AI/ML in Offensive Security Operations - Omar Santos,Will Pearce,Will Schroeder
APV - cont...(13:30-14:30 PDT) - Running system tests with active authn/z - Lars Skjorestad
APV - (14:30-15:30 PDT) - No Code Security Review - What should I review in applications without code? - Inaae Kim
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - cont...(13:00-14:59 PDT) - Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session -
ASV - cont...(13:00-14:59 PDT) - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - Vulnerability Assessment of a Satellite Simulator - Henry Haswell
ASV - (14:30-14:55 PDT) - The Emerging Space - Cyber Warfare Theatre - Eytan Tepper
AVV - cont...(10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - The Way of The Adversary - Phillip Wylie
AVV - (14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - (14:45-15:15 PDT) - Down The Rabbit Hole: 10 Lessons Learned from a Year in the Trenches - Andrew Costis
BHV - cont...(13:30-14:30 PDT) - Radical inclusivity and intersectionality in the biohacking world - Berkelly Gonzalez
BHV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - Natural Disasters and International Supply Chains: Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Review - Jorge Acevedo Canabal
BTV - Obsidian Live: May We Have the OODA Loops? - CountZ3r0,juju43
BTV - Obsidian Forensics: Using Chainsaw to Identify Malicious Activity - Danny D. Henderson Jr (B4nd1t0)
BTV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - Obsidian Forensics: Creating a custom Velociraptor collector - Wes Lambert,Omenscan
BTV - Obsidian CTH: The Logs are Gone? - ExtremePaperClip
BTV - (14:15-14:45 PDT) - Hunting Malicious Office Macros - Anton Ovrutsky
BTV - cont...(11:00-14:59 PDT) - Web Shell Hunting - Joe Schottman
CLV - cont...(13:40-14:20 PDT) - us-east-1 Shuffle: Lateral Movement and other Creative Steps Attackers Take in AWS Cloud Environments and how to detect them - Felipe Espósito
CLV - (14:20-14:50 PDT) - Access Undenied on AWS - Troubleshooting AWS IAM AccessDenied Errors - Noam Dahan
CON - cont...(13:30-17:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Main Rounds -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-14:30 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - CTF Platform Open for Submissions -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - cont...(13:45-14:30 PDT) - Exploring Unprecedented Avenues for Data Harvesting in the Metaverse - Gonzalo Munilla Garrido,Vivek Nair
CPV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - The deadly state of surveillance capitalism in healthcare - Andrea Downing,Mike Mittelman,Valencia Robinson
DC - The COW (Container On Windows) Who Escaped the Silo - Eran Segal
DC - cont...(13:30-14:15 PDT) - Do Not Trust the ASA, Trojans! - Jacob Baines
DC - (14:30-15:15 PDT) - Doing the Impossible: How I Found Mainframe Buffer Overflows - Jake Labelle
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - OpenCola. The AntiSocial Network - John Midgley
DC - cont...(13:30-14:15 PDT) - HACK THE HEMISPHERE! How we (legally) broadcasted hacker content to all of North America using an end-of-life geostationary satellite, and how you can set up your own broadcast too! - Andrew Green,Karl Koscher
DC - (14:30-14:50 PDT) - Digging into Xiaomi’s TEE to get to Chinese money - Slava Makkaveev
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - How getting a free phone got me to report critical vulns affecting millions of Android devices - Jonathan Bar Or
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - OpenTDF - Paul Flynn,Cassandra Bailey
DL - Control Validation Compass – Threat Modeling Aide & Purple Team Content Repo - Scott Small
DL - ResidueFree - Logan Arkema
DL - hls4ml - Open Source Machine Learning Accelerators on FPGAs - Ben Hawks,Andres Meza
DL - Xavier Memory Analysis Framework - Solomon Sonya
GHV - cont...(13:30-14:30 PDT) - Hacking Diversity - Ebony Pierce,Jessica Afeku,Melissa Miller,Rebekah Skeete,Sonju Walker,Tennisha Martin,Tessa Cole,Tracy Z. Maleeff
GHV - (14:30-15:59 PDT) - Workshop: Protect the Pi - Girls Hack Village Staff
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - cont...(11:00-17:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - Keeping Beer Cold: Attackers, ICS and Cross-Sector Defense - Tim Chase,Jaquar Harris,John Bryk
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - cont...(13:00-16:59 PDT) - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Please deposit 30c: A history of payphone locks that lead to one of the most secure locks ever made. - N∅thing
MIV - cont...(13:15-14:15 PDT) - Examining the urgency of gendered health misinformation online through three case studies - Jenna Sherman
MIV - (14:15-14:45 PDT) - 404! Memory Holing and the SEO Warping of Human History - Arikia Millikan
MIV - (14:45-15:15 PDT) - Web Monetization: A privacy-preserving and open way to earn from Content - Uchi Uchibeke
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy for a Fragmented Internet - Neal Pollard,Jason Healey,Guillermo Christensen
PLV - Return-Oriented Policy Making for Open Source and Software Security - Trey Herr,Eric Mill,Harry Mourtos
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - Pwning RFID From 6ft Away - Daniel Goga,Langston Clement (aka sh0ck)
QTV - Start now or else! A perspective on transitioning organizations to PQC - David Joseph
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - Biohacking Using SDR When You Don’t Know What You’re Doing - J9
RFV - (14:30-15:30 PDT) - Rip and tear - Iceman
RTV - cont...(12:00-15:59 PDT) - Hacking Active Directory
RTV - AI Village + RTV Panel: The Use of AI/ML in Offensive Security Operations - Omar Santos,Will Pearce,Will Schroeder
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web - Corey Ball
RTV - How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - Scott Brink
RTV - Offensive Wireless Security 101
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - cont...(13:00-15:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(13:50-15:40 PDT) - INTERNET WARS 2022: These wars aren't just virtual - Bryson Bort,Cheryl Biswall,Chris Kubecka,Gadi Evron,Harri Hursti,Jivesx,Russ Handorf
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - No Starch Press - Book Signing - Jon DiMaggio, The Art of Cyberwarfare
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Election Forensics - Assistant Professor Drew Springall,Will Baggett, CCEE, CFE,Michael Moore
WS - Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to You - Jon Christiansen,Magnus Stubman
WS - Creating and uncovering malicious containers. - Adrian Wood,David Mitchell,Griffin Francis
WS - Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscation - Anthony "Cx01N" Rose,Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose,Jake "Hubbl3" Krasnov
WS - Securing Web Apps - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman
WS - Automated Debugging Under The Hood - Building A Programmable Windows Debugger From Scratch (In Python) - Sean Wilson,Sergei Frankoff


Saturday - 15:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - Generative Art Tutorial -
APV - cont...(14:30-15:30 PDT) - No Code Security Review - What should I review in applications without code? - Inaae Kim
APV - (15:30-16:30 PDT) - Hacking & Defending Blockchain Applications - Kennashka DeSilva,Aimee Reyes
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - Near and Far: Securing On and Off Planet Networks at JPL - Wes Gavins
AVV - cont...(10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - cont...(14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(14:45-15:15 PDT) - Down The Rabbit Hole: 10 Lessons Learned from a Year in the Trenches - Andrew Costis
AVV - (15:15-17:15 PDT) - Attack and Defend with Adversary Emulation - Christopher Peacock,Jake Williams
BHV - Secure by Design - Facilities design cybersecurity - David Brearley
BICV - Threat hunting? Ain’t nobody got time for that... - Nick Gobern
BTV - Challenges in Control Validation - Jake Williams,Kristen Cotten,AJ King
BTV - Horusec - Brazilian SAST help World - Gilmar Esteves
CLV - KQL Kung Fu: Finding the Needle in the Haystack in Your Azure Environments - Darwin Salazar
CON - cont...(13:30-17:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Main Rounds -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament - Mandatory Sign-up -
CON - (15:30-17:30 PDT) - DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - (15:30-15:30 PDT) - Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Announce CTF Grand Prize Winners -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - (15:30-16:15 PDT) - Capturing Chaos: Harvesting Environmental Entropy - Carey Parker
DC - You Have One New Appwntment - Hacking Proprietary iCalendar Properties - Eugene Lim
DC - cont...(14:30-15:15 PDT) - Doing the Impossible: How I Found Mainframe Buffer Overflows - Jake Labelle
DC - (15:30-16:15 PDT) - Perimeter Breached! Hacking an Access Control System - Steve Povolny,Sam Quinn
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Déjà Vu: Uncovering Stolen Algorithms in Commercial Products - Patrick Wardle,Tom McGuire
DC - (15:30-15:50 PDT) - Automotive Ethernet Fuzzing: From purchasing ECU to SOME/IP fuzzing - Jonghyuk Song,Soohwan Oh,Woongjo choi
DC - The Big Rick: How I Rickrolled My High School District and Got Away With It - Minh Duong
DC - (15:30-16:15 PDT) - Tor: Darknet Opsec By a Veteran Darknet Vendor & the Hackers Mentality - Sam Bent
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(09:00-15:59 PDT) - Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - AWS Metadata Privilege Escalation - Jim Shaver
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - OpenTDF - Paul Flynn,Cassandra Bailey
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - Control Validation Compass – Threat Modeling Aide & Purple Team Content Repo - Scott Small
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - ResidueFree - Logan Arkema
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - hls4ml - Open Source Machine Learning Accelerators on FPGAs - Ben Hawks,Andres Meza
DL - cont...(14:00-15:55 PDT) - Xavier Memory Analysis Framework - Solomon Sonya
GHV - cont...(14:30-15:59 PDT) - Workshop: Protect the Pi - Girls Hack Village Staff
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - cont...(11:00-17:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
HRV - Panel: Ask-a-ham -
ICSV - The Perfect Storm: Deception, Manipulation, and Obfuscation on the High Seas - Rae Baker
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - cont...(13:00-16:59 PDT) - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
IOTV - (15:30-15:59 PDT) - Hackable Book Signing - Ted Harrington
MIV - cont...(14:45-15:15 PDT) - Web Monetization: A privacy-preserving and open way to earn from Content - Uchi Uchibeke
MIV - (15:15-15:45 PDT) - Fireside Chat - Arikia Millikan,Uchi Uchibeke
MIV - (15:45-16:15 PDT) - Ad it up: To minimize mis- and dis-information, we must reshape the ad tech business, not regulate speech - Jessica Dheere
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - cont...(14:00-15:45 PDT) - Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy for a Fragmented Internet - Neal Pollard,Jason Healey,Guillermo Christensen
PLV - cont...(14:00-15:45 PDT) - Return-Oriented Policy Making for Open Source and Software Security - Trey Herr,Eric Mill,Harry Mourtos
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (15:30-15:59 PDT) - Elevators 101 - Karen Ng
QTV - Debate - PQC, don't we have better things to do? -
RCV - Sonic scanning: when fast is not fast enough - Jasper Insinger
RCV - (15:50-16:15 PDT) - A Light in Darkness: Child Predator Hunting through OSINT, Dark Web Sleuthing & Linguistic Analysis - Jessica Smith
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - cont...(14:30-15:30 PDT) - Rip and tear - Iceman
RFV - (15:30-15:59 PDT) - Exploiting 802.11n Narrow Channel Bandwidth Implementation in UAV - Ronald Broberg
ROV - (15:30-16:30 PDT) - Forgery & Document Replication - Chris Dickson
RTV - cont...(12:00-15:59 PDT) - Hacking Active Directory
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web - Corey Ball
RTV - Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - Omar Santos
RTV - How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - Scott Brink
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - cont...(13:00-15:59 PDT) - Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS -
SKY - cont...(13:50-15:40 PDT) - INTERNET WARS 2022: These wars aren't just virtual - Bryson Bort,Cheryl Biswall,Chris Kubecka,Gadi Evron,Harri Hursti,Jivesx,Russ Handorf
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to You - Jon Christiansen,Magnus Stubman
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Creating and uncovering malicious containers. - Adrian Wood,David Mitchell,Griffin Francis
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscation - Anthony "Cx01N" Rose,Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose,Jake "Hubbl3" Krasnov
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Web Apps - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Automated Debugging Under The Hood - Building A Programmable Windows Debugger From Scratch (In Python) - Sean Wilson,Sergei Frankoff


Saturday - 16:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - AI Music Tutorial and Show - dadabots
APV - cont...(15:30-16:30 PDT) - Hacking & Defending Blockchain Applications - Kennashka DeSilva,Aimee Reyes
APV - (16:30-17:30 PDT) - One Low, Two Informational: Why Your Pentest Findings are so Boring - Robyn Lundin
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam -
ASV - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge -
ASV - Space ISAC: Protecting Our Space Assets - Erin Miller
AVV - cont...(10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - cont...(14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(15:15-17:15 PDT) - Attack and Defend with Adversary Emulation - Christopher Peacock,Jake Williams
BHV - Call for Evidence: Informing the Biological Security Strategy - Mariam Elgabry
BHV - (16:30-17:59 PDT) - How to Build DIY Lifesaving Medical Devices - Four Thieves Vinegar Collective,Mixæl S. Laufer,Abraxas,Zac Shannon
BICV - Neurodiversity in Cybersecurity: Find Your Competitive Advantage! - Kassandra Pierre,Nathan Chung
BTV - Making Your SOC Suck Less - Alissa Torres,Carson Zimmerman,Sebastian Stein,Shawn Thomas,Jackie Bow
CLV - cont...(15:00-16:59 PDT) - KQL Kung Fu: Finding the Needle in the Haystack in Your Azure Environments - Darwin Salazar
CON - cont...(13:30-17:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Main Rounds -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(15:30-17:30 PDT) - DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(12:00-16:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 -
CON - Hack3r Runw@y  -
CON - Crash and Compile - Contestant Setup -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CON - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - Kubernetes Capture The Flag -
CPV - cont...(15:30-16:15 PDT) - Capturing Chaos: Harvesting Environmental Entropy - Carey Parker
CPV - (16:15-16:59 PDT) - Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not on a VPN anymore - Jonathan Tomek
DC - Low Code High Risk: Enterprise Domination via Low Code Abuse - Michael Bargury
DC - cont...(15:30-16:15 PDT) - Perimeter Breached! Hacking an Access Control System - Steve Povolny,Sam Quinn
DC - (16:30-17:15 PDT) - Defeating Moving Elements in High Security Keys - Bill Graydon
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Trailer Shouting: Talking PLC4TRUCKS Remotely with an SDR - Chris Poore,Ben Gardiner
DC - cont...(15:30-16:15 PDT) - Tor: Darknet Opsec By a Veteran Darknet Vendor & the Hackers Mentality - Sam Bent
DC - (16:30-17:15 PDT) - Why did you lose the last PS5 restock to a bot Top-performing app-hackers business modules, architecture, and techniques - Arik
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - Glitter nail polish vs the Evil Maid, the Story - Spoiler: The maid wins. - hoodiePony
DDV - cont...(10:00-16:59 PDT) - DDV open and accepting drives for duplication -
GHV - S.O.S How Sharing Our Stories Will Save Cybersecurity - Rebekah Skeete
GHV - (16:30-16:59 PDT) - Staying Afloat in a Tsunami Of Security Inflormation - Tracy Z. Maleeff
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HHV - Prizes announced for HHV Rube Goldberg Machine, Make Your Own Use Contest, and Bring the Other Half -
HRV - cont...(11:00-17:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - The Geopolitical Implications of the Escalation and Weaponization of GPS and AIS Spoofing [[MARITIME]] - Gary Kessler,Tyson B. Meadors,Dr. Diane Maye Zorri
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - cont...(13:00-16:59 PDT) - Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
MIV - cont...(15:45-16:15 PDT) - Ad it up: To minimize mis- and dis-information, we must reshape the ad tech business, not regulate speech - Jessica Dheere
MIV - (16:15-16:45 PDT) - Not Feeling Yourself: User Spoofing and Other Disinformation Exploits - Burninator
MIV - (16:45-17:15 PDT) - The Television News Visual Explorer: Cataloging Visual Narratives & Lending Context - Kalev Leearu
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - International Government Action Against Ransomware - Adam Dobell,Irfan Hemani,Jen Ellis
PLV - Right Hand, Meet Left Hand: The Cybersecurity Implications of Non-Cybersecurity Internet Regulation (Community Roundtable) - Cathy Gellis
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (16:30-16:59 PDT) - RFID Hacking 101 - Ege F
QTV - Quantini Time -
RCV - cont...(15:50-16:15 PDT) - A Light in Darkness: Child Predator Hunting through OSINT, Dark Web Sleuthing & Linguistic Analysis - Jessica Smith
RCV - (16:15-16:59 PDT) - NPM, “Private” Repos, and You - Justin Rhinehart
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - Open Panel: War Driving Rig Makers Meetup - D4rkm4tter,El Kentaro,Grim0us
ROV - cont...(15:30-16:30 PDT) - Forgery & Document Replication - Chris Dickson
RTV - Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - Ron Taylor
RTV - HackerOps - Ralph May
RTV - Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - Omar Santos
RTV - How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - Scott Brink
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - (16:30-16:59 PDT) - Psychological Reverse Shells - MasterChen
SKY - Dancing Around DRM - Game Tech Chris,ギンジー🐾ターラノー
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Queercon Mixer -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
VMV - Digital Forensics and Voting Machines - Will Baggett, CCEE, CFE
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to You - Jon Christiansen,Magnus Stubman
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Creating and uncovering malicious containers. - Adrian Wood,David Mitchell,Griffin Francis
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscation - Anthony "Cx01N" Rose,Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose,Jake "Hubbl3" Krasnov
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Web Apps - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Automated Debugging Under The Hood - Building A Programmable Windows Debugger From Scratch (In Python) - Sean Wilson,Sergei Frankoff


Saturday - 17:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - cont...(16:00-17:30 PDT) - AI Music Tutorial and Show - dadabots
APV - cont...(16:30-17:30 PDT) - One Low, Two Informational: Why Your Pentest Findings are so Boring - Robyn Lundin
AVV - cont...(10:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - cont...(14:30-17:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(15:15-17:15 PDT) - Attack and Defend with Adversary Emulation - Christopher Peacock,Jake Williams
AVV - (17:15-17:59 PDT) - Who doesn’t like a little Spice? Emulation Maturity, Team Culture and TTPs - Andy Grunt,Cat Self,Jamie Williams,Niru Raghupathy,TJ Null
BHV - cont...(16:30-17:59 PDT) - How to Build DIY Lifesaving Medical Devices - Four Thieves Vinegar Collective,Mixæl S. Laufer,Abraxas,Zac Shannon
BTV - Latest and Greatest in Incident Response - Lauren Proehl,Jess,LitMoose,plug,zr0
CON - cont...(13:30-17:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Main Rounds -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:30 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(15:30-17:30 PDT) - DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(16:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack3r Runw@y  -
CON - Crash and Compile - Contest Stage -
CON - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CPV - Pursuing Phone Privacy Protection [WORKSHOP] - Matt Nash,Mauricio Tavares
DC - Internal Server Error: Exploiting Inter-Process Communication with new desynchronization primitives - Martin Doyhenard
DC - cont...(16:30-17:15 PDT) - Defeating Moving Elements in High Security Keys - Bill Graydon
DC - (17:30-18:15 PDT) - Black-Box Assessment of Smart Cards - Daniel Crowley
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Hacking The Farm: Breaking Badly Into Agricultural Devices. - Sick Codes
DC - cont...(16:30-17:15 PDT) - Why did you lose the last PS5 restock to a bot Top-performing app-hackers business modules, architecture, and techniques - Arik
DC - (17:30-18:15 PDT) - Crossing the KASM -- a webapp pentest story - Samuel Erb,Justin Gardner
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
GHV - Zero Trust - Ebony Pierce
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - cont...(11:00-17:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - Thrice Is Nice: Evaluating the Ukrainian Power Events from BlackEnergy to Industroyer2 - Joe Slowik
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
MIV - cont...(16:45-17:15 PDT) - The Television News Visual Explorer: Cataloging Visual Narratives & Lending Context - Kalev Leearu
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - cont...(16:00-17:45 PDT) - International Government Action Against Ransomware - Adam Dobell,Irfan Hemani,Jen Ellis
PLV - (17:15-18:15 PDT) - Thinking About Election Security: Annual Debrief (Community Roundtable) - Cathy Gellis
PSV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
QTV - cont...(16:00-17:30 PDT) - Quantini Time -
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - Starlink
RFV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - cont...(16:00-17:59 PDT) - Open Panel: War Driving Rig Makers Meetup - D4rkm4tter,El Kentaro,Grim0us
ROV - Picking Pockets, Picked Apart - James Harrison
SEV - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - The aftermath of a social engineering pentest. - Are we being ethically responsible?” - Ragnhild “Bridget“ Sageng
SEV - (17:30-17:59 PDT) - Truthsayer: Make a remote lie detector and become irresistible on Zoom calls - Fletcher Heisler
SKY - Ghost Guns: Rapidly acquiring, constructing or improvising firearms - Judge Taylor
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(16:00-17:59 PDT) - Queercon Mixer -
SOC - Denial, Deception, and Drinks with Mitre Engage -
SOC - Friends of Bill W -
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-17:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to You - Jon Christiansen,Magnus Stubman
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Creating and uncovering malicious containers. - Adrian Wood,David Mitchell,Griffin Francis
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscation - Anthony "Cx01N" Rose,Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose,Jake "Hubbl3" Krasnov
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Securing Web Apps - Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam Bowne,Irvin Lemus,Kaitlyn Handleman
WS - cont...(14:00-17:59 PDT) - Automated Debugging Under The Hood - Building A Programmable Windows Debugger From Scratch (In Python) - Sean Wilson,Sergei Frankoff


Saturday - 18:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(17:00-19:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Contest Stage -
CON - Crash and Compile + Hack3r Runway -
DC - The CSRF Resurrections! Starring the Unholy Trinity: Service Worker of PWA, SameSite of HTTP Cookie, and Fetch - Dongsung Kim
DC - cont...(17:30-18:15 PDT) - Black-Box Assessment of Smart Cards - Daniel Crowley
DC - (18:30-18:50 PDT) - Digital Skeleton Keys - We’ve got a bone to pick with offline Access Control Systems - Micsen,Miana E Windall
DC - cont...(09:00-18:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(17:30-18:15 PDT) - Crossing the KASM -- a webapp pentest story - Samuel Erb,Justin Gardner
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
ICSV - (18:30-21:59 PDT) - ICS Village Charity BBQ -
PLV - cont...(17:15-18:15 PDT) - Thinking About Election Security: Annual Debrief (Community Roundtable) - Cathy Gellis
SEV - Social Engineering as a career panel -
SOC - Night of the Ninjas - Entertainment - CTRL/rsm,Krisz Klink,Magician Kody Hildebrand,Mass Accelerator,Scotch and Bubbles,TAIKOPROJECT,Z3NPI,Zebbler Encanti Experience
SOC - cont...(17:00-18:59 PDT) - Denial, Deception, and Drinks with Mitre Engage -


Saturday - 19:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-19:59 PDT) - DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest -
CON - cont...(10:30-19:30 PDT) - Hack Fortress -
CON - cont...(17:00-19:59 PDT) - Crash and Compile - Contest Stage -
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
ICSV - cont...(18:30-21:59 PDT) - ICS Village Charity BBQ -
PLV - D0 N0 H4RM: A Healthcare Security Conversation (Lounge) - Seeyew Mo,Alissa Knight,Jeff “r3plicant” Tully MD,Christian "quaddi" Dameff MD,Joshua Corman
PLV - Fireside Policy Chats - Emma Best,Xan North
SOC - (19:30-00:59 PDT) - BlanketFort Con -
SOC - (19:30-01:59 PDT) - Hacker Karaoke -


Saturday - 20:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
ICSV - cont...(18:30-21:59 PDT) - ICS Village Charity BBQ -
PLV - cont...(19:00-21:59 PDT) - D0 N0 H4RM: A Healthcare Security Conversation (Lounge) - Seeyew Mo,Alissa Knight,Jeff “r3plicant” Tully MD,Christian "quaddi" Dameff MD,Joshua Corman
PLV - cont...(19:00-20:15 PDT) - Fireside Policy Chats - Emma Best,Xan North
PLV - (20:30-21:59 PDT) - Fireside Policy Chats - Chris Painter
SOC - Movie Night Double Feature - The Conversation & The 13th Floor -
SOC - (20:30-23:59 PDT) - Girls Hack Village 90’s House Party -
SOC - Hacker Flairgrounds -
SOC - Hacker Jeopardy -
SOC - Meet the EFF -


Saturday - 21:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
ICSV - cont...(18:30-21:59 PDT) - ICS Village Charity BBQ -
PLV - cont...(19:00-21:59 PDT) - D0 N0 H4RM: A Healthcare Security Conversation (Lounge) - Seeyew Mo,Alissa Knight,Jeff “r3plicant” Tully MD,Christian "quaddi" Dameff MD,Joshua Corman
PLV - cont...(20:30-21:59 PDT) - Fireside Policy Chats - Chris Painter
SEV - (21:30-23:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village Mixer -
SOC - cont...(20:00-23:59 PDT) - Movie Night Double Feature - The Conversation & The 13th Floor -
SOC - cont...(20:30-23:59 PDT) - Girls Hack Village 90’s House Party -
SOC - cont...(20:00-21:59 PDT) - Hacker Flairgrounds -
SOC - cont...(20:00-21:59 PDT) - Hacker Jeopardy -
SOC - Arcade Party -
SOC - cont...(20:00-21:59 PDT) - Meet the EFF -
SOC - Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment - Hanz Dwight,Hellacopta,Terrestrial Access Network,Yesterday & Tomorrow


Saturday - 22:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(08:00-22:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
SEV - cont...(21:30-23:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village Mixer -
SOC - cont...(20:00-23:59 PDT) - Movie Night Double Feature - The Conversation & The 13th Floor -
SOC - cont...(20:30-23:59 PDT) - Girls Hack Village 90’s House Party -
SOC - Whose Slide Is It Anyway? (WSIIA) -
SOC - cont...(21:00-23:59 PDT) - Arcade Party -


Saturday - 23:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
SEV - cont...(21:30-23:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village Mixer -
SOC - cont...(20:00-23:59 PDT) - Movie Night Double Feature - The Conversation & The 13th Floor -
SOC - cont...(20:30-23:59 PDT) - Girls Hack Village 90’s House Party -
SOC - cont...(22:00-23:59 PDT) - Whose Slide Is It Anyway? (WSIIA) -
SOC - cont...(21:00-23:59 PDT) - Arcade Party -


This Schedule is tentative and may be changed at any time. Check at an Info Booth for the latest.


Sunday - 08:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
SEV - (08:30-08:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village opens - morning welcome and introduction


Sunday - 09:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - Automate Detection with Machine Learning  - Gavin Klondike 
APV - The Simple, Yet Lethal, Anatomy of a Software Supply Chain Attack - Elad Rapoport,tzachi(Zack) zorenshtain
DC - cont...(08:00-15:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - DCGVR - Social - No agenda
PYV - Payment Hacking Challenge -
SEV - Research Calls - Tessa Cole
SEV - Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge -
SEV - (09:30-10:59 PDT) - Research and Cold Calls -
SKY - (09:30-10:20 PDT) - Eradicating Disease With BioTerrorism - Mixæl S. Laufer
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe


Sunday - 10:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - cont...(09:00-10:20 PDT) - Automate Detection with Machine Learning  - Gavin Klondike 
AIV - (10:30-11:20 PDT) - Attacks on Tiny Intelligence - Yuvaraj Govindarajulu 
APV - How to find 0-days in your “memory safe” stack? - Cezary Cerekwicki
ASV - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - Self No-Fly Area Designing for UAV - Utku Yildirim
ASV - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - (10:30-11:20 PDT) - Control Acquisition Attack of Aerospace Systems by False Data Injection - Garrett Jares
AVV - Don’t be trusted: Active Directory trust attacks - Jonas Bülow Knudsen,Martin Sohn Christensen
AVV - (10:30-12:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - (10:30-13:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
BHV - (10:30-11:59 PDT) - Memento Vivere: A connected light installation on cerebral (dys)function - Rick Martinez Herrera
CLV - Understanding, Abusing and Monitoring AWS AppStream 2.0 - Rodrigo Montoro
CLV - (10:40-11:20 PDT) - How to do Cloud Security assessments like a pro in only #4Steps - Ricardo Sanchez
CON - Capture The Packet Finals -
CON - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - Red Team Village CTF Finals Part 2 -
CON - Octopus Game - Final 8 Phase -
CON - Hospital Under Siege -
CPV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - XR Technology Has 99 Problems and Privacy is Several of Them (PRE-RECORDED) - Calli Schroeder,Suchi Pahi
DC - Human Registration Open
DC - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-15:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - Memorial Room Open -
DC - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda
DDV - Last chance to pick up drives at the DDV -
GHV - Hide and Seek: Why do you need OpSec? - Cybelle Oliveira
GHV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - Edutainment: A gateway into the field of Cybersecurity & Online safety for girls. - Monique Head
HHV - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - Off the grid - Supplying your own power - Eric Escobar
ICSV - Tales from the trenches - why organizations struggle to get even the basics of OT asset visibility & detection right. - Vivek Ponnada
ICSV - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - Drone Hack -
LPV - (10:15-10:45 PDT) - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
PHV - Packet Inspector -
PHV - Packet Detective -
PHV - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - Linux Trainer -
PHV - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - HardWired -
PHV - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - Improving International Vulnerability Disclosure: Why the US and Allies Have to Get Serious - Christopher Robinson,Stewart Scott
PLV - Better Policies for Better Lives: Hacker Input to international policy challenges - Peter Stephens
PSV - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (10:30-10:59 PDT) - Bypass 101 - Karen Ng
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - Grover's Search - a worked example - Mark C
RFV - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
ROV - Workshop Overflow - Four Suits Co
RTV - Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - Omar Santos
RTV - Intro to CTFs
RTV - Offensive Wireless Security 101
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
SEV - cont...(09:30-10:59 PDT) - Research and Cold Calls -
SKY - cont...(09:30-10:20 PDT) - Eradicating Disease With BioTerrorism - Mixæl S. Laufer
SKY - (10:35-11:25 PDT) - Basic Blockchain Forensics - K1ng_Cr4b
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -


Sunday - 11:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - cont...(10:30-11:20 PDT) - Attacks on Tiny Intelligence - Yuvaraj Govindarajulu 
AIV - (11:30-12:20 PDT) - AI Trojan Attacks, Defenses, and the TrojAI Competition - Taylor Kulp-Mcdowall 
APV - Offensive Application Security for Developers... - James McKee
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Red Balloon Failsat Challenges -
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator -
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - cont...(10:30-11:20 PDT) - Control Acquisition Attack of Aerospace Systems by False Data Injection - Garrett Jares
ASV - (11:30-11:55 PDT) - Formalizing Security Assessment for Uncrewed Aerial Systems - Ronald Broberg,Rudy Mendoza
AVV - cont...(10:30-12:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(10:30-13:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - Helpful Principles in Adversarial Operations - Dan Borges
AVV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Purple Teaming for Auditors and the Business - Alex Martirosyan
BHV - cont...(10:30-11:59 PDT) - Memento Vivere: A connected light installation on cerebral (dys)function - Rick Martinez Herrera
BTV - Backdoors & Breaches, Back to the Stone Age! -
CLV - cont...(10:40-11:20 PDT) - How to do Cloud Security assessments like a pro in only #4Steps - Ricardo Sanchez
CLV - (11:20-11:50 PDT) - Cloud Sandboxes for Security Research - Noirgate - Louis Barrett
CLV - (11:50-12:30 PDT) - Deescalate the overly-permissive IAM - Jay Chen
CON - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Finals -
CON - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Car Hacking Village CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - DARKNET-NG -
CON - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Red Alert ICS CTF -
CON - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Finals Part 2 -
CON - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Hospital Under Siege -
CPV - Voldrakus: Using Consent String Steganography to Exfiltrate Browser Fingerprinting Data - Kaileigh McCrea
CPV - (11:30-11:59 PDT) - Finding Crypto: Inventorying Cryptographic Operations - Kevin Lai
DC - Save The Environment (Variable): Hijacking Legitimate Applications with a Minimal Footprint - Wietze Beukema
DC - STrace - A DTrace on windows reimplementation. - Stephen Eckels
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Exploitation in the era of formal verification: a peek at a new frontier with AdaCore/SPARK - Adam 'pi3' Zabrocki,Alex Tereshkin
DC - emulation-driven reverse-engineering for finding vulns - atlas
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-15:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-11:59 PDT) - Memorial Room Open -
DC - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda
GHV - Introduction to IOS Reverse Engineering with Frida - Christine Fossaceca
GHV - (11:30-14:30 PDT) - Workshop: Mobile Penetration Testing w Corellium - Corellium
HHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
HRV - Oli: A Simpler Pi-Star Replacement - Danny Quist
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
ICSV - OT:ICEFALL - Revisiting a decade of OT insecure-by-design practices - Jos Wetzels
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Safecracking for Everyone - Jared Dygert
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - cont...(10:00-11:45 PDT) - Improving International Vulnerability Disclosure: Why the US and Allies Have to Get Serious - Christopher Robinson,Stewart Scott
PLV - cont...(10:00-11:45 PDT) - Better Policies for Better Lives: Hacker Input to international policy challenges - Peter Stephens
PSV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - Bypass 102 - Karen Ng
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - Quantum Life: Burning Chrome Side Chat - VWave
RFV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RHV - I know what you ate last summer - Wesley Altham (aka Wesrl)
ROV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Workshop Overflow - Four Suits Co
RTV - Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - Ron Taylor
RTV - Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - Omar Santos
RTV - Intro to CTFs
RTV - OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stibbards
SEV - (11:30-12:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village Awards and Competitor Panel
SKY - cont...(10:35-11:25 PDT) - Basic Blockchain Forensics - K1ng_Cr4b
SKY - (11:40-13:30 PDT) - Abortion Tech - Maggie Mayhem
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -


Sunday - 12:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - cont...(11:30-12:20 PDT) - AI Trojan Attacks, Defenses, and the TrojAI Competition - Taylor Kulp-Mcdowall 
AIV - (12:30-13:20 PDT) - AI Village CTF Results and Q&A - Will Pearce
APV - cont...(11:00-12:59 PDT) - Offensive Application Security for Developers... - James McKee
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack the Airfield with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS -
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis -
ASV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop -
ASV - Drones and Civil Liberties - Andrés Arrieta
AVV - cont...(10:30-12:30 PDT) - Adversary Booth - Dean Lawrence,Ethan Michalak,Melanie Chan,Michael Kouremetis,Jay Yee
AVV - cont...(10:30-13:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - Open Mic
AVV - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - Qemuno – An uninvited guest - Oleg Lerner
BHV - (12:30-13:59 PDT) - XR for Literally Everything, Everywhere, All at Once - Keenan Skelly
BTV - Project Obsidian: Panel Discussion -
CLV - cont...(11:50-12:30 PDT) - Deescalate the overly-permissive IAM - Jay Chen
CLV - (12:30-12:50 PDT) - Sign of the Times: Exploiting Poor Validation of AWS SNS SigningCertUrl - Eugene Lim
CLV - (12:50-13:30 PDT) - Cloud Defaults are Easy Not Secure - Igal Flegmann
CON - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Capture The Packet Finals -
CON - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) -
CON - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box -
CON - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Finals Part 2 -
CPV - Surviving and Designing for Survivors - Avi Zajac
DC - PreAuth RCE Chains on an MDM: KACE SMA - Jeffrey Hofmann
DC - Defaults - the faults. Bypassing android permissions from all protection levels - Nikita Kurtin
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - The Call is Coming From Inside The Cluster: Mistakes that Lead to Whole Cluster Pwnership - Will Kline,Dagan Henderson
DC - Taking a Dump In The Cloud - Flangvik,Melvin Langvik
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-15:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda
GHV - cont...(11:30-14:30 PDT) - Workshop: Mobile Penetration Testing w Corellium - Corellium
HHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Solder Skills Village - Open
HHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hardware Hacking Village - Open
HRV - cont...(11:00-13:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - Understanding CAN Bus and the GRACE Console [[Maritime]] - Dave Burke
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Fantom5 SeaTF CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hack the Plan[e]t CTF -
ICSV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - DDS Hack-the-Microgrid -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - IoT Village CTF Challenges -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hands on hacking labs -
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - Deral Heiland
IOTV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Drone Hack -
LPV - Doors, Cameras, and Mantraps. Oh, my! - Dylan Baklor
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Packet Inspector -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Packet Detective -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Honey Pot Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - NetworkOS Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - RegEx Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Linux Trainer -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Botnet Workshop -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - HardWired -
PHV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Wall of Sheep -
PLV - Offensive Cyber Industry Roundtable - Winnona DeSombre,Matt Holland,Sophia D'Antoine
PLV - Protect Our Pentest Tools! Perks and Hurdles in Distributing Red Team Tools - Liz Wharton,Casey Ellis,Omar Santos,Katie Moussouris
PSV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PSV - (12:30-12:59 PDT) - Forcible Entry 101 - Bill Graydon
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
QTV - CTF Announcement - Quantum Village Team
RFV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
ROV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Workshop Overflow - Four Suits Co
SEV - cont...(11:30-12:59 PDT) - Social Engineering Community Village Awards and Competitor Panel
SKY - cont...(11:40-13:30 PDT) - Abortion Tech - Maggie Mayhem
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - Friends of Bill W -
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
TEV - cont...(10:00-12:59 PDT) - Learn at Tamper-Evident Village -


Sunday - 13:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - cont...(12:30-13:20 PDT) - AI Village CTF Results and Q&A - Will Pearce
APV - Layer 7 matters at Layers 2/3 : Appsec on Network Infrastructure - Ken Pyle
AVV - cont...(10:30-13:30 PDT) - Adversary Wars CTF -
AVV - Modern techniques used by Advanced Persistent Threat actors for discovering 0-day vulnerabilities - Or Yair
BHV - cont...(12:30-13:59 PDT) - XR for Literally Everything, Everywhere, All at Once - Keenan Skelly
BTV - Blue Team Village Closing Ceremony -
CLV - cont...(12:50-13:30 PDT) - Cloud Defaults are Easy Not Secure - Igal Flegmann
CLV - (13:30-13:45 PDT) - Cloud Village Closing Note - Jayesh Singh Chauhan
CON - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Red Team Village CTF Finals Part 2 -
CPV - Introducing the Abusability Testing Framework (V1) - Avi Zajac,Ji Su Yoo,Nicole Chi
CPV - (13:30-14:15 PDT) - Cryptosploit - Benjamin Hendel,Matt Cheung
DC - ElectroVolt: Pwning popular desktop apps while uncovering new attack surface on Electron - Max Garrett,Aaditya Purani
DC - The Journey From an Isolated Container to Cluster Admin in Service Fabric - Aviv Sasson
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - Less SmartScreen More Caffeine – ClickOnce (Ab)Use for Trusted Code Execution - Nick Powers,Steven Flores
DC - RingHopper – Hopping from User-space to God Mode - Benny Zeltser,Jonathan Lusky
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-15:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda
GHV - cont...(11:30-14:30 PDT) - Workshop: Mobile Penetration Testing w Corellium - Corellium
HRV - cont...(11:00-13:59 PDT) - Free Amateur Radio License Exams -
ICSV - Spear Vishing / VoIP Poisoning - Maritime and Land - Travis Juhr
LPV - Intro to Lockpicking - TOOOL
PLV - cont...(12:00-13:45 PDT) - Offensive Cyber Industry Roundtable - Winnona DeSombre,Matt Holland,Sophia D'Antoine
PLV - cont...(12:00-13:45 PDT) - Protect Our Pentest Tools! Perks and Hurdles in Distributing Red Team Tools - Liz Wharton,Casey Ellis,Omar Santos,Katie Moussouris
PSV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
PYV - cont...(09:00-13:59 PDT) - Payment Hacking Challenge -
RFV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
ROV - cont...(10:00-13:59 PDT) - Workshop Overflow - Four Suits Co
SKY - cont...(11:40-13:30 PDT) - Abortion Tech - Maggie Mayhem
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe


Sunday - 14:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
AIV - AI Village Closing Remarks - Brian Pendleton,Sven Cattell
APV - cont...(13:00-14:59 PDT) - Layer 7 matters at Layers 2/3 : Appsec on Network Infrastructure - Ken Pyle
CPV - cont...(13:30-14:15 PDT) - Cryptosploit - Benjamin Hendel,Matt Cheung
CPV - (14:15-14:59 PDT) - AES-GCM common pitfalls and how to work around them (PRE-RECORDED) - Santiago Kantorowicz
DC - Contest Closing Ceremonies & Awards - Grifter
DC - Solana JIT: Lessons from fuzzing a smart-contract compiler - Thomas Roth
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-15:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DC - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Village Areas Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda
GHV - cont...(11:30-14:30 PDT) - Workshop: Mobile Penetration Testing w Corellium - Corellium
GHV - (14:30-14:59 PDT) - Phishing for Your Next Cyber Opportunity - Cyrena Jackson,Teresa Green
ICSV - Navigating the High Seas When Dealing with Cybersecurity Attack - Daniel Garrie
LPV - The "Why" of Lock Picking - Christopher Forte (isaidnocookies)
PLV - ONCD Cybersecurity Strategy Workshop - Jason Healey,Samantha Jennings,Osasu Dorsey
PLV - The Exploding Wireless Attack Surface: Policy considerations for a rapidly changing electromagnetic spectrum environment - Linton Wells
PSV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - Physical Security Village -
RFV - cont...(10:00-14:59 PDT) - DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - Open Research Institute
RFV - RF CTF Out-brief - RF Hackers Village Staff
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe
SOC - cont...(09:00-14:59 PDT) - Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rusty,s1gnsofl1fe


Sunday - 15:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(14:00-15:15 PDT) - Contest Closing Ceremonies & Awards - Grifter
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Human Registration Open
DC - (15:30-17:30 PDT) - DEF CON Closing Ceremonies & Awards - The Dark Tangent
DC - cont...(10:00-15:59 PDT) - Vendor Area Open -
DC - cont...(08:00-15:59 PDT) - Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) -
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda


Sunday - 16:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(15:30-17:30 PDT) - DEF CON Closing Ceremonies & Awards - The Dark Tangent
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda


Sunday - 17:00 PDT

Return to Index  -  Locations Legend
DC - cont...(15:30-17:30 PDT) - DEF CON Closing Ceremonies & Awards - The Dark Tangent
DCGVR - cont...(09:00-17:59 PDT) - DCGVR - Social - No agenda

Speaker List

1st Lt Kevin Bernert
Éanna Doyle
Aaditya Purani
Aakinn Patel
Aaron DeVera
Aaron Myrick
Aaron Rosenmund
Abdul Alanazi
Abhijith B R
Abhinav Singh
Abhinav Singh
Adam 'pi3' Zabrocki
Adam Dobell
Adam Dobell
Adam Hickey
Adam Hickey
Adrian Wood
Adrien Ogee
Adrien Ogee
Aeva Black
Aimee Reyes
AJ King
Alberto Herrera
Alex Lomas
Alex Martirosyan
Alex Tereshkin
Alexandre Sieira
Alexandrine Torrents
Alexandrine Torrents
Alexis Goldstein
Alexis Hancock
Alisha Kloc
Alison N
Alison N
Alissa Knight
Alissa Torres
Allan Friedman
Allen Baranov
Alshlon Banks
Andrés Arrieta
Andrea Downing
Andrea Downing
Andres Meza
Andrew Costis
Andrew Green
Andrew Klein
Andrew Logan
Andrew Sutters
Andy Grunt
Ankur Tyagi
Anthony "Cx01N" Rose
Anthony "Cx01N" Rose
Anthony Hendricks
Anton Ovrutsky
Antonio Piazza
Apurv Singh Gautam
Arikia Millikan
Arikia Millikan
Arnaud Soullie
Arnaud Soullie
Asaf Gilboa
Ashlee Benge
Assistant Professor Drew Springall
Assistant Professor Drew Springall
Aubrey Labuschagne (William)
Aubrey Labuschagne (William)
Audrey Dutcher
Audrey Dutcher
Avi Zajac
Avi Zajac
Aviv Sasson
Ayan Islam
Ayan Islam
Ayyappan Rajesh
Barrett Darnell
Ben Barnea
Ben Gardiner
Ben Gelman 
Ben Hawks
Ben Hughes
Ben Kurtz
Ben Opel
Ben Sadeghipour
Benjamin Hendel
Benny Zeltser
Berk Can Geyikçi
Berkelly Gonzalez
Bill Graydon
Bill Graydon
Bill Graydon
Bill Woodcock
Billy Jheng
Birhanu Eshete
Bradán Lane
Brandon Bailey
Brandon Enright
Brenton Morris
Brenton Morris
Brian Markham
Brian Pendleton
Brian Pendleton
Brianna McClenon
Brigadier General Teri (Terin) D. Williams
Bryan C. Geraghty
Bryson Bort
Bryson Bort
Bryson Bort
Caleb Davis
Calli Schroeder
Capt Elijah Williams
Carey Parker
Carlos Galán
Carolyn Majane
Carson Zimmerman
Cas Van Cooten
Casey Ellis
Casey O'Brien
Cassandra Bailey
Cassandra Young (muteki)
Cassandra Young (muteki)
Cat Self
Cathy Gellis
Cathy Gellis
Cesare Pizzi
Cezary Cerekwicki
Chantel Sims aka Root
Cheryl Biswall
Chet Hosmer
Chet Hosmer
Chris Dickson
Chris Forte
Chris Greer
Chris Greer
Chris Greer
Chris Inglis
Chris Kubecka
Chris Kubecka
Chris Kubecka
Chris Painter
Chris Poore
Chris Richardson
Chris Rock
Chris Romeo
Chris Thompson
Christian "quaddi" Dameff MD
Christian "quaddi" Dameff MD
Christine Fossaceca
Christine Reid
Christophe Tafani-Dereeper
Christopher Cottrell
Christopher Forte (isaidnocookies)
Christopher Panayi
Christopher Peacock
Christopher Poore
Christopher Robinson
CISA Staff
Connor Morley
Corey Ball
Corey Ball
Corey Ball
Cory Doctorow
Cory Wolff
Cory Wolff
Corynne McSherry
Corynne McSherry
Craig Stevenson
Crane Hassold
Crystal Phinn
Cybelle Oliveira
Cyrena Jackson
Dagan Henderson
Dahvid Schloss
Dahvid Schloss
Daly Barnett
Damian Grant
Dan Borges
Dan Nagle
Daniel Chen
Daniel Crowley
Daniel Feichter
Daniel Garrie
Daniel Goga
Daniel Goga
Daniel Goga
Daniel Isler
Daniel Jensen
Daniel Prizmant
Daniel Roy
Danny D. Henderson Jr (B4nd1t0)
Danny Quist
Darwin Salazar
Dave Burke
Dave Burke
David Brearley
David Forscey
David Hunt
David Joseph
David McGrew
David Mitchell
David Rogers
Dawn Cappelli
Dazza Greenwood
Dean Lawrence
Dean Lawrence
Dean Lawrence
Dean Lawrence
Dean Lawrence
DEF CON Policy Dept
Deneen Defiore
Dennis Skarr
Deral Heiland
Deral Heiland
Deral Heiland
Deviant Ollam
DHS Staff
Diego Capriotti
Dikla Barda
DJ Scythe
DJ St3rling
DJ UNIT 77 [ 0077 : 0077 ]
Dominic “Cryillic” Cunningham
Don C.Weber
Dongsung Kim
Dr. Amanda Minnich 
Dr. Bramwell Brizendine
Dr. Diane Maye Zorri
Dr. Josef Schmid
Dr. McGrew
Dr. Meisam Eslahi
Dual Core
Duane Michael
Dylan Baklor
Ebony Pierce
Ebony Pierce
Ege F
Ege F
Ege F
Eirick Luraas
Eirick Luraas
El Kentaro
El Kentaro
Elad Rapoport
Elizabeth Biddlecome
Elizabeth Biddlecome
Emil Vaagland
Emma Best
Emma Best
Eran Segal
Eric Belardo
Eric Escobar
Eric Escobar
Eric Escobar
Eric Mair
Eric Mill
Erie Meyer
Erin Cornelius
Erin Miller
Esther Matut
Ethan Michalak
Ethan Michalak
Ethan Michalak
Ethan Michalak
Ethan Michalak
Eugene Lim
Eugene Lim
Eugene Lim
Eyitayo Alimi
Eytan Tepper
Fahmida Rashid
Felipe Espósito
Fernando Perera
Filipi Pires
Fish Wang
Fish Wang
Fletcher Heisler
Florian Lukavsky
Four Suits Co
Four Suits Co
Four Suits Co
Four Thieves Vinegar Collective
Frank Duff
Göktay Kaykusuz
Gadi Evron
Gal Sadeh 
Gal Zror
Game Tech Chris
Garrett Jares
Gary Kessler
Gary Kessler
Gaurav Keerthi
Gaurav Keerthi
Gauthier Sebaux
Gavin Klondike 
Gavin Klondike 
Gavin To
George Karantzas
Georges-Axel Jaloyan
Gilmar Esteves
Gina Rosenthal
Ginny Fahs
Girls Hack Village Staff
Gonzalo Munilla Garrido
Griffin Francis
Guillaume Ross
Guillermo Christensen
Guy Barnhart-Magen
Guy Barnhart-Magen
Hadrien Barral
Hanz Dwight
Hardik Shah
Harini Kannan 
Harley Geiger
Harri Hursti
Harry Mourtos
Henry Haswell
Hristiana Petkova
Huajiang "Kevin2600" Chen
Hyrum Anderson 
Ian Davila
Ian Vitek
Icetre Normal
ICSNick - Nicklas Keijser
Igal Flegmann
Inaae Kim
India McKinney
Ionut Cernica
Irene Mo
Irfan Hemani
Irfan Hemani
Irvin Lemus
Irvin Lemus
Isabel Straw
Itzik Kotler
Ivo de Carvalho Peixinho
Jack Cable
Jack Wells
Jackie Bow
Jacob Baines
Jake "Hubbl3" Krasnov
Jake Labelle
Jake Labelle
Jake Williams
Jake Williams
Jake Williams
James Harrison
James Harrison
James Howe
James Kettle
James McKee
James Pavur
James Pavur
Jamie Friel
Jamie Williams
Jamie Williams
Jamie Williams
Jaquar Harris
Jared Dygert
Jason Healey
Jason Healey
Jason Healey
Jason Johnson
Jasper Insinger
Jay Chen
Jay Chen
Jay Lagorio
Jay Turla
Jay Yee
Jay Yee
Jay Yee
Jay Yee
Jay Yee
Jayesh Singh Chauhan
Jayesh Singh Chauhan
Jayson E. Street
Jean-Michel Amblat
Jeff “r3plicant” Tully MD
Jeff “r3plicant” Tully MD
Jeffrey Hofmann
Jen Easterly
Jen Ellis
Jen Ellis
Jenko Hwong
Jenna Sherman
Jennifer Mathieu
Jennifer Mathieu
Jeongho Yang
Jeremy Hong
Jeremy Linden
Jeremy Miller
Jeremy Miller
Jerome Lovato
Jesse Michael
Jessica Afeku
Jessica Dheere
Jessica Smith
Jeswin Mathai
Jeswin Mathai
Ji Su Yoo
Jillian Simons
Jim Manico
Jim Shaver
Jimi Allee
Jimmy Wylie
Joe Grand
Joe Schottman
Joe Slowik
Joe Slowik
Joe Vest
John Bryk
John Hammond
John Midgley
John Orleans
Jon Christiansen
Jon Clay
Jon Marler
Jonas Bülow Knudsen
Jonathan Bar Or
Jonathan Fischer
Jonathan Fischer
Jonathan Leitschuh
Jonathan Lusky
Jonathan Tomek
Jonghyuk Song
Jonghyuk Song
Jordan Wiens
Jorge Acevedo Canabal
Jos Wetzels
Jose Pico
Jose Pizarro
Joseph Ravichandran
Josephine Hollandbeck
Josh Stroschein
Joshua Corman
Jovonni Pharr
Jovonni Pharr
Judge Taylor
Judge Taylor
Jules Rigaudie
Junyuan Zeng
Justin Elze
Justin Gardner
Justin Hutchens 
Justin Rhinehart
Justin Rhinehart
Kaileigh McCrea
Kairie Pierce
Kaitlyn Handleman
Kaitlyn Handleman
Kalev Leearu
Kamron Talebzadeh
Karen Ng
Karen Ng
Karen Ng
Karen Ng
Karen Ng
Karen Ng
Karen Ng
Karl Fosaaen
Karl Koscher
Kartheek Lade (@0xh3nry)
Kassandra Pierre
Kat Fitzgerald
Kate Bertash
Kate Bertash
Kathrin Spendier
Kathy Satterlee
Katie Moussouris
Katie Whiteley (Mkfactor)
Katorah Williams
Keenan Skelly
Keith E. Sonderling 
Keith Meyers
Ken Gannon
Ken Johnson
Ken Johnson
Ken Munro
Ken Munro
Ken Pyle
Ken Pyle
Kennashka DeSilva
Kenneth Geers
Kent Britain WA5VJB
Kenzie Dolan
Kevin Chapman
Kevin Clark
Kevin Lai
Kim Zetter
Kimberly Mentzell
Kristen Cotten
Krisz Klink
Kurt Opsahl
Kyle Avery
Kyle Wiens
Langston Clement (aka sh0ck)
Langston Clement (aka sh0ck)
Langston Clement (aka sh0ck)
Lars Skjorestad
Lauren Proehl
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lee McWhorter
Lennert Wouters
Leo Nendza
Leonard Bailey
Leonard Bailey
Levone Campbell
Li Siwei
Lily Newman
Linton Wells
Lior Kolnik
Liz Wharton
Logan Arkema
Louis Barrett
Louis Rossmann
Lucas Bonastre
Luiz Eduardo
Luke Richards (Wbbigdave)
Luke Richards (Wbbigdave)
Madhu Akula
Madhu Akula
Maggie Mayhem
Magician Kody Hildebrand
Magician Kody Hildebrand
Magician Kody Hildebrand
Magik Plan
Magnus Stubman
Makayla Ferrell
Malcolm Galland
Mari Galloway
Mariam Elgabry
Marianka Botes
Marianka Botes
Marissa Costa
Mark C
Mark C
Mark C
Mark Jackson
Mark Morowczynski
Mark Werremeyer
Martin Doyhenard
Martin Sohn Christensen
Martin Vigo
Mary Brooks
Mary Chaney
Mass Accelerator
Matt Cheung
Matt Cheung
Matt Holland
Matt Mosley
Matt Nash
Matt Scheurer
Matthew Canham
Matthew Freilich
Matthew Guariglia
Matthew Handy
Mauricio Tavares
Mauricio Velazco
Mauro Eldritch
Max Garrett
Maxime Meignan
Maxwell Dulin
Meg Egan
Meg King
Melanie Chan
Melanie Chan
Melanie Chan
Melanie Chan
Melanie Chan
Melissa Miller
Melissa Miller
Melvin Langvik
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Merin MC
Miana E Windall
Micah Hoffman
Micah Turner
Michael Aguilar (v3ga)
Michael Bargury
Michael Bargury
Michael Epping
Michael Kouremetis
Michael Kouremetis
Michael Kouremetis
Michael Kouremetis
Michael Kouremetis
Michael Messner
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Pelosi
Michael Register
Michael Ross
Michael Solomon
Michael Whiteley (Mkfactor)
Mickey Shkatov
Miguel Gallego Vara
Mike Campanelli
Mike Guirao
Mike Kijewski
Mike Mittelman
Mike Raggo
Mike Walker
Minh Duong
Miriam Lorbert
Miss Jackalope
Mixæl S. Laufer
Mixæl S. Laufer
Mixæl S. Laufer
Mohammed Shine
Monique Head
Monique Head
Moritz Abrell
Muhammad ALifa Ramdhan
Musaed Bin Muatred
nas_bench - Nasreddine Bencherchali
Nate Pelz
Nate Young
Nathan Case
Nathan Chung
Nathan Kirkland
Nathan Smith
Nathaniel Quist
Neal Pollard
Nestori Syynimaa
Nestori Syynimaa
Neumann Lim (scsideath)
Nevada Romsdahl
Nicholas Coad
Nicholas Coad
Nick Ascoli
Nick Ascoli
Nick Baker
Nick Dorion 
Nick Gobern
Nick Powers
Nick Vidal
Nick Vidal
Nicolas Boeckh
Nicole Chi
Nicole Tisdale
Nicole Tisdale
Nikita Kurtin
Nina Alli
Nina Kollars
Niru Raghupathy
Nishant Sharma
Nishant Sharma
Noam Dahan
Noam Dahan
Noam Dahan
NPC Collective
Ochuan Marshall
Octavio Galland
Octavio Gianatiempo
Oded Vanunu
Ohad Zaidenberg
Olaf Hartong
Oleg Lerner
Olivia Stella
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omar Santos
Omri Misgav
Open Research Institute
Open Research Institute
Open Research Institute
Ophir Harpaz
Or Yair
Orange Tsai
Osasu Dorsey
Pascal Eckmann
Patrick McNeil
Patrick Ross
Patrick Ross
Patrick Wardle
Patrick Wardle
Patrik Neu
Paul Flynn
Paul Laîné
Paul Roberts
Paul Young
Paula González Nagore
Pedro Cabrera
Per Thorsheim
Pete Cooper
Pete Cooper
Peter Stephens
Phil Young
Philippe Laulheret
Phillip Wylie
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Pie & Darren
Preslav Nakov
Preslav Nakov
Professor Rogers
Quantum Village Team
Quantum Village Team
Quentin Kaiser
Rachel Mann
Rachel See
Rachna Umraniya
RADM John Mauger
Rae Baker
Ragnhild “Bridget“ Sageng
Rahul J
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Ralph May
Raunak Parmar
Ray “Senpai” Morris
Rebecca Ash
Rebekah Skeete
Rebekah Skeete
Rebekah Skeete
Remi Escourrou
Rex Guo
RF Hackers Village Staff
RF Hackers Village Staff
RF Hackers Village Staff
Rhyner Washburn
Ricardo Sanchez
Ricardo Sanchez
Ricardo Sanchez
Richard Thieme
Richard Zak
Richard Zak
Rick Martinez Herrera
Rick Osgood
Rick White
Ricky Banda
Rishal Dwivedi
Robert Fitzpatrick
Robyn Lundin
Rod Soto
Rodrigo Montoro
Roger Dingledine
Rohan Durve
Rojan Rijal
Roman Zaikin
Ron Ben Yitzhak
Ron Taylor
Ron Taylor
Ron Taylor
Ron Taylor
Ron Taylor
Ron Taylor
Ron Taylor
Ronald Broberg
Ronald Broberg
Ronny Thammasathiti
Rotem Bar
Roy Erlich
Roy Stultiens
Rudy Mendoza
Russ Handorf
Ryan Ashley
Ryan J Chapman
Ryan Kovar
Ryan M. Montgomery
Ryan Rix
Ryan Westman
Safa Shahwan Edwards
Salma Taoufiq
Sam Bent
Sam Bowne
Sam Bowne
Sam Curry
Sam Quinn
Saman Fatima
Samantha Jennings
Samuel Erb
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sandra Stibbards
Sanjeev Mahunta
Sanne Maasakkers
Santiago Kantorowicz
Santiago Kantorowicz
Sara-Jayne Terp
Sarthak Taneja
Saurabh Chaudhary
Scotch and Bubbles
Scott Brink
Scott Brink
Scott Brink
Scott Brink
Scott Small
Scott Small
Sean Sullivan
Sean Wilson
Sean Zadig
Sebastian Stein
Seeyew Mo
Segun Ebenezer Olaniyan
Seongsu Park
Sergei Frankoff
Seth Kintigh
Seth Kintigh
Seth Kirschner
Seth Law
Seth Law
Seth McKinnis
Shannon McHale
Sharon Brizinov
Shawn Thomas
Shea Nangle
Sherrod DeGrippo
Shubham Dubey
Sick Codes
Siebren Kraak
Skittish & Bus
Slammer Musuta
Slava Makkaveev
Solomon Sonya
Solomon Sonya
Sonju Walker
Soohwan Oh
Soohwan Oh
SooYun Chung
Sophia D'Antoine
Spicy Wasabi
Stefan Stephenson-Moe
Stephan Wampouille
Stephanie Barnes
Stephanie G.
Stephanie G.
Stephen Eckels
Stephen Kofi Asamoah
Steve Colenzo
Steve Povolny
Steve Thomas
Steven Collins
Steven Flores
Stewart Scott
Stewart Scott
Suchi Pahi
Sudipto Rakshit 
Sven Cattell
Sven Cattell
Swapneel Mehta
T. Halloway
Tanisha O'Donoghue
Tanisha O'Donoghue
Tarek Abdelmotaleb
Taylor Kulp-Mcdowall 
Ted Harrington
Tennisha Martin
Tennisha Martin
Tennisha Martin
Tennisha Martin
Tense Future
Teoderick Contreras
Teresa Green
Teresa Merklin
Terrestrial Access Network
Tessa Cole
Tessa Cole
Tessa Cole
The Dark Tangent
The Dark Tangent
The Dark Tangent
The Dark Tangent
Thijs Alkemade
Thomas Cervoni
Thomas Diot
Thomas Roth
Tillson Galloway
Tim Chase
Tim MalcomVetter
Timothy Weston
Timothy Weston
TJ Null
Todd Keller
Tom Dohrmann
Tom McGuire
Tomer Bar
Toni de la Fuente
Tracy Z. Maleeff
Tracy Z. Maleeff
Tracy Z. Maleeff
Tracy Z. Maleeff
Travis Juhr
Trevor Hough
Trevor Hough
Trevor Stevado
Trevor Stevado
Trevor Timmons
Trey Herr
Trey Herr
Tristan Miller
Tyson B. Meadors
Tyson B. Meadors
Tyson B. Meadors
tzachi(Zack) zorenshtain
Uchi Uchibeke
Uchi Uchibeke
Ulf Frisk
Utku Yildirim
Valencia Robinson
Valencia Robinson
Victor Graf
Vikram Sharma
Vikram Sharma
Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose
Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose
Vivek Nair
Vivek Nair
Vivek Ponnada
Vivek Ponnada
Wes Gavins
Wes Lambert
Wes Lambert
Wes Lambert
Wesley Altham (aka Wesrl)
Wesley Andrews
Wesley Thurner
Whitney Merrill
Wietze Beukema
Will Baggett
Will Baggett
Will Kline
Will Pearce
Will Pearce
Will Pearce
Will Schroeder
Will Schroeder
Winn Schwartau
Winnona DeSombre
Winnona DeSombre
Woongjo choi
Xan North
Xan North
Xavier Gerondeau
Yael Grauer
Yan Shoshitaishvili
Yan Zhu
Yatia Hopkins
Yatia Hopkins
Yesterday & Tomorrow
Yolan Romailler
Yuvaraj Govindarajulu 
Zac Shannon
Zac Staples
Zachary Minneker
Zachary Minneker
Zebbler Encanti Experience
Zhouhan Chen

Talk List

'Damn the exploits! Full speed ahead!' How naval fleet tactics redefine cyber operations - AVV
"The Man" in the Middle - BICV
(Not-So-Secret) Tunnel: Digging into Exposed ngrok Endpoints - RCV
[T]OTPs are not as secure as you might believe - CPV
404! Memory Holing and the SEO Warping of Human History - MIV
A Capitalist approach to hospital security - BHV
A dead man’s full-yet-responsible-disclosure system - DC
A few useful things to know about AI Red Teams  - AIV
A Light in Darkness: Child Predator Hunting through OSINT, Dark Web Sleuthing & Linguistic Analysis - RCV
A Policy Fireside Chat with Jay Healey - DC
A Policy Fireside Chat with the National Cyber Director - DC
A Practical Approach to Breaking & Pwning Kubernetes Clusters - PT
A Practical Approach to Breaking & Pwning Kubernetes Clusters - PT
A ransomware actor looks at the clouds: attacking in a cloud-native way - CLV
A System for Alert Prioritization - AIV
A Telco Odyssey. 5G SUCI-Cracker & SCTP-Hijacker - RFV
AADInternals: The Ultimate Azure AD Hacking Toolkit - DL
Abortion Tech - SKY
Access Undenied on AWS - Troubleshooting AWS IAM AccessDenied Errors - CLV
Access Undenied on AWS - DL
Ad it up: To minimize mis- and dis-information, we must reshape the ad tech business, not regulate speech - MIV
Addressing the gap in assessing (or measuring) the harm of cyberattacks - PLV
Advanced Packet Wrangling with tcpdump - DCGVR
Adversary Booth - AVV
Adversary Booth - AVV
Adversary Booth - AVV
Adversary Booth - AVV
Adversary Booth - AVV
Adversary Wars CTF - AVV
Adversary Wars CTF - AVV
Adversary Wars CTF - AVV
AES-GCM common pitfalls and how to work around them (PRE-RECORDED) - CPV
Agility Broke AppSec. Now It's Going to Fix It. - APV
AI Music Tutorial and Show - AIV
AI Trojan Attacks, Defenses, and the TrojAI Competition - AIV
AI Village + RTV Panel: The Use of AI/ML in Offensive Security Operations - RTV
AI Village Closing Remarks - AIV
AI Village CTF Results and Q&A - AIV
AI Village Keynote - AIV
All information should be free (except the brain data you want to keep in your head)  - BHV
All Roads leads to GKE's Host : 4+ Ways to Escape - DC
alsanna - DL
Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam - ASV
Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam - ASV
An introduction to quantum algorithms - QTV
Analyzing PIPEDREAM: Challenges in testing an ICS attack toolkit. - DC
Android, Birthday Cake, Open Wifi... Oh my! - SKY
Antennas for Surveillance - RFV
Arcade Party - SOC
⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️ - CON
Ask an Airport CISO - ASV
Assessing Cyber Security ROI: Adversary simulation and Purple teaming - AVV
Attack and Defend with Adversary Emulation - AVV
Attack and Defend with the Command and Control (C2) Matrix - RTV
Attack Surface Management Panel - RCV
Attacks on Tiny Intelligence - AIV
Attribution and Bias: My terrible mistakes in threat intelligence attribution - BTV
AutoDriving CTF - CON
Automate Detection with Machine Learning  - AIV
Automate Detection with Machine Learning  - AIV
Automated Debugging Under The Hood - Building A Programmable Windows Debugger From Scratch (In Python) - WS
Automated Trolling for Fun and No Profit - SKY
Automating Insecurity in Azure - CLV
Automotive Ethernet Fuzzing: From purchasing ECU to SOME/IP fuzzing - DC
Avoiding Memory Scanners: Customizing Malware to Evade YARA, PE-sieve, and More - DC
AWS Metadata Privilege Escalation - DCGVR
AWSGoat : A Damn Vulnerable AWS Infrastructure - DL
AzureGoat: Damn Vulnerable Azure Infrastructure - DL
Back to School! Hello RSA... and beyond! - CPV
Backdooring Pickles: A decade only made things worse - DC
Backdoors & Breaches, Back to the Stone Age! - BTV
Badrats: Initial Access Made Easy - DL
Balancing the Scales of Just-Good-Enough - AVV
Basic Blockchain Forensics - SKY
Better Policies for Better Lives: Hacker Input to international policy challenges - PLV
Betting on Your Digital Rights: EFF Benefit Poker Tournament - CON
Beverage Cooling Contraption Contest (BCCC) - CON
BIC Village Capture The Flag  - CON
Biohacking Using SDR When You Don’t Know What You’re Doing - RFV
Biometrics system hacking in the age of the smart vehicle - CHV
Black & White Ball - Entertainment - SOC
Black in Cybersecurity Research and Education: The Experience of one Black Girl's Journey through Graduate School - GHV
Black-Box Assessment of Smart Cards - DC
BlanketFort Con - SOC
Blue Team Village Closing Ceremony - BTV
Blue Team Village Opening Ceremony - BTV
Blue Teaming Cloud: Security Engineering for Cloud Forensics & Incident Response - BTV
BlueTeam Village Party - SOC
Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF - ASV
Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF - ASV
Botnet Workshop - PHV
Botnet Workshop - PHV
Botnet Workshop - PHV
Brazil Redux: Short Circuiting Tech-Enabled Dystopia with The Right to Repair - DC
Breaking the Intelligence Cycle - how to tailor intelligence function to your needs? - BHV
BrokenbyDesign: Azure | Get started with hacking Azure - CLV
Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in HTTP Request Smuggling - DC
Building Adversary Chains Like an Operator - AVV
Building the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline: How to Recruit and Educate the Next Generation of Cyber Warriors - DCGVR
Building Your Own Satellite Ground Station - ASV
BURP Suite, Forensics Tools & 0-day Exploit Development. - IOTV
Bypass 101 - PSV
Bypass 101 - PSV
Bypass 101 - PSV
Bypass 102 - PSV
Bypass 102 - PSV
California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Challenge - ASV
Call for Evidence: Informing the Biological Security Strategy - BHV
CANalyse 2.0 : A vehicle network analysis and attack tool. - CHV
canTot - a CAN Bus Hacking Framework to Compile Fun Hacks and Vulnerabilities - CHV
Capture The Packet Finals - CON
Capture The Packet Main Rounds - CON
Capture The Packet Preliminaries - CON
Capture The Packet Preliminaries - CON
Capturing Chaos: Harvesting Environmental Entropy - CPV
Car Hacking Village CTF - CON
Car Hacking Village CTF - CON
Car Hacking Village CTF - CON
Careful Who You Colab With: Abusing Google Colaboratory - DCGVR
Catch the Cheat - ROV
CatPhish Automation - The Emerging Use of Artificial Intelligence in Social Engineering - AIV
Challenges in Control Validation - BTV
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) - SOC
Chromebook Breakout: Escaping Jail, with your friends, using a Pico Ducky - DC
CICD security: A new eldorado - WS
CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room - ICSV
CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room - ICSV
CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room - ICSV
Closing a Security Gap in the Industrial Infrastructure Ecosystem: Under-Resourced Organizations - ICSV
Cloud Defaults are Easy Not Secure - CLV
Cloud Sandboxes for Security Research - Noirgate - CLV
Cloud Threat Actors: No longer cryptojacking for fun and profit - SKY
Cloud Village Closing Note - CLV
Cloud Village Opening Note - CLV
Cognitive Security in Theory and Practice - MIV
Cognitive Security: Human Vulnerabilities, Exploits, & TTPs - MIV
Cold Calls - SEV
Cold Calls - SEV
Combatting sexual abuse with threat intelligence techniques - SKY
Computer Hacks in the Russia-Ukraine War - DC
Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy for a Fragmented Internet - PLV
Container and Kubernetes Offense - RTV
Container and Kubernetes Offense - RTV
Container and Kubernetes Offense - RTV
Contest Closing Ceremonies & Awards - DC
Control Acquisition Attack of Aerospace Systems by False Data Injection - ASV
Control Validation Compass – Threat Modeling Aide & Purple Team Content Repo - DL
Control Validation Compass: Intelligence for Improved Security Validation - AVV
Crash and Compile - Contest Stage - CON
Crash and Compile - Contestant Setup - CON
Crash and Compile - Qualifications - CON
Crash and Compile + Hack3r Runway - CON
Creating and uncovering malicious containers. - WS
Creating More Black Hackers: Growth Systems for Cybersecurity Enthusiasts - BICV
CRITICAL FINDING: Lessons Learned from Dozens of Industrial Network Architecture Reviews - ICSV
Crossing the KASM -- a webapp pentest story - DC
Cryptle: a secure multi-party Wordle clone with Enarx - CPV
Cryptocurrency: A Bridge Across the Digital Divide - BICV
Cryptosploit - CPV
CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs (or “The Petting Zoo” - Breaking into CTFs) - WS
CTF Announcement - QTV
Customizable Binary Analysis: Using angr to its full potential - PT
Customizable Binary Analysis: Using angr to its full potential - PT
Cyber Attack Trends in 2022 - DCGVR
Cyber Physical Lab Environment for Maritime Cyber Security - ICSV
Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - RTV
Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - RTV
Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - RTV
Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - RTV
Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - RTV
Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - RTV
Cyber Resilience Bootcamp - RTV
Cyber Star Card Game Tutorial - ASV
Cyber Star© Competition Presented by The Space ISAC - ASV
Cyber Threats Against Aviation Systems: The Only Threat Briefing You Really Need - ASV
CyberPeace Builders - DL
D0 N0 H4RM: A Healthcare Security Conversation (Lounge) - PLV
Déjà Vu: Uncovering Stolen Algorithms in Commercial Products - DC
Dancing Around DRM - SKY
Data security and privacy in application security - APV
Dazed and Seriously Confused: Analysis of Data Voids & the Disinformation Landscape of Central Asia - MIV
DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest - CON
DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest - CON
DC404/DC678/DC770/DC470 (Atlanta Metro) Meetup - SOC
DC702 Pwnagotchi Party - SOC
DCGVR - Social Hour - DCGVR
DCGVR - Welcome reception 👋 - DCGVR
DDS Hack-the-Microgrid - ICSV
DDS Hack-the-Microgrid - ICSV
DDS Hack-the-Microgrid - ICSV
DDS Space Signal Lab - ASV
DDV (Data Duplication Village) starts accepting drives for duplication - DDV
DDV open and accepting drives for duplication - DDV
DDV open and accepting drives for duplication - DDV
Deadly Russian Malware in Ukraine - SKY
Deanonymization of TOR HTTP hidden services - DC
Debate - PQC, don't we have better things to do? - QTV
Debate - QKD - QTV
Decolonizing Cybersecurity - BICV
Deescalate the overly-permissive IAM - CLV
DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament - Mandatory Sign-up - CON
DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament - CON
DEF CON Bike Ride "CycleOverride" - SOC
DEF CON Closing Ceremonies & Awards - DC
DEF CON Holland DC3115 & DC3120 Group Meetup - SOC
DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model - CON
DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model - CON
Defaults - the faults. Bypassing android permissions from all protection levels - DC
DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - RFV
DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - RFV
DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Research Institute at RF Village - RFV
Defeating Moving Elements in High Security Keys - DC
Defender's Guide to Securing Public Cloud Infrastructures - PT
Defender's Guide to Securing Public Cloud Infrastructures - PT
Defensive 5G - DL
DEI in Cybersecurity (Breaking through the barrier, behind the barrier... behind the barrier) - BICV
Denial, Deception, and Drinks with Mitre Engage - SOC
Departmenf of Defense 5G Telemedicine and Medical Training: The Future of Healthcare the Remote Warrior - BHV
Describing Maritime Cyber work roles Using the NICE Framework - ICSV
Detecting the "Fake News" Before It Was Even Written, Media Literacy, and Flattening the Curve of the COVID-19 Infodemic - MIV
DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to Forensicating Evil - WS
Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling - WS
Digging into Xiaomi’s TEE to get to Chinese money - DC
Digital Forensics and Voting Machines - VMV
Digital Skeleton Keys - We’ve got a bone to pick with offline Access Control Systems - DC
Dip Your Toes in Infrastructure Testing: A Hands on Workshop Focusing on the Things CTF's Don't Teach - RTV
DIY Medicine With Unusual Uses for Existing FDA-Approved Drugs - BHV
DIY Restraint Breaking - ROV
Do Not Trust the ASA, Trojans! - DC
Doing the Impossible: How I Found Mainframe Buffer Overflows - DC
Dominion ImageCast X CVEs and reflections on CVD for election systems - VMV
Don't Blow A Fuse: Some Truths about Fusion Centres - SKY
Don’t be trusted: Active Directory trust attacks - AVV
Doors, Cameras, and Mantraps. Oh, my! - LPV
Down The Rabbit Hole: 10 Lessons Learned from a Year in the Trenches - AVV
Dozier Drill Tournament - LPV
Drag us to Wonder Bad: a tale of how to be good people by capturing credentials and 2FA - AVV
Dragon Tails: Supply-side Security and International Vulnerability Disclosure Law - DC
Drone Hack - IOTV
Drone Hack - IOTV
Drone Hack - IOTV
Drones and Civil Liberties - ASV
EDR detection mechanisms and bypass techniques with EDRSandBlast - DL
Edutainment: A gateway into the field of Cybersecurity & Online safety for girls. - GHV
EFF Tech Trivia - CON
EFF: Reproductive Justice in the Age of Surveillance - SOC
Election Cyber Security in the National Guard - VMV
Election Forensics - VMV
Election Security Bridge Building - PLV
ElectroVolt: Pwning popular desktop apps while uncovering new attack surface on Electron - DC
Elevators 101 - PSV
Elevators 101 - PSV
EMBA - Open-Source Firmware Security Testing - DL
Emerging Technical Cyber Policy Topics - PLV
Emoji Shellcoding: 🛠️, 🧌, and 🤯 - DC
Empire 4.0 and Beyond - DL
emulation-driven reverse-engineering for finding vulns - DC
Eradicating Disease With BioTerrorism - SKY
Ethical considerations in using digital footprints for verifying identities for online services - RHV
Ethics, morality & the law - SEV
Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscation - WS
Even my Dad is a Threat Modeler! - BTV
Examining the urgency of gendered health misinformation online through three case studies - MIV
Exotic data exfiltration - AVV
Exploitation in the era of formal verification: a peek at a new frontier with AdaCore/SPARK - DC
Exploiting 802.11n Narrow Channel Bandwidth Implementation in UAV - RFV
Exploits and Dragons - DCGVR
Exploring Ancient Ruins to Find Modern Bugs: Discovering a 0-Day in an MS-RPC Service - DC
Exploring Fruadsters Persuasion Strategies on Employment Databases - GHV
Exploring the hidden attack surface of OEM IoT devices: pwning thousands of routers with a vulnerability in Realtek’s SDK for eCos OS. - DC
Exploring Unprecedented Avenues for Data Harvesting in the Metaverse - CPV
Exposing aberrant network behaviors within ICS environments using a Raspberry Pi - ICSV
Faking Positive COVID Tests - BHV
False Dealing - ROV
Fantom5 SeaTF CTF - ICSV
Fantom5 SeaTF CTF - ICSV
Fantom5 SeaTF CTF - ICSV
FARA and DOJ’s Approach to Disinformation - MIV
Final Boarding Call for Cyber Policy Airlines Flight 443 - ASV
Finding Crypto: Inventorying Cryptographic Operations - CPV
Finding Hidden Gems In Temporary Mail Services - RCV
Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing - WS
Fireside Chat - MIV
Fireside Chat - MIV
Fireside Policy Chats - PLV
Fireside Policy Chats - PLV
Fireside Policy Chats - PLV
Fireside Policy Chats - PLV
First Year in Cyber - GHV
FISSURE: The RF Framework - DL
Flying Under Cloud Cover: Built-in Blind Spots in Cloud Security - CLV
Forcible Entry 101 - PSV
Forgery & Document Replication - ROV
Formalizing Security Assessment for Uncrewed Aerial Systems - ASV
FOX STEED: Analysis of a Social Media Identity Laundering Campaign - RCV
Free Amateur Radio License Exams - HRV
Free Amateur Radio License Exams - HRV
Free Amateur Radio License Exams - HRV
Friends of Bill W - SOC
Friends of Bill W - SOC
Friends of Bill W - SOC
Friends of Bill W - SOC
Friends of Bill W - SOC
Friends of Bill W - SOC
Friends of Bill W - SOC
From Zero To Sao … Or, How Far Does This Rabbit Hole Go? - HHV
Fun with bookmarks: From someone who spends way too much time on Twitter - DCGVR
Generative Art Tutorial - AIV
Geo-Targeting Live Tweets - SKY
Getting naughty on CAN bus with CHV Badge - CHV
Getting on the air: My experiences with Ham radio QRP - HRV
Getting started with Meshtastic - RFV
Ghost Guns: Rapidly acquiring, constructing or improvising firearms - SKY
Gird your loins: premise and perils of biomanufacturing - BHV
Girls Hack Village 90’s House Party - SOC
Girls Hack Village Introduction - GHV
Girls Hack Village Meetup: Shoot Your Shot Networking Event - SOC
Glitched on Earth by humans: A Black-Box Security Evaluation of the SpaceX Starlink User Terminal - DC
Glitter nail polish vs the Evil Maid, the Story - Spoiler: The maid wins. - DCGVR
Global Challenges, Global Approaches in Cyber Policy - DC
Grover's Search - a worked example - QTV
Hack Fortress - CON
Hack Fortress - CON
Hack the Airfield with DDS - ASV
Hack the Airfield with DDS - ASV
Hack the Airfield with DDS - ASV
Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis - ASV
Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis - ASV
Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis - ASV
HACK THE HEMISPHERE! How we (legally) broadcasted hacker content to all of North America using an end-of-life geostationary satellite, and how you can set up your own broadcast too! - DC
Hack the Plan[e]t CTF - ICSV
Hack the Plan[e]t CTF - ICSV
Hack the Plan[e]t CTF - ICSV
Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge - ASV
Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge - ASV
Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop - ASV
Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop - ASV
Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop - ASV
Hack-A-Sat Team - ASV
Hack3r Runw@y  - CON
Hack3r Runw@y  - CON
Hackable Book Signing - IOTV
Hacked by Raspberia: Simulating a nationally disruptive attack by a non-existent state actor - AVV
Hacker Flairgrounds - SOC
Hacker Jeopardy - SOC
Hacker Jeopardy - SOC
Hacker Karaoke - SOC
Hacker Karaoke - SOC
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
HackerOps - RTV
Hackers Help Make My Airline Secure - ASV
Hacking & Defending Blockchain Applications - APV
Hacking 8+ million websites - Ethical dilemmas when bug hunting and why they matter - APV
Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web - RTV
Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web - RTV
Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web - RTV
Hacking Aviation Policy - PLV
Hacking Diversity - GHV
Hacking Ham Radio: Dropping Shells at 1200 Baud - HRV
Hacking Hashcat - PWV
Hacking ISPs with Point-to-Pwn Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) - DC
Hacking law is for hackers - how recent changes to CFAA, DMCA, and global policies affect security research - PLV
Hacking Operational Collaboration - PLV
Hacking Product Security Interviews - IOTV
Hacking Product Security Interviews - IOTV
Hacking The Farm: Breaking Badly Into Agricultural Devices. - DC
Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of C Creatures - WS
Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - RTV
Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - RTV
Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - RTV
Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - RTV
Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - RTV
Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - RTV
Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs - RTV
Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment - SOC
Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment - SOC
Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment - SOC
Ham Nets 101 - HRV
Ham Radio is not just for Dinosaurs, Why hackers need an amateur radio license - DCGVR
Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows - RCE Edition - WS
Handcuffs and how they work - LPV
Hands on hacking labs - IOTV
Hands on hacking labs - IOTV
Hands on hacking labs - IOTV
Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - IOTV
Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - IOTV
Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root - IOTV
Hands-on Hacking of Reinforcement Learning Systems - AIV
Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark - How this stuff really works - WS
Hands-on threat modeling - APV
HardWired - PHV
HardWired - PHV
HardWired - PHV
Have a Software Defined Radio? - Design and make your own antennas - RFV
Healthcare Policy != Policy - BHV
Heavyweights: Threat Hunting at Scale - BTV
Helpful Principles in Adversarial Operations - AVV
Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge - SEV
Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge - SEV
Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge - SEV
Hidden Payloads in Cyber Security - GHV
Hide and Seek: Why do you need OpSec? - GHV
History of Russian Cyber & Information Warfare (2007-Present) - MIV
History of the weaponization of social media - MIV
hls4ml - Open Source Machine Learning Accelerators on FPGAs - DL
Honey Pot Workshop - PHV
Honey Pot Workshop - PHV
Honey Pot Workshop - PHV
Horusec - Brazilian SAST help World - BTV
Hospital Under Siege - CON
Hospital Under Siege - CON
Hospital Under Siege - CON
House of Heap Exploitation - WS
How a weirdly shaped piece of metal pulls cat memes out of thin air - RFV
How getting a free phone got me to report critical vulns affecting millions of Android devices - DCGVR
How long do hard drives and SSDs live, and what can they tell us along the way? - DDV
How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - RTV
How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - RTV
How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - RTV
How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set of Common Active Directory Attacks and How to Perform Them from Linux - RTV
How my High School Creative Writing Class Helped Me Become a Better Incident Responder - DCGVR
How Russia is trying to block Tor - DC
How to be the Best Adversary Simulator - AVV
How to Build DIY Lifesaving Medical Devices - BHV
How to do Cloud Security assessments like a pro in only #4Steps - CLV
How to find 0-days in your “memory safe” stack? - APV
How To Get MUMPS Thirty Years Later (or, Hacking The Government via FOIA'd Code) - DC
How to have an extraterrestrial conversation. Active METI Principles and Hackathon! - BHV
How to Leverage MDS2 Data for Medical Device Security - BHV
How to Respond to Data Subject Access Requests - CPV
How to Start and Run a Group - DCGVR
How to stop Surveillance Captalism in Healthcare - BHV
Human Chip Implants - RHV
Human Chip Implants - RHV
Hundreds of incidents, what can we share? - SKY
Hunting Bugs in The Tropics - DC
Hunting for Spacecraft Zero Days Using Digital Twins - ASV
Hunting Malicious Office Macros - BTV
Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to You - WS
I know what you ate last summer - RHV
I’m not Keylogging you! Just some benign data collection for User Behavior Modeling - AIV
ICS Village Charity BBQ - ICSV
ID theft insurance - The Emperor’s new clothes? - CPV
Imagining a cyber policy crisis: Storytelling and Simulation for real-world risks - PLV
Implementing E2E multi-client communication (for fun, work or profit) - what could go wrong? - APV
Imposter Syndrome- The Silent Killer of Motivation - GHV
Improving International Vulnerability Disclosure: Why the US and Allies Have to Get Serious - PLV
Improving security posture of MacOS and Linux with Azure AD - BTV
Industry 4.0 and the MTS of the Future – Convergence, Challenges and Opportunities [[MARITIME]] - ICSV
Information Confrontation 2022 - A loud war and a quiet enemy - MIV
Information Confrontation 2022 – A loud war and a quiet enemy - RCV
Information Operations - VMV
Injectyll-Hide: Build-Your-Own Hardware Implants - HHV
Injectyll-HIDe: Pushing the Future of Hardware Implants to the Next Level - DL
Integrating mileage clocking and other hacking equipment into a vehicle simulator rig - CHV
Internal Server Error: Exploiting Inter-Process Communication with new desynchronization primitives - DC
International Government Action Against Ransomware - PLV
INTERNET WARS 2022: These wars aren't just virtual - SKY
Intro guide to keyfob hacking - RFV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Intro to Lockpicking - LPV
Introducing the Abusability Testing Framework (V1) - CPV
Introduction to Aircraft Networks and Security Design Considerations - ASV
Introduction to Azure Security - WS
Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks - WS
Introduction to IOS Reverse Engineering with Frida - GHV
Introduction to Software Defined Radios and RF Hacking - WS
IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) - CON
IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) - CON
IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOplessly Broken) - CON
IoT Village CTF Challenges - IOTV
IoT Village CTF Challenges - IOTV
IoT Village CTF Challenges - IOTV
IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest - CON
Jailed By a Google Search Part 2: Abortion Surveillance in Post-Roe America - CPV
Juicing & Marking Cards - ROV
Keeping Beer Cold: Attackers, ICS and Cross-Sector Defense - ICSV
Keeping Your Distance: Pwning  RFID Physical Access Controls From 6FT and Beyond - RFV
Keynote - DCGVR
Killer Hertz - DC
KQL Kung Fu: Finding the Needle in the Haystack in Your Azure Environments - CLV
Kubernetes Capture The Flag - CON
Kubernetes Capture The Flag - CON
Last chance to pick up drives at the DDV - DDV
Latest and Greatest in Incident Response - BTV
LATMA - Lateral movement analyzer - AIV
Lawyers Meet - SOC
Layer 7 matters at Layers 2/3 : Appsec on Network Infrastructure - APV
Leading the Way - GHV
Leak The Planet: Veritatem cognoscere non pereat mundus - DC
Learn at Tamper-Evident Village - TEV
Learn at Tamper-Evident Village - TEV
Learn at Tamper-Evident Village - TEV
Learn The Game, Play The Game, Change the Game - GHV
Lend me your IR's! - BTV
Less SmartScreen More Caffeine – ClickOnce (Ab)Use for Trusted Code Execution - DC
Let's Dance in the Cache - Destabilizing Hash Table on Microsoft IIS - DC
Linux Threat Detection with Attack Range - AVV
Linux Trainer - PHV
Linux Trainer - PHV
Linux Trainer - PHV
Literal Self-Pwning: Why Patients - and Their Advocates - Should Be Encouraged to Hack, Improve, and Mod Med Tech - DC
Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) - DC
Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) - DC
Lost and Found Department Open (Generally) - DC
Low Code High Risk: Enterprise Domination via Low Code Abuse - DC
LSASS Shtinkering: Abusing Windows Error Reporting to Dump LSASS - DC
Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition Launch - AIV
Making the most of Microsoft cloud bug bounty programs: How I made in $65,000 USD in bounties in 2021 - CLV
Making Your SOC Suck Less - BTV
Malicious memory techniques on Windows and how to spot them - BTV
Malware Emulation Attack Graphs - AVV
Malware Hunting - Discovering techniques in PDF malicious - BTV
Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure - ICSV
Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure - ICSV
Mass Disinformation Operations - How to detect and assess Ops with OSINT & SOCMINT tools and techniques - MIV
Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanced Volatile Memory Analysis for Fun and Profit - WS
Master of Puppets: How to tamper the EDR? - AVV
Medeco cam lock exploit "an old attack made new again" - LPV
Medical Device Hacking: A hands on introduction - BHV
Meet Lucy - QTV
Meet the Digital Lab at Consumer Reports - SOC
Meet the EFF - SOC
Meet the Feds: CISA Edition (Lounge) - PLV
Meet the Feds: DHS Edition (Lounge) - PLV
Memento Vivere: A connected light installation on cerebral (dys)function - BHV
Memfini - A systemwide memory monitor interface for linux - DL
Memorial Room Open - DC
Memorial Room Open - DC
Memorial Room Open - DC
Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README - DC
Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README - DC
Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README - DC
Mercury - DL
Metal and Fire... Copying Keys via Mold and Cast Tactics - LPV
Mitigating vulnerabilities in two-factor authentication in preventing account takeover - RHV
Modern techniques used by Advanced Persistent Threat actors for discovering 0-day vulnerabilities - AVV
Movie Night Double Feature - Arrival & Real Genius - SOC
Movie Night Double Feature - The Conversation & The 13th Floor - SOC
Movie-Style Hardware Hacking - HHV
Moving Regulation Upstream - An Increasing focus on the Role of Digital Service Providers - PLV
Multi-Stakeholder Online Harm Threat Analysis - MIV
My First Hack Was in 1958 (Then A Career in Rock’n’Roll Taught Me About Security) - DC
Natural Disasters and International Supply Chains: Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Review - BHV
Navigating the High Seas When Dealing with Cybersecurity Attack - ICSV
Near and Far: Securing On and Off Planet Networks at JPL - ASV
Network Hacking 101 - WS
NetworkOS Workshop - PHV
NetworkOS Workshop - PHV
NetworkOS Workshop - PHV
Neurodiversity in Cybersecurity: Find Your Competitive Advantage! - BICV
New Frontiers in GitHub Secret Snatching - RCV
Night of the Ninjas - Entertainment - SOC
Nimbly Navigating a Nimiety of Nimplants: Writing Nim Malware Like The Cool Kids - AVV
No bricks without clay - Data Fusion and Duplication in Cybersecurity - DDV
No Code Security Review - What should I review in applications without code? - APV
No-Code Malware: Windows 11 At Your Service - DC
Not All Who Wander Are Lost: Using OSINT for a Fulfilling Travel Experience - RCV
Not Feeling Yourself: User Spoofing and Other Disinformation Exploits - MIV
NPM, “Private” Repos, and You - RCV
OAuth-some Security Tricks: Yet more OAuth abuse - CLV
Obsidian CTH Live: Killchain 1 Walkthrough - BTV
Obsidian CTH Live: Killchain 3 Walkthrough - BTV
Obsidian CTH: Go Phish: Visualizing Basic Malice - BTV
Obsidian CTH: Hunting for Adversary's Schedule - BTV
Obsidian CTH: Sniffing Compromise: Hunting for Bloodhound - BTV
Obsidian CTH: The Logs are Gone? - BTV
Obsidian CTI: Generating Threat Intelligence from an Incident - BTV
Obsidian CTI: Operationalizing Threat Intelligence - BTV
Obsidian Forensics: Creating a custom Velociraptor collector - BTV
Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 1 Endpoint Forensics Walkthrough - BTV
Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 3 Endpoint Forensics Walkthrough - BTV
Obsidian Forensics: KillChain1 - Adventures in Splunk and Security Onion - BTV
Obsidian Forensics: KillChain3 - Continued Adventures in Splunk and Security Onion - BTV
Obsidian Forensics: The Importance of Sysmon for Investigations - BTV
Obsidian Forensics: Using Chainsaw to Identify Malicious Activity - BTV
Obsidian Live: Eating the Elephant 1 byte at a Time - BTV
Obsidian Live: May We Have the OODA Loops? - BTV
Obsidian REM: Long Walks On The Beach: Analyzing Collected PowerShells - BTV
Obsidian REM: Phishing In The Morning: An Abundance of Samples! - BTV
Obsidian: IR - Final Reporting Made Exciting* - BTV
Obsidian: IR - It all starts here, scoping the incident - BTV
Obsidian: IR - Mise En Place for Investigations - BTV
Obsidian: IR - OODA! An hour in incident responder life - BTV
Octopus Game - Final 8 Phase - CON
Octopus Game - Individual Phase - CON
Octopus Game - On-site Sign-in (Mandatory) - CON
Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration - CON
Off the grid - Supplying your own power - HRV
Offensive Application Security for Developers... - APV
Offensive Cyber Industry Roundtable - PLV
Offensive IoT Exploitation - PT
Offensive IoT Exploitation - PT
Ohm, how do I get into ICS? - ICSV
Old Malware, New tools: Ghidra and Commodore 64, why understanding old malicious software still matters - DC
Oli: A Simpler Pi-Star Replacement - HRV
ONCD Cybersecurity Strategy Workshop - PLV
Once More Unto the Breach: Federal Regulators' Response to Privacy Breaches and Consumer Harms - CPV
One Bootloader to Load Them All - DC
One Low, Two Informational: Why Your Pentest Findings are so Boring - APV
OopsSec -The bad, the worst and the ugly of APT’s operations security - DC
OPAQUE is Not Magic - CPV
Open Panel: War Driving Rig Makers Meetup - RFV
Open Source Zero Trust Security using Ory Keto - VMV
OpenCola. The AntiSocial Network - DC
Opening Remarks on the State of AI & Security  - AIV
OpenTDF - DL
Opportunity Fuels Grit - GHV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OSINT Skills Lab Challenge - RTV
OT:ICEFALL - Revisiting a decade of OT insecure-by-design practices - ICSV
Out of the Abyss: Surviving Vulnerability Management - BHV
Owned or pwned? No peekin' or tweakin'! - CPV
Packet Detective - PHV
Packet Detective - PHV
Packet Detective - PHV
Packet Inspector - PHV
Packet Inspector - PHV
Packet Inspector - PHV
Packet Sender - DL
Panel - "So It's your first DEF CON" - How to get the most out of DEF CON, What NOT to do. - DC
Panel - DEF CON Policy Dept - What is it, and what are we trying to do for hackers in the policy world? - DC
Panel: AI and Hiring Tech - AIV
Panel: Ask-a-ham - HRV
Pause…Push,Pass, Pivot - GHV
Payment Hacking Challenge - PYV
Payment Hacking Challenge - PYV
Payment Hacking Challenge - PYV
Payment Hacking Challenge - PYV
PCILeech and MemProcFS - DL
Pen Test Partner Power Hour - ASV
Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator - ASV
Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator - ASV
Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator - ASV
Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator - ASV
Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator - ASV
Pentesting Industrial Control Systems 101: Capture the Flag! - WS
Perimeter Breached! Hacking an Access Control System - DC
Phishing for Your Next Cyber Opportunity - GHV
Phishing with Empathy: Running Successful Phishing Campaigns without Making Enemies and Irritating People - SEV
Phishing With Phineas (Again) - Steroid Boosted Hack Recreation Workshop - RTV
Phonerator, an advanced *valid* phone number generator for your OSINT/SE needs - RCV
Phreaking 2.0 - Abusing Microsoft Teams Direct Routing - DC
Physical Security Bypasses - PSV
Physical Security Village - PSV
Physical Security Village - PSV
Physical Security Village - PSV
Picking Pockets, Picked Apart - ROV
Picking Pockets, Picked Apart - ROV
PII: The Privacy Zombie - CPV
Pilots and Hackers Meetup - SOC
Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class - WS
Please deposit 30c: A history of payphone locks that lead to one of the most secure locks ever made. - LPV
PMR - PT & VA Management & Reporting - DL
Positive Identification of Least Significant Bit Image Steganography - CPV
Power Flow 101 for hackers and analysts - ICSV
PQC in the Real World - QTV
Practical Dark Web Hunting using Automated Scripts - BTV
Practical Secure Code Review - PT
Practical Secure Code Review - PT
Pragmatic API Exploration - PT
Pragmatic API Exploration - PT
PreAuth RCE Chains on an MDM: KACE SMA - DC
Prizes announced for HHV Rube Goldberg Machine, Make Your Own Use Contest, and Bring the Other Half - HHV
Process injection: breaking all macOS security layers with a single vulnerability - DC
Project Obsidian: Panel Discussion - BTV
Protect Our Pentest Tools! Perks and Hurdles in Distributing Red Team Tools - PLV
Protect/hunt/respond with Fleet and osquery - WS
Prowler Open Source Cloud Security: A Deep Dive Workshop - CLV
PSA: Doorbell Cameras Have Mics, Too - CPV
Psychological Reverse Shells - SEV
pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box - CON
pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box - CON
pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box - CON
Pulling Passwords out of Configuration Manager: Practical Attacks against Microsoft's Endpoint Management Software - DC
Purple Teaming & Adversary Emulation in the Cloud with Stratus Red Team - CLV
Purple Teaming for Auditors and the Business - AVV
Pursuing Phone Privacy Protection [WORKSHOP] - CPV
Pwning Alarm Wires - PSV
Pwning Lazy Admins - DCGVR
Pwning RFID From 6ft Away - PSV
Pwning RFID From 6ft Away - PSV
Python vs Modern Defenses - AVV
QC 101 workshop - QTV
Qemuno – An uninvited guest - AVV
QML/QNLP workshop/showcase - QTV
Quantini Time - QTV
Quantum Hardware Hacking - QTV
Quantum Life: Burning Chrome Side Chat - QTV
Quantum Snake Oil? What Ailments Can It Cure? - ASV
Quantum Village Opening Ceremony - QTV
Queercon Mixer - SOC
Queercon Mixer - SOC
Queercon Mixer - SOC
Queercon Party - SOC
Quiet Recon: Gathering everything you need with LDAP and native AD services  - RTV
Quiet Recon: Gathering everything you need with LDAP and native AD services  - RTV
Radical inclusivity and intersectionality in the biohacking world - BHV
Radio Frequency Capture the Flag - CON
Ransomware ATT&CK and Defense - BTV
Red Alert ICS CTF - CON
Red Alert ICS CTF - CON
Red Alert ICS CTF - CON
Red Balloon Failsat Challenges - ASV
Red Balloon Failsat Challenges - ASV
Red Balloon Failsat Challenges - ASV
Red Team Village CTF Finals Part 2 - CON
Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 - CON
Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1 - CON
Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 2 - CON
Red Team Village Keynote Panel - RTV
Red Teaming the Open Source Software Supply Chain - PLV
Reflections on 9 Years of CPV - CPV
RegEx Trainer - PHV
RegEx Trainer - PHV
RegEx Trainer - PHV
Remote Exploitation of Honda Cars - CHV
Research and Cold Calls - SEV
Research and Deliverables on Utilizing an Academic Hub and Spoke Model to Create a National Network of ICS Institutes - ICSV
Research Calls - SEV
ResidueFree - DL
Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session - ASV
Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session - ASV
Return-Oriented Policy Making for Open Source and Software Security - PLV
Reversing An M32C Firmware – Lesson Learned From Playing With An Uncommon Architecture - HHV
Reversing the Original Xbox Live Protocols - DC
RF CTF Kick Off Day 1 - RFV
RF CTF Kick Off Day 2 - RFV
RF CTF Out-brief - RFV
RFCommotion - Invisible Serial Ports Flying Through the Air - CHV
RFID Hacking 101 - PSV
RFID Hacking 101 - PSV
RFID Hacking 101 - PSV
Right Hand, Meet Left Hand: The Cybersecurity Implications of Non-Cybersecurity Internet Regulation (Community Roundtable) - PLV
RingHopper – Hopping from User-space to God Mode - DC
Rip and tear - RFV
RoboSumo - HHV
Rock the Cash Box - RHV
Running Rootkits Like A Nation-State Hacker - DC
Running system tests with active authn/z - APV
S.O.S How Sharing Our Stories Will Save Cybersecurity - GHV
Safecracking for Everyone - LPV
Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS - ASV
Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS - ASV
Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS - ASV
Save The Environment (Variable): Hijacking Legitimate Applications with a Minimal Footprint - DC
Scaling the Security Researcher to Eliminate OSS Vulnerabilities Once and For All - DC
Scanning your way into internal systems via URLScan - RCV
Secrets of an Advantage Player - ROV
Secure by Design - Facilities design cybersecurity - BHV
Securing and Standardizing Data Rights Requests with a Data Rights Protocol - CPV
Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: PLC secure coding practices - WS
Securing Smart Contracts - WS
Securing the Future of Aviation CyberSecurity - ASV
Securing Web Apps - WS
Security at Every Step: The TL;DR on Securing Your AWS Code Pipeline - CLV
Security Concerns of the Medical Laboratory - DCGVR
Security like the 80's: How I stole your RF - CHV
Security Misconfigurations in the Cloud - "Oh Look, something fluffy, poke, poke, poke" - CLV
Self No-Fly Area Designing for UAV - ASV
SharpSCCM - DL
Shopping for Vulnerabilities - How Cloud Service Provider Marketplaces can Help White and Black Hat Vulnerability Research - CLV
Sign of the Times: Exploiting Poor Validation of AWS SNS SigningCertUrl - CLV
SimPPL: Simulating Social Networks and Disinformation - MIV
Smart Black Box Fuzzing of UDS CAN - CHV
So long, PBKDF2! The end of password-based key derivation - PWV
Social Engineering as a career panel - SEV
Social Engineering Community Village Mixer - SEV
Social Engineering the People you Love - SEV
Socially Engineering the Social Engineers: Understanding Phishing Threats by Engaging with Actors - SEV
Solana JIT: Lessons from fuzzing a smart-contract compiler - DC
Sonic scanning: when fast is not fast enough - RCV
Space Jam: Exploring Radio Frequency Attacks in Outer Space - DC
Space Station Sapians: Health is out of this world - BHV
Space ISAC: Protecting Our Space Assets - ASV
SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - RFV
SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet - RFV
Spear Vishing / VoIP Poisoning - Maritime and Land - ICSV
SquarePhish - Phishing Office 365 using QR Codes and Oauth 2.0 Device Code Flow - CLV
Stalking Back - RCV
Start now or else! A perspective on transitioning organizations to PQC - QTV
Starting Threat Hunting with MITRE ATT&CK Framework - DCGVR
State of the Model - BICV
Staying Afloat in a Tsunami Of Security Inflormation - GHV
Stop worrying about Nation-States and Zero-Days; let's fix things that have been known for years! - ICSV
STrace - A DTrace on windows reimplementation. - DC
Surviving and Designing for Survivors - CPV
svachal + machinescli - DL
Take Your Security Skills From Good to Better to Best! - BTV
Taking a Dump In The Cloud - DC
Taking Down the Grid - SKY
Taking MITRE ATT&CK for ICS to Sea - ICSV
Tales from the trenches - why organizations struggle to get even the basics of OT asset visibility & detection right. - ICSV
TCP/IP Deep Dive for Ethical Hackers – Featuring Wireshark - PT
TCP/IP Deep Dive for Ethical Hackers – Featuring Wireshark - PT
Tear Down this Zywall: Breaking Open Zyxel Encrypted Firmware - DC
That's No Moon -- A Look at the Space Threat Environment - ASV
The "Why" of Lock Picking - LPV
The aftermath of a social engineering pentest. - Are we being ethically responsible?” - SEV
The Art of Modern Malware Analysis: Initial Infection Malware, Infrastructure, and C2 Frameworks - WS
The Big Rick: How I Rickrolled My High School District and Got Away With It - DC
The Bug Hunters Methodology – Application Analysis Edition v1.5 - RCV
The Call is Coming From Inside The Cluster: Mistakes that Lead to Whole Cluster Pwnership - DC
The Chaos of Coding with Language Models - AIV
The COW (Container On Windows) Who Escaped the Silo - DC
The CSRF Resurrections! Starring the Unholy Trinity: Service Worker of PWA, SameSite of HTTP Cookie, and Fetch - DC
The Dark Tangent & Mkfactor - Welcome to DEF CON & The Making of the DEF CON Badge - DC
The deadly state of surveillance capitalism in healthcare - CPV
The DFIR Report Homecoming Parade Panel - BTV
The Emerging Space - Cyber Warfare Theatre - ASV
The Evil PLC Attack: Weaponizing PLCs - DC
The Exploding Wireless Attack Surface: Policy considerations for a rapidly changing electromagnetic spectrum environment - PLV
The Future of Collecting Data from the Past: OSINT Now and Beyond - RCV
The GACWR Story: Building a Black Owned Cyber Range - BICV
The Geopolitical Implications of the Escalation and Weaponization of GPS and AIS Spoofing [[MARITIME]] - ICSV
The Gold Bug – Crypto and Privacy Village Puzzle - CON
The Gold Bug – Crypto and Privacy Village Puzzle - CON
The hitchhacker’s guide to iPhone Lightning & JTAG hacking - DC
The hybrid strategies of autocratic states: narrative characteristics of disinformation campaigns in relation to issues of a scientific-health nature - MIV
The Internet’s role in sanctions enforcement: Russia/Ukraine and the future - DC
The Journey From an Isolated Container to Cluster Admin in Service Fabric - DC
The Last Log4Shell Talk You Need - BICV
The least secure biometric lock on Earth? - LPV
The least secure biometric lock on Earth - PSV
The Log4J Rollercoaster - from an incident response perspective - APV
The Multiverse of Madness: Navigating the 50-State Approach to Privacy and Security - CPV
The PACMAN Attack: Breaking PAC on the Apple M1 with Hardware Attacks - DC
The Perfect Storm: Deception, Manipulation, and Obfuscation on the High Seas - ICSV
The Purple Malware Development Approach - WS
The Quantum Tech Showcase: From QKD to QRNG Demo - QTV
The Richest Phisherman in Colombia - SKY
The Richest Phisherman in Colombia - RCV
The Right Way To Do Wrong: Physical security secrets of criminals and professionals alike - LPV
The Schemaverse Championship - Practice Round - CON
The Schemaverse Championship - CON
The Simple, Yet Lethal, Anatomy of a Software Supply Chain Attack - APV
The State of Election Security Training - VMV
The Television News Visual Explorer: Cataloging Visual Narratives & Lending Context - MIV
The USCG's Maritime Cybersecurity Strategy [[maritime]] - ICSV
The Use of AI/ML in Offensive Security Operations - AIV
The Way of The Adversary - AVV
TheAllCommander - DL
Thinking About Election Security: Annual Debrief (Community Roundtable) - PLV
This one time, at this Hospital, I got Ransomware - SKY
Threat Hunt Trilogy: A Beast in the Shadow! - BTV
Threat hunting? Ain’t nobody got time for that... - BICV
Three Time's a Charm: Our Experience at the Public Hacking Trials of the Brazilian Election Systems - VMV
Thrice Is Nice: Evaluating the Ukrainian Power Events from BlackEnergy to Industroyer2 - ICSV
Thursday Opening Party - Entertainment - SOC
Tools for Fighting Disinformation - MIV
Tor: Darknet Opsec By a Veteran Darknet Vendor & the Hackers Mentality - DC
Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not on a VPN anymore - CPV
Toxic BBQ - SOC
Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Announce CTF Grand Prize Winners - CON
Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - CTF Platform Open for Submissions - CON
Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups - CON
Trace me if you can: Bypassing Linux Syscall Tracing - DC
Tracking Military Ghost Helicopters over our Nation's Capital - DC
Tracking Scams and Disinformation by Hacking Link Shorteners - MIV
Trailer Shouting: Talking PLC4TRUCKS Remotely with an SDR - DC
Truly Maligned: How Disinformation Targets Minority Communities to Create Voter Suppression - VMV
Truthsayer: Make a remote lie detector and become irresistible on Zoom calls - SEV
UFOs, Alien Life, and the Least Untruthful Things I Can Say. - DC
unblob - towards efficient firmware extraction - DL
Uncovering multi-platform misinformation campaigns with Information Tracer - MIV
Understanding AIS Protocols and the GRACE Console [[Maritime]] - ICSV
Understanding CAN Bus and the GRACE Console [[Maritime]] - ICSV
Understanding Modbus TCP and the GRACE Console [[Maritime]] - ICSV
Understanding, Abusing and Monitoring AWS AppStream 2.0 - CLV
United We Stand - VMV
us-east-1 Shuffle: Lateral Movement and other Creative Steps Attackers Take in AWS Cloud Environments and how to detect them - CLV
Uwb Security Primer: Rise Of A Dusty Protocol - HHV
Vajra - Your Weapon To Cloud - DL
Vendor Area Open - DC
Vendor Area Open - DC
Vendor Area Open - DC
Verbal Steganography Re-Loaded - ROV
Village Areas Open (Generally) - DC
Village Areas Open (Generally) - DC
Village Areas Open (Generally) - DC
Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS - SEV
Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS - SEV
Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS - SEV
Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS - SEV
Voldrakus: Using Consent String Steganography to Exfiltrate Browser Fingerprinting Data - CPV
Voter Targeting, Location Data, and You - SKY
Vulnerability Assessment of a Satellite Simulator - ASV
Wakanda Land - DL
Walk This Way: What Run D.M.C. and Aerosmith Can Teach Us About the Future of Cybersecurity - DC
Wall of Sheep - PHV
Wall of Sheep - PHV
Wall of Sheep - PHV
Wardriving 101 - or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bad Fuel Economy and High Gas Prices - RFV
WarTime AppSec - APV
We Promise Not to Brick It... But If We Do... - ICSV
Weaponizing Windows Syscalls as Modern, 32-bit Shellcode - DC
Weather Proofing GCP Defaults - CLV
Web Monetization: A privacy-preserving and open way to earn from Content - MIV
Web Shell Hunting - BTV
Welcome and Introduction - AVV
What is the Info Sec Color Wheel? - GHV
What your stolen identity did on its CoViD vacation - SKY
When (Fire)Fox Gets Angry! A Web Browser for Red Teamers - DCGVR
When The "IT" Hits The Fan, Stick To the Plan - BICV
When you're too competitive for your own good - RFV
Where there's a kiosk, there's an escape - BHV
Who Contains the “Serverless” Containers? - CLV
Who doesn’t like a little Spice? Emulation Maturity, Team Culture and TTPs - AVV
Whose Slide Is It Anyway? (WSIIA) - SOC
Why aren’t you automating? - ICSV
Why did you lose the last PS5 restock to a bot Top-performing app-hackers business modules, architecture, and techniques - DC
Why Organizations Must Consider Crypto Agility - QTV
Wind Energy Cybersecurity: Novel Environments facing Increased Threats - ICSV
Windows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitives - WS
WIPS/WIDS Evasion for Rogue Access Points - RFV
Wireless Keystroke Injection (WKI) via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - DC
Workshop Overflow - ROV
Workshop: Intro to CTF - GHV
Workshop: Mobile Penetration Testing w Corellium - GHV
Workshop: Network Penetration Testing w HyperQube - GHV
Workshop: Protect the Pi - GHV
Xavier Memory Analysis Framework - DL
XR for Literally Everything, Everywhere, All at Once - BHV
XR Technology Has 99 Problems and Privacy is Several of Them (PRE-RECORDED) - CPV
YARA Rules to Rule them All - BTV
You Have One New Appwntment - Hacking Proprietary iCalendar Properties - DC
You’re <strike>Muted</strike>Rooted - DC
Your Amateur Radio License and You - HRV
Zero 2 Emulated Criminal: Intro to Windows Malware Dev - PT
Zero 2 Emulated Criminal: Intro to Windows Malware Dev - PT
Zero Trust - GHV
Zuthaka: A Command & Controls (C2s) integration framework - DL

Village Talk List

AIV - Artificial Intelligence Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (AI Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 14:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
09:30 - 10:50 Automate Detection with Machine Learning  Gavin Klondike 
10:00 - 10:30 Opening Remarks on the State of AI & Security  Brian Pendleton,Sven Catt . . .
11:00 - 11:50 I’m not Keylogging you! Just some benign data co . . . Harini Kannan 
12:00 - 12:50 AI Village Keynote Keith E. Sonderling 
13:00 - 13:50 Machine Learning Security Evasion Competition Laun . . . Hyrum Anderson 
14:00 - 14:50 The Chaos of Coding with Language Models Nick Dorion 
15:00 - 15:50 LATMA - Lateral movement analyzer Gal Sadeh 
16:00 - 16:50 Panel: AI and Hiring Tech Rachel See
10:00 - 10:50 A few useful things to know about AI Red Teams  Sudipto Rakshit 
11:00 - 11:50 Hands-on Hacking of Reinforcement Learning Systems Dr. Amanda Minnich 
12:00 - 12:50 A System for Alert Prioritization Ben Gelman ,Salma Taoufi . . .
13:00 - 13:50 CatPhish Automation - The Emerging Use of Artifici . . . Justin Hutchens 
14:00 - 14:50 The Use of AI/ML in Offensive Security Operations Omar Santos,Will Pearce,W . . .
15:00 - 15:50 Generative Art Tutorial
16:00 - 17:30 AI Music Tutorial and Show dadabots
09:00 - 10:20 Automate Detection with Machine Learning  Gavin Klondike 
10:30 - 11:20 Attacks on Tiny Intelligence Yuvaraj Govindarajulu 
11:30 - 12:20 AI Trojan Attacks, Defenses, and the TrojAI Compet . . . Taylor Kulp-Mcdowall 
12:30 - 13:20 AI Village CTF Results and Q&A Will Pearce
14:00 - 14:59 AI Village Closing Remarks Brian Pendleton,Sven Catt . . .

Return to Index

APV - AppSec Village

Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Twilight Ballroom (Appsec Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 14:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 11:15 Agility Broke AppSec. Now It's Going to Fix It. Roy Erlich,Emil Vaagland, . . .
11:15 - 13:15 Data security and privacy in application security Eyitayo Alimi
13:45 - 14:45 Hacking 8+ million websites - Ethical dilemmas whe . . . Rotem Bar
14:45 - 16:45 Hands-on threat modeling Chris Romeo
10:05 - 10:59 WarTime AppSec Chris Kubecka
11:00 - 11:59 The Log4J Rollercoaster - from an incident respons . . . Guy Barnhart-Magen,Brento . . .
12:00 - 12:59 Implementing E2E multi-client communication (for f . . . Nicolas Boeckh
13:30 - 14:30 Running system tests with active authn/z Lars Skjorestad
14:30 - 15:30 No Code Security Review - What should I review in . . . Inaae Kim
15:30 - 16:30 Hacking & Defending Blockchain Applications Kennashka DeSilva,Aimee R . . .
16:30 - 17:30 One Low, Two Informational: Why Your Pentest Findi . . . Robyn Lundin
09:00 - 09:59 The Simple, Yet Lethal, Anatomy of a Software Supp . . . Elad Rapoport,tzachi(Zack . . .
10:00 - 10:59 How to find 0-days in your “memory safe” stack . . . Cezary Cerekwicki
11:00 - 12:59 Offensive Application Security for Developers... James McKee
13:00 - 14:59 Layer 7 matters at Layers 2/3 : Appsec on Network . . . Ken Pyle

Return to Index

ASV - Aerospace Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Forum 112-117 (Aerospace Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
09:00 - 16:59 California CyberSecurity Institute Space Grand Cha . . .
10:00 - 16:59 Hack the Airfield with DDS
10:00 - 16:59 Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS
10:00 - 15:59 Red Balloon Failsat Challenges
10:00 - 16:59 Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis
10:00 - 10:50 Hack-A-Sat Team 1st Lt Kevin Bernert,Capt . . .
10:00 - 11:59 Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator
10:00 - 15:59 Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF
10:00 - 16:59 Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop
10:00 - 16:59 Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam
11:00 - 11:25 That's No Moon -- A Look at the Space Threat Envir . . . Mike Campanelli
11:30 - 11:55 DDS Space Signal Lab James Pavur
12:00 - 12:50 Hackers Help Make My Airline Secure Deneen Defiore
12:00 - 16:59 Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge
13:00 - 12:59 Cyber Star© Competition Presented by The Space IS . . .
13:00 - 14:59 Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session
13:00 - 13:25 Cyber Star Card Game Tutorial Rick White
13:30 - 13:55 Securing the Future of Aviation CyberSecurity Timothy Weston
13:00 - 14:59 Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator
14:00 - 14:50 Final Boarding Call for Cyber Policy Airlines Flig . . . Ayan Islam,Mary Brooks,Ol . . .
15:00 - 15:50 Ask an Airport CISO Aakinn Patel
16:00 - 16:50 Pen Test Partner Power Hour Alex Lomas,Ken Munro
10:00 - 16:59 Hack the Airfield with DDS
10:00 - 16:59 Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS
10:00 - 15:59 Red Balloon Failsat Challenges
10:00 - 16:59 Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis
10:00 - 10:25 Building Your Own Satellite Ground Station Eric Escobar
10:30 - 10:55 Quantum Snake Oil? What Ailments Can It Cure? Jose Pizarro
10:00 - 11:59 Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator
10:00 - 15:59 Boeing ARINC 429 Airplane Challenge and CTF
10:00 - 16:59 Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop
10:00 - 16:59 Amazon Web Services Aerospace and Satellite Jam
11:00 - 11:50 Cyber Threats Against Aviation Systems: The Only T . . . Teresa Merklin
12:00 - 12:50 Introduction to Aircraft Networks and Security Des . . . Sean Sullivan
12:00 - 16:59 Hack-A-Sat Aerospace PiSat Challenge
13:00 - 14:59 Resumé Review and Career Guidance Session
13:00 - 13:50 Hunting for Spacecraft Zero Days Using Digital Twi . . . Brandon Bailey
13:00 - 14:59 Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator
14:00 - 14:25 Vulnerability Assessment of a Satellite Simulator Henry Haswell
14:30 - 14:55 The Emerging Space - Cyber Warfare Theatre Eytan Tepper
15:00 - 15:50 Near and Far: Securing On and Off Planet Networks . . . Wes Gavins
16:00 - 16:50 Space ISAC: Protecting Our Space Assets Erin Miller
10:00 - 12:59 Hack the Airfield with DDS
10:00 - 12:59 Satellite Eavesdropping with DDS
10:00 - 11:59 Red Balloon Failsat Challenges
10:00 - 12:59 Hack the Airport with Intelligenesis
10:00 - 10:25 Self No-Fly Area Designing for UAV Utku Yildirim
10:30 - 11:20 Control Acquisition Attack of Aerospace Systems by . . . Garrett Jares
10:00 - 11:59 Pen Test Partners A320 Simulator
10:00 - 12:59 Hack-A-Sat Digital Twin Workshop
11:30 - 11:55 Formalizing Security Assessment for Uncrewed Aeria . . . Ronald Broberg,Rudy Mendo . . .
12:00 - 12:50 Drones and Civil Liberties Andrés Arrieta

Return to Index

AVV - Adversary Village

Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Scenic Ballroom (Adversary Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:30 - 11:15 How to be the Best Adversary Simulator Tim MalcomVetter
10:15 - 10:30 Welcome and Introduction Abhijith B R
11:30 - 13:30 Adversary Booth Dean Lawrence,Ethan Micha . . .
11:30 - 17:30 Adversary Wars CTF
11:30 - 12:15 'Damn the exploits! Full speed ahead!' How naval f . . . Christopher Cottrell
12:15 - 12:30 Malware Emulation Attack Graphs Jack Wells
12:30 - 12:59 Hacked by Raspberia: Simulating a nationally disru . . . Sanne Maasakkers
13:15 - 13:45 Balancing the Scales of Just-Good-Enough Frank Duff,Ian Davila
14:30 - 17:30 Adversary Booth Dean Lawrence,Ethan Micha . . .
14:40 - 14:59 Exotic data exfiltration Jean-Michel Amblat
14:00 - 14:30 Master of Puppets: How to tamper the EDR? Daniel Feichter
15:00 - 16:59 Building Adversary Chains Like an Operator David Hunt,Stephan Wampou . . .
17:15 - 17:15 Assessing Cyber Security ROI: Adversary simulation . . . Ben Opel,Bryson Bort,Itzi . . .
10:30 - 12:30 Adversary Booth Dean Lawrence,Ethan Micha . . .
10:30 - 17:30 Adversary Wars CTF
10:00 - 10:45 Drag us to Wonder Bad: a tale of how to be good pe . . . Daniel Isler
11:00 - 11:45 Nimbly Navigating a Nimiety of Nimplants: Writing . . . Cas Van Cooten
12:30 - 12:59 Python vs Modern Defenses Diego Capriotti
12:00 - 12:30 Control Validation Compass: Intelligence for Impro . . . Scott Small
13:00 - 13:59 Linux Threat Detection with Attack Range Rod Soto,Teoderick Contre . . .
14:30 - 17:30 Adversary Booth Dean Lawrence,Ethan Micha . . .
14:00 - 14:30 The Way of The Adversary Phillip Wylie
14:45 - 15:15 Down The Rabbit Hole: 10 Lessons Learned from a Ye . . . Andrew Costis
15:15 - 17:15 Attack and Defend with Adversary Emulation Christopher Peacock,Jake . . .
17:15 - 17:59 Who doesn’t like a little Spice? Emulation Matur . . . Andy Grunt,Cat Self,Jamie . . .
10:30 - 12:30 Adversary Booth Dean Lawrence,Ethan Micha . . .
10:30 - 13:30 Adversary Wars CTF
10:00 - 10:45 Don’t be trusted: Active Directory trust attacks Jonas Bülow Knudsen,Mart . . .
11:00 - 11:30 Helpful Principles in Adversarial Operations Dan Borges
11:30 - 11:59 Purple Teaming for Auditors and the Business Alex Martirosyan
12:00 - 12:30 Open Mic
12:30 - 12:59 Qemuno – An uninvited guest Oleg Lerner
13:00 - 13:15 Modern techniques used by Advanced Persistent Thre . . . Or Yair

Return to Index

BHV - Bio Hacking Village

Location: Flamingo - Laughlin I,II,III (Biohacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:30 Healthcare Policy != Policy Nina Alli
10:30 - 10:59 A Capitalist approach to hospital security Eirick Luraas
11:00 - 11:59 Where there's a kiosk, there's an escape Michael Aguilar (v3ga)
11:30 - 11:59 Departmenf of Defense 5G Telemedicine and Medical . . . Paul Young
12:00 - 12:30 Gird your loins: premise and perils of biomanufact . . . Nathan Case
12:30 - 13:30 How to stop Surveillance Captalism in Healthcare Andrea Downing,Jillian Si . . .
13:30 - 13:59 DIY Medicine With Unusual Uses for Existing FDA-Ap . . . Mixæl S. Laufer
14:30 - 15:59 How to have an extraterrestrial conversation. Acti . . . Chris Richardson,Éanna D . . .
16:30 - 17:59 Medical Device Hacking: A hands on introduction Malcolm Galland,Caleb Dav . . .
10:00 - 10:30 Space Station Sapians: Health is out of this world Dr. Josef Schmid
10:30 - 10:59 Faking Positive COVID Tests Ken Gannon
11:00 - 11:59 How to Leverage MDS2 Data for Medical Device Secur . . . Jeremy Linden
11:30 - 11:59 All information should be free (except the brain d . . . Isabel Straw
12:00 - 12:30 Breaking the Intelligence Cycle - how to tailor in . . . Ohad Zaidenberg
13:00 - 13:30 Out of the Abyss: Surviving Vulnerability Manageme . . . Leo Nendza,Mike Kijewski
13:30 - 14:30 Radical inclusivity and intersectionality in the b . . . Berkelly Gonzalez
14:30 - 14:59 Natural Disasters and International Supply Chains: . . . Jorge Acevedo Canabal
15:00 - 15:30 Secure by Design - Facilities design cybersecurity David Brearley
16:00 - 16:30 Call for Evidence: Informing the Biological Securi . . . Mariam Elgabry
16:30 - 17:59 How to Build DIY Lifesaving Medical Devices Four Thieves Vinegar Coll . . .
10:30 - 11:59 Memento Vivere: A connected light installation on . . . Rick Martinez Herrera
12:30 - 13:59 XR for Literally Everything, Everywhere, All at On . . . Keenan Skelly

Return to Index

BICV - Blacks in Cybersecurity

Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Twilight Ballroom (Blacks In Cybersecurity Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 16:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 16:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:30 The GACWR Story: Building a Black Owned Cyber Rang . . . GACWR Team ,Jovonni Pharr
11:00 - 11:59 Creating More Black Hackers: Growth Systems for Cy . . . Segun Ebenezer Olaniyan
12:00 - 12:30 "The Man" in the Middle Alexis Hancock
14:00 - 14:30 DEI in Cybersecurity (Breaking through the barrier . . . Damian Grant
16:00 - 16:59 The Last Log4Shell Talk You Need Ochuan Marshall
10:00 - 10:45 When The "IT" Hits The Fan, Stick To the Plan Levone Campbell
11:00 - 11:45 Cryptocurrency: A Bridge Across the Digital Divide Stephanie Barnes
12:00 - 12:30 Decolonizing Cybersecurity Birhanu Eshete
13:00 - 13:59 State of the Model GACWR Team ,Jovonni Pharr
15:00 - 15:30 Threat hunting? Ain’t nobody got time for that.. . . . Nick Gobern
16:00 - 16:30 Neurodiversity in Cybersecurity: Find Your Competi . . . Kassandra Pierre,Nathan C . . .

Return to Index

BTV - Blue Team Village

Location: Flamingo - Savoy Ballroom (Blue Team Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:30 Blue Team Village Opening Ceremony
10:30 - 11:30 Obsidian Live: Eating the Elephant 1 byte at a Tim . . . aviditas,ChocolateCoat
10:30 - 11:30 Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 1 Endpoint Forensic . . . Omenscan
10:30 - 11:30 Obsidian CTH: Go Phish: Visualizing Basic Malice SamunoskeX
11:30 - 12:30 Obsidian: IR - It all starts here, scoping the inc . . . ChocolateCoat
11:30 - 12:30 Obsidian CTI: Generating Threat Intelligence from . . . ttheveii0x,Stephanie G.,l . . .
11:45 - 12:45 Malicious memory techniques on Windows and how to . . . Connor Morley
11:00 - 11:30 Attribution and Bias: My terrible mistakes in thre . . . Seongsu Park
11:00 - 12:30 Practical Dark Web Hunting using Automated Scripts Apurv Singh Gautam
13:00 - 13:59 Obsidian Forensics: KillChain1 - Adventures in Spl . . . Wes Lambert,ExtremePaperC . . .
13:00 - 13:59 Obsidian: IR - Mise En Place for Investigations ChocolateCoat,aviditas,Co . . .
13:00 - 13:59 Obsidian CTH: Hunting for Adversary's Schedule Cyb3rHawk
13:00 - 13:59 Improving security posture of MacOS and Linux with . . . Michael Epping,Mark Morow . . .
13:00 - 14:30 Ransomware ATT&CK and Defense Daniel Chen,Esther Matut, . . .
14:00 - 14:59 Obsidian CTH Live: Killchain 1 Walkthrough
14:00 - 14:59 Obsidian Forensics: The Importance of Sysmon for I . . . ExtremePaperClip
14:00 - 14:59 Obsidian REM: Long Walks On The Beach: Analyzing C . . . Alison N
14:15 - 15:15 Lend me your IR's! Matt Scheurer
15:00 - 15:59 Heavyweights: Threat Hunting at Scale Sherrod DeGrippo,Ashlee B . . .
15:30 - 16:30 Malware Hunting - Discovering techniques in PDF ma . . . Filipi Pires
16:00 - 16:59 Take Your Security Skills From Good to Better to B . . . Tanisha O'Donoghue,Kimber . . .
16:45 - 16:59 YARA Rules to Rule them All Saurabh Chaudhary
17:00 - 17:59 Blue Teaming Cloud: Security Engineering for Cloud . . . John Orleans,Misstech,Cas . . .
10:30 - 11:30 Obsidian Forensics: KillChain3 - Continued Adventu . . . Wes Lambert,Omenscan,Extr . . .
10:30 - 11:30 Obsidian: IR - OODA! An hour in incident responder . . . juju43
10:30 - 11:30 Obsidian CTH: Sniffing Compromise: Hunting for Blo . . . CerealKiller
11:30 - 12:30 Obsidian Forensics: Kill Chain 3 Endpoint Forensic . . . Omenscan
11:30 - 12:30 Obsidian CTI: Operationalizing Threat Intelligence l00sid,Stephanie G.,tthev . . .
11:00 - 11:59 Threat Hunt Trilogy: A Beast in the Shadow! Dr. Meisam Eslahi
11:00 - 14:59 Web Shell Hunting Joe Schottman
12:15 - 12:45 Even my Dad is a Threat Modeler! Sarthak Taneja
13:00 - 13:59 Obsidian CTH Live: Killchain 3 Walkthrough
13:00 - 13:59 Obsidian: IR - Final Reporting Made Exciting* aviditas,CountZ3r0
13:00 - 13:59 Obsidian REM: Phishing In The Morning: An Abundanc . . . Alison N
13:00 - 13:59 The DFIR Report Homecoming Parade Panel Kostas,ICSNick - Nicklas . . .
14:00 - 14:59 Obsidian Live: May We Have the OODA Loops? CountZ3r0,juju43
14:30 - 14:59 Obsidian Forensics: Creating a custom Velociraptor . . . Wes Lambert,Omenscan
14:00 - 14:59 Obsidian Forensics: Using Chainsaw to Identify Mal . . . Danny D. Henderson Jr (B4 . . .
14:00 - 14:59 Obsidian CTH: The Logs are Gone? ExtremePaperClip
14:15 - 14:45 Hunting Malicious Office Macros Anton Ovrutsky
15:00 - 15:59 Challenges in Control Validation Jake Williams,Kristen Cot . . .
15:00 - 15:15 Horusec - Brazilian SAST help World Gilmar Esteves
16:00 - 16:59 Making Your SOC Suck Less Alissa Torres,Carson Zimm . . .
17:00 - 17:59 Latest and Greatest in Incident Response Lauren Proehl,Jess,LitMoo . . .
11:00 - 11:59 Backdoors & Breaches, Back to the Stone Age!
12:00 - 12:59 Project Obsidian: Panel Discussion
13:00 - 13:59 Blue Team Village Closing Ceremony

Return to Index

CHV - Car Hacking Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Forum 124-128 (Car Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 12:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:40 Biometrics system hacking in the age of the smart . . . Huajiang "Kevin2600" Chen . . .
11:00 - 11:40 Getting naughty on CAN bus with CHV Badge evadsnibor
12:00 - 12:25 Remote Exploitation of Honda Cars Mohammed Shine
13:00 - 13:40 RFCommotion - Invisible Serial Ports Flying Throug . . . Kamel
14:00 - 14:25 Security like the 80's: How I stole your RF Ayyappan Rajesh
14:30 - 15:10 Integrating mileage clocking and other hacking equ . . . David Rogers
15:30 - 15:55 Smart Black Box Fuzzing of UDS CAN Soohwan Oh,Jonghyuk Song, . . .
16:30 - 16:59 canTot - a CAN Bus Hacking Framework to Compile Fu . . . Jay Turla
17:00 - 17:40 CANalyse 2.0 : A vehicle network analysis and atta . . . Kartheek Lade (@0xh3nry), . . .

Return to Index

CLV - Cloud Village

Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Scenic Ballroom (Cloud Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:10 - 10:50 Automating Insecurity in Azure Karl Fosaaen
10:50 - 11:30 Making the most of Microsoft cloud bug bounty prog . . . Nestori Syynimaa
10:00 - 10:10 Cloud Village Opening Note Jayesh Singh Chauhan
11:30 - 11:59 Shopping for Vulnerabilities - How Cloud Service P . . . Alexandre Sieira
12:10 - 12:30 A ransomware actor looks at the clouds: attacking . . . Jay Chen
12:30 - 13:10 Weather Proofing GCP Defaults Shannon McHale
13:10 - 13:40 Security at Every Step: The TL;DR on Securing Your . . . Cassandra Young (muteki)
13:40 - 14:20 Sponsored Talk
14:20 - 14:50 Flying Under Cloud Cover: Built-in Blind Spots in . . . Noam Dahan
15:00 - 16:59 Prowler Open Source Cloud Security: A Deep Dive Wo . . . Toni de la Fuente
10:00 - 10:40 OAuth-some Security Tricks: Yet more OAuth abuse Jenko Hwong
10:40 - 11:20 Who Contains the “Serverless” Containers? Daniel Prizmant
11:20 - 11:59 Purple Teaming & Adversary Emulation in the Cloud . . . Christophe Tafani-Dereepe . . .
12:30 - 13:10 Security Misconfigurations in the Cloud - "Oh Look . . . Kat Fitzgerald
12:00 - 12:30 SquarePhish - Phishing Office 365 using QR Codes a . . . Kamron Talebzadeh,Nevada . . .
13:40 - 14:20 us-east-1 Shuffle: Lateral Movement and other Crea . . . Felipe Espósito
13:10 - 13:40 BrokenbyDesign: Azure | Get started with hacking A . . . Ricardo Sanchez,Ricardo S . . .
14:20 - 14:50 Access Undenied on AWS - Troubleshooting AWS IAM A . . . Noam Dahan
15:00 - 16:59 KQL Kung Fu: Finding the Needle in the Haystack in . . . Darwin Salazar
10:00 - 10:40 Understanding, Abusing and Monitoring AWS AppStrea . . . Rodrigo Montoro
10:40 - 11:20 How to do Cloud Security assessments like a pro in . . . Ricardo Sanchez
11:50 - 12:30 Deescalate the overly-permissive IAM Jay Chen
11:20 - 11:50 Cloud Sandboxes for Security Research - Noirgate Louis Barrett
12:30 - 12:50 Sign of the Times: Exploiting Poor Validation of A . . . Eugene Lim
12:50 - 13:30 Cloud Defaults are Easy Not Secure Igal Flegmann
13:30 - 13:45 Cloud Village Closing Note Jayesh Singh Chauhan

Return to Index

CON - Contests

PDT Times Title speaker
00:00 - 15:59 IoT Village CTF Creator's Contest
00:00 - 16:59 ⚠️ Not all contests listed (yet) ⚠️
00:00 - 09:59 Octopus Game - Recruitment/Registration
12:00 - 09:59 The Gold Bug – Crypto and Privacy Village Puzzle . . .
00:00 - 11:59 DEF CON MUD
09:00 - 08:59 AutoDriving CTF
10:30 - 18:30 Capture The Packet Preliminaries
10:00 - 17:59 IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOple . . .
10:00 - 17:30 Car Hacking Village CTF
10:00 - 19:59 DARKNET-NG
10:00 - 17:59 pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box
10:00 - 17:59 DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model
10:00 - 19:59 DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest
10:00 - 16:59 Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1
10:00 - 11:59 Octopus Game - On-site Sign-in (Mandatory)
10:00 - 17:59 Crash and Compile - Qualifications
10:00 - 17:59 Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Sign-ups
10:00 - 17:59 CMD+CTRL
10:00 - 11:59 DEF CON Scavenger Hunt
10:00 - 13:59 Radio Frequency Capture the Flag
10:00 - 17:59 Hospital Under Siege
10:00 - 09:59 The Gold Bug – Crypto and Privacy Village Puzzle . . .
10:00 - 19:59 Kubernetes Capture The Flag
11:00 - 14:59 Beverage Cooling Contraption Contest (BCCC)
11:00 - 10:59 The Schemaverse Championship - Practice Round
12:00 - 17:59 Red Alert ICS CTF
12:00 - 09:59 Octopus Game - Individual Phase
12:00 - 14:59 BIC Village Capture The Flag 
12:00 - 14:59 Betting on Your Digital Rights: EFF Benefit Poker . . .
14:00 - 15:59 Hack3r Runw@y 
17:00 - 19:59 EFF Tech Trivia
17:00 - 16:59 Hack Fortress
10:30 - 11:59 Capture The Packet Preliminaries
10:00 - 17:59 IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOple . . .
10:00 - 17:30 Car Hacking Village CTF
10:00 - 19:59 DARKNET-NG
10:30 - 14:30 Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - CTF Platform O . . .
10:00 - 17:59 Red Alert ICS CTF
10:00 - 17:59 pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box
10:00 - 17:59 DEF CON’s Next Top Threat Model
10:00 - 19:59 DC30 Ham Radio Fox Hunt Contest
10:00 - 11:59 Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 2
10:30 - 19:30 Hack Fortress
10:00 - 17:59 Hospital Under Siege
10:00 - 16:59 Kubernetes Capture The Flag
12:00 - 16:59 Red Team Village CTF Qualifiers Part 1
12:00 - 10:59 The Schemaverse Championship
13:30 - 17:59 Capture The Packet Main Rounds
15:30 - 17:30 DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament
15:00 - 15:30 DEF CON 30 Chess Tournament - Mandatory Sign-up
15:30 - 15:30 Trace Labs OSINT Search Party CTF - Announce CTF G . . .
16:00 - 17:59 Hack3r Runw@y 
16:00 - 16:59 Crash and Compile - Contestant Setup
17:00 - 19:59 Crash and Compile - Contest Stage
18:00 - 18:59 Crash and Compile + Hack3r Runway
10:00 - 12:59 Capture The Packet Finals
10:00 - 12:59 IoT Village CTF (the CTF formally known as SOHOple . . .
10:00 - 11:59 Car Hacking Village CTF
10:00 - 11:59 DARKNET-NG
10:00 - 11:59 Red Alert ICS CTF
10:00 - 12:59 pTFS Presents: Mayhem Industries - Outside the Box
10:00 - 13:59 Red Team Village CTF Finals Part 2
10:00 - 10:59 Octopus Game - Final 8 Phase
10:00 - 11:59 Hospital Under Siege

Return to Index

CPV - Crypto Privacy Village

Location: Flamingo - Sunset-Vista Ballroom (Crypto Privacy Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:30 - 10:59 Back to School! Hello RSA... and beyond! Mike Guirao
11:00 - 11:30 Positive Identification of Least Significant Bit I . . . Michael Pelosi
11:30 - 11:59 OPAQUE is Not Magic Steve Thomas
12:00 - 12:30 PSA: Doorbell Cameras Have Mics, Too Matthew Guariglia,Yael Gr . . .
13:00 - 13:30 Reflections on 9 Years of CPV Whitney Merrill
13:30 - 13:59 How to Respond to Data Subject Access Requests Irene Mo
14:00 - 14:30 Securing and Standardizing Data Rights Requests wi . . . Dazza Greenwood,Ginny Fah . . .
14:30 - 14:59 The Multiverse of Madness: Navigating the 50-State . . . Anthony Hendricks
15:00 - 15:30 ID theft insurance - The Emperor’s new clothes? Per Thorsheim
16:00 - 16:45 Once More Unto the Breach: Federal Regulators' Res . . . Alexis Goldstein,Erie Mey . . .
16:45 - 17:30 Owned or pwned? No peekin' or tweakin'! Nick Vidal,Richard Zak
17:30 - 17:59 [T]OTPs are not as secure as you might believe Santiago Kantorowicz
10:45 - 11:30 PII: The Privacy Zombie Alisha Kloc
11:30 - 12:30 Jailed By a Google Search Part 2: Abortion Surveil . . . Kate Bertash
13:00 - 13:45 Cryptle: a secure multi-party Wordle clone with En . . . Nick Vidal,Richard Zak,To . . .
13:45 - 14:30 Exploring Unprecedented Avenues for Data Harvestin . . . Gonzalo Munilla Garrido,V . . .
14:30 - 14:59 The deadly state of surveillance capitalism in hea . . . Andrea Downing,Mike Mitte . . .
15:30 - 16:15 Capturing Chaos: Harvesting Environmental Entropy Carey Parker
16:15 - 16:59 Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not on a VPN anymor . . . Jonathan Tomek
17:00 - 17:59 Pursuing Phone Privacy Protection [WORKSHOP] Matt Nash,Mauricio Tavare . . .
10:30 - 10:59 XR Technology Has 99 Problems and Privacy is Sever . . . Calli Schroeder,Suchi Pah . . .
11:00 - 11:30 Voldrakus: Using Consent String Steganography to E . . . Kaileigh McCrea
11:30 - 11:59 Finding Crypto: Inventorying Cryptographic Operati . . . Kevin Lai
12:00 - 12:30 Surviving and Designing for Survivors Avi Zajac
13:30 - 14:15 Cryptosploit Benjamin Hendel,Matt Cheu . . .
13:00 - 13:30 Introducing the Abusability Testing Framework (V1) Avi Zajac,Ji Su Yoo,Nicol . . .
14:15 - 14:59 AES-GCM common pitfalls and how to work around the . . . Santiago Kantorowicz

Return to Index

DC - DEF CON Talks

Home Page:
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
07:00 - 19:59 Human Registration Open
08:00 - 14:30 Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README
08:00 - 18:59 Human Registration Open
08:00 - 22:59 Lost and Found Department Open (Generally)
09:00 - 15:59 Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README
10:00 - 10:45 Old Malware, New tools: Ghidra and Commodore 64, w . . . Cesare Pizzi
10:00 - 10:20 Computer Hacks in the Russia-Ukraine War Kenneth Geers
10:30 - 11:15 OopsSec -The bad, the worst and the ugly of APT’ . . . Tomer Bar
10:00 - 10:45 Panel - "So It's your first DEF CON" - How to get . . . DEF CON Goons
10:00 - 11:15 Panel - DEF CON Policy Dept - What is it, and what . . . DEF CON Policy Dept,The D . . .
10:00 - 17:59 Vendor Area Open
10:00 - 17:59 Memorial Room Open
10:00 - 17:59 Village Areas Open (Generally)
11:00 - 11:45 The PACMAN Attack: Breaking PAC on the Apple M1 wi . . . Joseph Ravichandran
11:30 - 11:50 Running Rootkits Like A Nation-State Hacker Omri Misgav
11:00 - 11:45 The Dark Tangent & Mkfactor - Welcome to DEF CON . . . Michael Whiteley (Mkfacto . . .
11:30 - 12:15 A Policy Fireside Chat with the National Cyber Dir . . . Kim Zetter,Chris Inglis
12:00 - 12:45 Avoiding Memory Scanners: Customizing Malware to E . . . Kyle Avery
12:00 - 12:45 One Bootloader to Load Them All Jesse Michael,Mickey Shka . . .
12:00 - 12:45 Glitched on Earth by humans: A Black-Box Security . . . Lennert Wouters
12:30 - 13:15 Global Challenges, Global Approaches in Cyber Poli . . . Gaurav Keerthi,Lily Newma . . .
13:00 - 13:20 Backdooring Pickles: A decade only made things wor . . . ColdwaterQ
13:30 - 13:50 Weaponizing Windows Syscalls as Modern, 32-bit She . . . Tarek Abdelmotaleb,Dr. Br . . .
13:00 - 13:45 You’re <strike>Muted</strike>Rooted Patrick Wardle
13:00 - 13:45 Emoji Shellcoding: 🛠️, 🧌, and 🤯 Georges-Axel Jaloyan,Hadr . . .
13:30 - 14:15 A Policy Fireside Chat with Jay Healey Jason Healey,Fahmida Rash . . .
14:00 - 14:45 Process injection: breaking all macOS security lay . . . Thijs Alkemade
14:00 - 14:20 Phreaking 2.0 - Abusing Microsoft Teams Direct Rou . . . Moritz Abrell
14:30 - 15:15 Trace me if you can: Bypassing Linux Syscall Traci . . . Rex Guo,Junyuan Zeng
14:00 - 14:45 Space Jam: Exploring Radio Frequency Attacks in Ou . . . James Pavur
14:30 - 15:15 Leak The Planet: Veritatem cognoscere non pereat m . . . Xan North,Emma Best
15:00 - 15:45 LSASS Shtinkering: Abusing Windows Error Reporting . . . Asaf Gilboa,Ron Ben Yitzh . . .
15:30 - 16:15 Browser-Powered Desync Attacks: A New Frontier in . . . James Kettle
15:00 - 15:45 Exploring the hidden attack surface of OEM IoT dev . . . Octavio Gianatiempo,Octav . . .
15:30 - 16:15 How Russia is trying to block Tor Roger Dingledine
16:00 - 16:45 Wireless Keystroke Injection (WKI) via Bluetooth L . . . Jose Pico,Fernando Perera
16:30 - 17:15 A dead man’s full-yet-responsible-disclosure sys . . . Yolan Romailler
16:00 - 16:45 Hacking ISPs with Point-to-Pwn Protocol over Ether . . . Gal Zror
16:30 - 17:15 The Internet’s role in sanctions enforcement: Ru . . . Bill Woodcock
17:00 - 17:45 Let's Dance in the Cache - Destabilizing Hash Tabl . . . Orange Tsai
17:30 - 17:50 Deanonymization of TOR HTTP hidden services Ionut Cernica
17:00 - 17:45 Hunting Bugs in The Tropics Daniel Jensen
17:30 - 18:15 Walk This Way: What Run D.M.C. and Aerosmith Can T . . . Jen Easterly,The Dark Tan . . .
18:00 - 18:45 Pulling Passwords out of Configuration Manager: Pr . . . Christopher Panayi
18:00 - 18:45 Tear Down this Zywall: Breaking Open Zyxel Encrypt . . . Jay Lagorio
18:00 - 18:45 Killer Hertz Chris Rock
18:30 - 18:50 Dragon Tails: Supply-side Security and Internation . . . Trey Herr,Stewart Scott
08:00 - 22:59 Lost and Found Department Open (Generally)
09:00 - 18:59 Human Registration Open
09:00 - 15:59 Merch (formerly swag) Area Open -- README
10:00 - 10:45 Scaling the Security Researcher to Eliminate OSS V . . . Jonathan Leitschuh
10:00 - 10:45 Literal Self-Pwning: Why Patients - and Their Advo . . . Cory Doctorow,Christian " . . .
10:00 - 11:15 Brazil Redux: Short Circuiting Tech-Enabled Dystop . . . Kyle Wiens,Corynne McSher . . .
10:00 - 17:59 Vendor Area Open
10:00 - 17:59 Memorial Room Open
10:00 - 17:59 Village Areas Open (Generally)
11:00 - 11:45 No-Code Malware: Windows 11 At Your Service Michael Bargury
11:00 - 11:45 How To Get MUMPS Thirty Years Later (or, Hacking T . . . Zachary Minneker
11:30 - 12:15 Reversing the Original Xbox Live Protocols Tristan Miller
11:00 - 11:45 My First Hack Was in 1958 (Then A Career in Rock . . . Winn Schwartau
12:00 - 12:45 All Roads leads to GKE's Host : 4+ Ways to Escape Billy Jheng,Muhammad ALif . . .
12:00 - 12:20 The Evil PLC Attack: Weaponizing PLCs Sharon Brizinov
12:30 - 13:15 Analyzing PIPEDREAM: Challenges in testing an ICS . . . Jimmy Wylie
12:30 - 12:50 The hitchhacker’s guide to iPhone Lightning & JT . . . stacksmashing
12:00 - 12:20 Tracking Military Ghost Helicopters over our Natio . . . Andrew Logan
12:30 - 13:15 UFOs, Alien Life, and the Least Untruthful Things . . . Richard Thieme
13:00 - 13:45 Exploring Ancient Ruins to Find Modern Bugs: Disco . . . Ben Barnea,Ophir Harpaz
13:30 - 14:15 Do Not Trust the ASA, Trojans! Jacob Baines
13:00 - 13:45 Chromebook Breakout: Escaping Jail, with your frie . . . Jimi Allee
13:30 - 14:15 HACK THE HEMISPHERE! How we (legally) broadcasted . . . Andrew Green,Karl Koscher
14:00 - 14:45 The COW (Container On Windows) Who Escaped the Sil . . . Eran Segal
14:30 - 15:15 Doing the Impossible: How I Found Mainframe Buffer . . . Jake Labelle
14:00 - 14:45 OpenCola. The AntiSocial Network John Midgley
14:30 - 14:50 Digging into Xiaomi’s TEE to get to Chinese mone . . . Slava Makkaveev
15:00 - 15:45 You Have One New Appwntment - Hacking Proprietary . . . Eugene Lim
15:30 - 16:15 Perimeter Breached! Hacking an Access Control Syst . . . Steve Povolny,Sam Quinn
15:00 - 15:20 Déjà Vu: Uncovering Stolen Algorithms in Commerc . . . Patrick Wardle,Tom McGuir . . .
15:30 - 15:50 Automotive Ethernet Fuzzing: From purchasing ECU t . . . Jonghyuk Song,Soohwan Oh, . . .
15:00 - 15:20 The Big Rick: How I Rickrolled My High School Dist . . . Minh Duong
15:30 - 16:15 Tor: Darknet Opsec By a Veteran Darknet Vendor & t . . . Sam Bent
16:00 - 16:45 Low Code High Risk: Enterprise Domination via Low . . . Michael Bargury
16:30 - 17:15 Defeating Moving Elements in High Security Keys Bill Graydon
16:00 - 16:45 Trailer Shouting: Talking PLC4TRUCKS Remotely with . . . Chris Poore,Ben Gardiner
16:30 - 17:15 Why did you lose the last PS5 restock to a bot Top . . . Arik
17:00 - 17:45 Internal Server Error: Exploiting Inter-Process Co . . . Martin Doyhenard
17:30 - 18:15 Black-Box Assessment of Smart Cards Daniel Crowley
17:00 - 17:45 Hacking The Farm: Breaking Badly Into Agricultural . . . Sick Codes
17:30 - 18:15 Crossing the KASM -- a webapp pentest story Samuel Erb,Justin Gardner
18:00 - 18:45 The CSRF Resurrections! Starring the Unholy Trinit . . . Dongsung Kim
18:30 - 18:50 Digital Skeleton Keys - We’ve got a bone to pick . . . Micsen,Miana E Windall
08:00 - 15:59 Lost and Found Department Open (Generally)
10:00 - 15:59 Human Registration Open
10:00 - 15:59 Vendor Area Open
10:00 - 11:59 Memorial Room Open
10:00 - 14:59 Village Areas Open (Generally)
11:00 - 11:45 Save The Environment (Variable): Hijacking Legitim . . . Wietze Beukema
11:00 - 11:45 STrace - A DTrace on windows reimplementation. Stephen Eckels
11:00 - 11:45 Exploitation in the era of formal verification: a . . . Adam 'pi3' Zabrocki,Alex . . .
11:00 - 11:45 emulation-driven reverse-engineering for finding v . . . atlas
12:00 - 12:45 PreAuth RCE Chains on an MDM: KACE SMA Jeffrey Hofmann
12:00 - 12:45 Defaults - the faults. Bypassing android permissio . . . Nikita Kurtin
12:00 - 12:45 The Call is Coming From Inside The Cluster: Mistak . . . Will Kline,Dagan Henderso . . .
12:00 - 12:45 Taking a Dump In The Cloud Flangvik,Melvin Langvik
13:00 - 13:45 ElectroVolt: Pwning popular desktop apps while unc . . . Max Garrett,Aaditya Puran . . .
13:00 - 13:45 The Journey From an Isolated Container to Cluster . . . Aviv Sasson
13:00 - 13:45 Less SmartScreen More Caffeine – ClickOnce (Ab)U . . . Nick Powers,Steven Flores
13:00 - 13:45 RingHopper – Hopping from User-space to God Mode Benny Zeltser,Jonathan Lu . . .
14:00 - 15:15 Contest Closing Ceremonies & Awards Grifter
14:00 - 14:45 Solana JIT: Lessons from fuzzing a smart-contract . . . Thomas Roth
15:30 - 17:30 DEF CON Closing Ceremonies & Awards The Dark Tangent

Return to Index


Home Page:
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
09:00 - 09:59 DCGVR - Welcome reception 👋
10:00 - 10:59 Keynote Jayson E. Street
11:00 - 11:59 Cyber Attack Trends in 2022 Jon Clay
12:00 - 12:59 Exploits and Dragons Mauro Eldritch,AdanZkx
13:00 - 13:59 How to Start and Run a Group Xray
14:00 - 14:59 Advanced Packet Wrangling with tcpdump Scribbles
15:00 - 15:59 Ham Radio is not just for Dinosaurs, Why hackers n . . . Giglio
16:00 - 16:59 Pwning Lazy Admins Jabbles
17:00 - 17:59 Starting Threat Hunting with MITRE ATT&CK Framewor . . . Shellt3r
18:00 - 18:59 When (Fire)Fox Gets Angry! A Web Browser for Red T . . . sidepocket
09:00 - 09:59 DCGVR - Social Hour
10:00 - 10:59 Building the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline: How . . . CyberQueenMeg
11:00 - 11:59 How my High School Creative Writing Class Helped M . . . GyledC
12:30 - 12:59 Careful Who You Colab With: Abusing Google Colabor . . . Antonio Piazza
12:00 - 12:30 Fun with bookmarks: From someone who spends way to . . . Allen Baranov
13:00 - 13:59 Security Concerns of the Medical Laboratory Squiddy
14:00 - 14:59 How getting a free phone got me to report critical . . . Jonathan Bar Or
15:00 - 15:59 AWS Metadata Privilege Escalation Jim Shaver
16:00 - 16:59 Glitter nail polish vs the Evil Maid, the Story - . . . hoodiePony
09:00 - 17:59 DCGVR - Social - No agenda

Return to Index

DDV - Data Duplication Village

Location: Flamingo - Exec Conf Ctr - Lake Meade and Valley of Fire (Data Duplication Village) - Map
Hours: Thur: 16:00 - 19:00 - Fri: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 11:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
16:00 - 18:59 DDV (Data Duplication Village) starts accepting dr . . .
10:00 - 16:59 DDV open and accepting drives for duplication
13:00 - 13:59 How long do hard drives and SSDs live, and what ca . . . Andrew Klein
15:00 - 15:59 No bricks without clay - Data Fusion and Duplicati . . . Lior Kolnik
10:00 - 16:59 DDV open and accepting drives for duplication
10:00 - 10:59 Last chance to pick up drives at the DDV

Return to Index

DL - DEF CON DemoLabs

Home Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 11:55 TheAllCommander Matthew Handy
10:00 - 11:55 Access Undenied on AWS Noam Dahan
10:00 - 11:55 Vajra - Your Weapon To Cloud Raunak Parmar
10:00 - 11:55 FISSURE: The RF Framework Christopher Poore
10:00 - 11:55 Zuthaka: A Command & Controls (C2s) integration fr . . . Lucas Bonastre,Alberto He . . .
12:00 - 13:55 Packet Sender Dan Nagle
12:00 - 13:55 Wakanda Land Stephen Kofi Asamoah
12:00 - 13:55 AzureGoat: Damn Vulnerable Azure Infrastructure Nishant Sharma,Rachna Umr . . .
12:00 - 13:55 EMBA - Open-Source Firmware Security Testing Michael Messner,Pascal Ec . . .
12:00 - 13:55 Mercury David McGrew,Brandon Enri . . .
14:00 - 15:55 CyberPeace Builders Adrien Ogee
14:00 - 15:55 AWSGoat : A Damn Vulnerable AWS Infrastructure Jeswin Mathai,Sanjeev Mah . . .
14:00 - 15:55 AADInternals: The Ultimate Azure AD Hacking Toolki . . . Nestori Syynimaa
14:00 - 15:55 PCILeech and MemProcFS Ulf Frisk,Ian Vitek
14:00 - 15:55 Badrats: Initial Access Made Easy Kevin Clark,Dominic “Cr . . .
10:00 - 11:55 Empire 4.0 and Beyond Vincent "Vinnybod" Rose,A . . .
10:00 - 11:55 Memfini - A systemwide memory monitor interface fo . . . Shubham Dubey,Rishal Dwiv . . .
10:00 - 11:55 svachal + machinescli Ankur Tyagi
10:00 - 11:55 Injectyll-HIDe: Pushing the Future of Hardware Imp . . . Jonathan Fischer,Jeremy M . . .
10:00 - 11:55 EDR detection mechanisms and bypass techniques wit . . . Thomas Diot,Maxime Meigna . . .
12:00 - 13:55 alsanna Jason Johnson
12:00 - 13:55 unblob - towards efficient firmware extraction Quentin Kaiser,Florian Lu . . .
12:00 - 13:55 PMR - PT & VA Management & Reporting Abdul Alanazi,Musaed Bin . . .
12:00 - 13:55 Defensive 5G Eric Mair,Ryan Ashley
12:00 - 13:55 SharpSCCM Chris Thompson,Duane Mich . . .
14:00 - 15:55 OpenTDF Paul Flynn,Cassandra Bail . . .
14:00 - 15:55 Control Validation Compass – Threat Modeling Aid . . . Scott Small
14:00 - 15:55 ResidueFree Logan Arkema
14:00 - 15:55 hls4ml - Open Source Machine Learning Accelerators . . . Ben Hawks,Andres Meza
14:00 - 15:55 Xavier Memory Analysis Framework Solomon Sonya

Return to Index

GHV - Girls Hack Village

Location: Flamingo - Virginia City III (Girls Hack Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:30 Girls Hack Village Introduction Tennisha Martin
10:30 - 10:59 Pause…Push,Pass, Pivot Mary Chaney
11:00 - 12:30 Workshop: Intro to CTF Professor Rogers
12:30 - 13:30 Resumé Review
13:30 - 14:30 Leading the Way Alshlon Banks,Eric Belard . . .
14:30 - 14:59 First Year in Cyber Crystal Phinn,T. Halloway
15:00 - 16:30 Workshop: Network Penetration Testing w HyperQube Craig Stevenson,Kevin Cha . . .
16:30 - 16:59 TBD Slammer Musuta
17:00 - 17:30 Imposter Syndrome- The Silent Killer of Motivation Melissa Miller
17:30 - 17:59 Hidden Payloads in Cyber Security Chantel Sims aka Root
10:00 - 10:30 Learn The Game, Play The Game, Change the Game Yatia Hopkins
10:30 - 10:59 Opportunity Fuels Grit Tanisha O'Donoghue
11:00 - 11:30 What is the Info Sec Color Wheel? Saman Fatima
11:30 - 11:59 Black in Cybersecurity Research and Education: The . . . Katorah Williams
12:30 - 13:30 Resumé Review
12:00 - 12:30 Exploring Fruadsters Persuasion Strategies on Empl . . . Tessa Cole
13:30 - 14:30 Hacking Diversity Ebony Pierce,Jessica Afek . . .
14:30 - 15:59 Workshop: Protect the Pi Girls Hack Village Staff
16:00 - 16:30 S.O.S How Sharing Our Stories Will Save Cybersecur . . . Rebekah Skeete
16:30 - 16:59 Staying Afloat in a Tsunami Of Security Inflormati . . . Tracy Z. Maleeff
17:00 - 17:30 Zero Trust Ebony Pierce
10:00 - 10:30 Hide and Seek: Why do you need OpSec? Cybelle Oliveira
10:30 - 10:59 Edutainment: A gateway into the field of Cybersecu . . . Monique Head
11:00 - 11:30 Introduction to IOS Reverse Engineering with Frida Christine Fossaceca
11:30 - 14:30 Workshop: Mobile Penetration Testing w Corellium Corellium
14:30 - 14:59 Phishing for Your Next Cyber Opportunity Cyrena Jackson,Teresa Gre . . .

Return to Index

HHV - Hardware Hacking and Solder Skills Village

Location: Flamingo - Exec Conf Ctr - Red Rock VI, VII, VII (Hardware Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 17:59 Solder Skills Village - Open
10:00 - 10:45 Uwb Security Primer: Rise Of A Dusty Protocol Göktay Kaykusuz
10:00 - 17:59 Hardware Hacking Village - Open
11:00 - 11:45 From Zero To Sao … Or, How Far Does This Rabbit . . . Bradán Lane
13:00 - 13:45 Reversing An M32C Firmware – Lesson Learned From . . . Philippe Laulheret
14:00 - 14:45 Movie-Style Hardware Hacking Bryan C. Geraghty
15:00 - 15:45 Injectyll-Hide: Build-Your-Own Hardware Implants Jeremy Miller,Jonathan Fi . . .
10:00 - 17:59 Solder Skills Village - Open
10:00 - 17:59 Hardware Hacking Village - Open
13:00 - 13:45 RoboSumo
16:00 - 16:30 Prizes announced for HHV Rube Goldberg Machine, Ma . . .
10:00 - 12:59 Solder Skills Village - Open
10:00 - 12:59 Hardware Hacking Village - Open

Return to Index

HRV - Ham Radio Village

Location: Flamingo - Virginia City I (Ham Radio Village Exams) - Map
Hours: Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 09:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 12:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
11:30 - 12:30 Your Amateur Radio License and You Justin/InkRF
13:00 - 15:59 Free Amateur Radio License Exams
15:00 - 15:59 Hacking Ham Radio: Dropping Shells at 1200 Baud Rick Osgood
11:00 - 17:59 Free Amateur Radio License Exams
11:30 - 11:59 Ham Nets 101 Jon Marler
13:00 - 13:30 Getting on the air: My experiences with Ham radio . . . Jeremy Hong
15:00 - 15:30 Panel: Ask-a-ham
10:00 - 10:30 Off the grid - Supplying your own power Eric Escobar
11:00 - 13:59 Free Amateur Radio License Exams
11:00 - 11:30 Oli: A Simpler Pi-Star Replacement Danny Quist

Return to Index

ICSV - Industrial Control Systems Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 314 - 319 (ICS Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:59 Ohm, how do I get into ICS? Dennis Skarr,Josephine Ho . . .
10:00 - 17:59 CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room
10:00 - 17:59 Fantom5 SeaTF CTF
10:00 - 17:59 Hack the Plan[e]t CTF
10:00 - 17:59 DDS Hack-the-Microgrid
11:30 - 11:59 CRITICAL FINDING: Lessons Learned from Dozens of I . . . Miriam Lorbert,Nate Pelz
11:00 - 11:30 Closing a Security Gap in the Industrial Infrastru . . . Dawn Cappelli
12:00 - 12:59 Understanding Modbus TCP and the GRACE Console [[M . . . Dave Burke
13:00 - 16:59 Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure
13:00 - 13:59 The USCG's Maritime Cybersecurity Strategy [[marit . . . RADM John Mauger
14:00 - 14:59 Exposing aberrant network behaviors within ICS env . . . Chet Hosmer,Mike Raggo
15:00 - 15:30 Wind Energy Cybersecurity: Novel Environments faci . . . Meg Egan
15:30 - 15:59 Power Flow 101 for hackers and analysts Stefan Stephenson-Moe
16:00 - 16:59 Research and Deliverables on Utilizing an Academic . . . Casey O'Brien
17:00 - 17:30 Why aren’t you automating? Don C.Weber
17:30 - 17:59 Stop worrying about Nation-States and Zero-Days; l . . . Vivek Ponnada
10:00 - 10:59 Industry 4.0 and the MTS of the Future – Converg . . . Zac Staples
10:00 - 17:59 CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room
10:00 - 17:59 Fantom5 SeaTF CTF
10:00 - 17:59 Hack the Plan[e]t CTF
10:00 - 17:59 DDS Hack-the-Microgrid
11:00 - 11:30 Describing Maritime Cyber work roles Using the NIC . . . Tyson B. Meadors
11:30 - 11:59 Taking MITRE ATT&CK for ICS to Sea Tyson B. Meadors
12:00 - 12:59 Understanding AIS Protocols and the GRACE Console . . . Gary Kessler
13:00 - 13:30 We Promise Not to Brick It... But If We Do... Marissa Costa,Todd Keller
13:30 - 13:59 Cyber Physical Lab Environment for Maritime Cyber . . . Wesley Andrews
13:00 - 16:59 Maritime Hacking Boundary Adventure
14:00 - 14:59 Keeping Beer Cold: Attackers, ICS and Cross-Sector . . . Tim Chase,Jaquar Harris,J . . .
15:00 - 15:59 The Perfect Storm: Deception, Manipulation, and Ob . . . Rae Baker
16:00 - 16:59 The Geopolitical Implications of the Escalation an . . . Gary Kessler,Tyson B. Mea . . .
17:00 - 17:59 Thrice Is Nice: Evaluating the Ukrainian Power Eve . . . Joe Slowik
18:30 - 21:59 ICS Village Charity BBQ
10:00 - 10:59 Tales from the trenches - why organizations strugg . . . Vivek Ponnada
10:00 - 12:59 CISA and Idaho National Lab Escape Room
10:00 - 12:59 Fantom5 SeaTF CTF
10:00 - 12:59 Hack the Plan[e]t CTF
10:00 - 12:59 DDS Hack-the-Microgrid
11:00 - 11:59 OT:ICEFALL - Revisiting a decade of OT insecure-by . . . Jos Wetzels
12:00 - 12:59 Understanding CAN Bus and the GRACE Console [[Mari . . . Dave Burke
13:00 - 13:59 Spear Vishing / VoIP Poisoning - Maritime and Land Travis Juhr
14:00 - 14:30 Navigating the High Seas When Dealing with Cyberse . . . Daniel Garrie

Return to Index

IOTV - Internet Of Things Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 311, 320 (IoT Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 17:59 IoT Village CTF Challenges
10:00 - 17:59 Hands on hacking labs
10:00 - 17:59 Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root Deral Heiland
10:00 - 17:59 Drone Hack
11:00 - 11:30 Hacking Product Security Interviews
11:30 - 11:59 Hacking Product Security Interviews
10:00 - 17:59 IoT Village CTF Challenges
10:00 - 17:59 Hands on hacking labs
10:00 - 13:59 BURP Suite, Forensics Tools & 0-day Exploit Develo . . . Ken Pyle
10:00 - 17:59 Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root Deral Heiland
10:00 - 17:59 Drone Hack
15:30 - 15:59 Hackable Book Signing Ted Harrington
10:00 - 12:59 IoT Village CTF Challenges
10:00 - 12:59 Hands on hacking labs
10:00 - 12:59 Hands on Hardware Hacking – eMMC to Root Deral Heiland
10:00 - 12:59 Drone Hack

Return to Index

LPV - Lock Pick Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 203-204, 235 (Lock Pick Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:15 - 10:45 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
11:00 - 11:30 Medeco cam lock exploit "an old attack made new ag . . . N∅thing
12:00 - 12:30 The least secure biometric lock on Earth? Seth Kintigh
13:00 - 13:30 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
14:00 - 14:59 The Right Way To Do Wrong: Physical security secre . . . Patrick McNeil
15:30 - 15:45 Handcuffs and how they work Steven Collins
16:00 - 16:30 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
10:15 - 10:45 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
11:00 - 11:30 Metal and Fire... Copying Keys via Mold and Cast T . . . Deviant Ollam
12:00 - 13:59 Dozier Drill Tournament
13:00 - 13:30 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
14:00 - 14:59 Please deposit 30c: A history of payphone locks th . . . N∅thing
16:00 - 16:30 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
10:15 - 10:45 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
11:00 - 11:45 Safecracking for Everyone Jared Dygert
12:00 - 12:25 Doors, Cameras, and Mantraps. Oh, my! Dylan Baklor
13:00 - 13:30 Intro to Lockpicking TOOOL
14:00 - 14:20 The "Why" of Lock Picking Christopher Forte (isaidn . . .

Return to Index

MIV - MisInformation Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (Misinformation Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 11:30 The hybrid strategies of autocratic states: narrat . . . Carlos Galán
11:30 - 13:30 Cognitive Security: Human Vulnerabilities, Exploi . . . Matthew Canham
11:30 - 13:30 Detecting the "Fake News" Before It Was Even Writt . . . Preslav Nakov
11:30 - 13:30 Uncovering multi-platform misinformation campaigns . . . Zhouhan Chen
11:30 - 13:30 SimPPL: Simulating Social Networks and Disinformat . . . Swapneel Mehta
11:30 - 13:30 Dazed and Seriously Confused: Analysis of Data Voi . . . Rhyner Washburn
14:30 - 15:59 Multi-Stakeholder Online Harm Threat Analysis Jennifer Mathieu
14:30 - 15:59 FARA and DOJ’s Approach to Disinformation Adam Hickey
14:30 - 15:59 Fireside Chat Adam Hickey,Jennifer Math . . .
16:00 - 16:59 Tracking Scams and Disinformation by Hacking Link . . . Justin Rhinehart,Sam Curr . . .
16:00 - 16:59 History of Russian Cyber & Information Warfare (20 . . . Ryan Westman
16:00 - 16:59 History of the weaponization of social media Gina Rosenthal
16:00 - 16:59 Information Confrontation 2022 - A loud war and a . . . Luke Richards (Wbbigdave)
10:00 - 10:45 Tools for Fighting Disinformation Preslav Nakov
10:45 - 12:30 Mass Disinformation Operations - How to detect and . . . Paula González Nagore
12:30 - 13:15 Cognitive Security in Theory and Practice Sara-Jayne Terp
13:15 - 14:15 Examining the urgency of gendered health misinform . . . Jenna Sherman
14:15 - 14:45 404! Memory Holing and the SEO Warping of Human Hi . . . Arikia Millikan
14:45 - 15:15 Web Monetization: A privacy-preserving and open wa . . . Uchi Uchibeke
15:15 - 15:45 Fireside Chat Arikia Millikan,Uchi Uchi . . .
15:45 - 16:15 Ad it up: To minimize mis- and dis-information, we . . . Jessica Dheere
16:45 - 17:15 The Television News Visual Explorer: Cataloging Vi . . . Kalev Leearu
16:15 - 16:45 Not Feeling Yourself: User Spoofing and Other Disi . . . Burninator

Return to Index

PHV - Packet Hacking Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Academy 411-414, 420 (Packet Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 17:59 Packet Inspector
10:00 - 17:59 Packet Detective
10:00 - 17:59 Honey Pot Workshop
10:00 - 17:59 NetworkOS Workshop
10:00 - 17:59 RegEx Trainer
10:00 - 17:59 Linux Trainer
10:00 - 17:59 Botnet Workshop
10:00 - 17:59 HardWired
10:00 - 17:59 Wall of Sheep
10:00 - 17:59 Packet Detective
10:00 - 17:59 Honey Pot Workshop
10:00 - 17:59 NetworkOS Workshop
10:00 - 17:59 RegEx Trainer
10:00 - 17:59 Linux Trainer
10:00 - 17:59 Botnet Workshop
10:00 - 17:59 HardWired
10:00 - 17:59 Wall of Sheep
10:00 - 17:59 Packet Inspector
10:00 - 12:59 Packet Inspector
10:00 - 12:59 Packet Detective
10:00 - 12:59 Honey Pot Workshop
10:00 - 12:59 NetworkOS Workshop
10:00 - 12:59 RegEx Trainer
10:00 - 12:59 Linux Trainer
10:00 - 12:59 Botnet Workshop
10:00 - 12:59 HardWired
10:00 - 12:59 Wall of Sheep

Return to Index

PLV - Policy Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 224-227 ( - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
12:00 - 13:45 Red Teaming the Open Source Software Supply Chain Allan Friedman,Aeva Black
12:00 - 13:45 Hacking law is for hackers - how recent changes to . . . Harley Geiger,Leonard Bai . . .
14:00 - 15:59 Meet the Feds: ONCO Edition
14:00 - 15:45 Emerging Technical Cyber Policy Topics Kurt Opsahl,Luiz Eduardo, . . .
14:00 - 15:45 Emerging Cybersecurity Policy Topics
16:00 - 17:45 Election Security Bridge Building Michael Ross,Jack Cable,T . . .
16:00 - 17:45 Moving Regulation Upstream - An Increasing focus o . . . Jen Ellis,Adam Dobell,Irf . . .
19:00 - 20:15 Fireside Policy Chats Leonard Bailey
19:00 - 19:59 Meet the Feds: CISA Edition (Lounge) CISA Staff
20:30 - 21:45 Fireside Policy Chats Gaurav Keerthi
20:00 - 21:59 Meet the Feds: DHS Edition (Lounge) DHS Staff
10:00 - 11:45 Hacking Operational Collaboration David Forscey,Brianna McC . . .
10:00 - 11:45 Imagining a cyber policy crisis: Storytelling and . . . Nina Kollars,Safa Shahwan . . .
12:00 - 13:45 Hacking Aviation Policy Timothy Weston,Ayan Islam . . .
12:00 - 13:45 Addressing the gap in assessing (or measuring) the . . . Adrien Ogee
14:00 - 15:45 Confronting Reality in Cyberspace: Foreign Policy . . . Neal Pollard,Jason Healey . . .
14:00 - 15:45 Return-Oriented Policy Making for Open Source and . . . Trey Herr,Eric Mill,Harry . . .
16:00 - 17:45 International Government Action Against Ransomware Adam Dobell,Irfan Hemani, . . .
16:00 - 16:59 Right Hand, Meet Left Hand: The Cybersecurity Impl . . . Cathy Gellis
17:15 - 18:15 Thinking About Election Security: Annual Debrief ( . . . Cathy Gellis
19:00 - 21:59 D0 N0 H4RM: A Healthcare Security Conversation (Lo . . . Seeyew Mo,Alissa Knight,J . . .
19:00 - 20:15 Fireside Policy Chats Emma Best,Xan North
20:30 - 21:59 Fireside Policy Chats Chris Painter
10:00 - 11:45 Improving International Vulnerability Disclosure: . . . Christopher Robinson,Stew . . .
10:00 - 11:45 Better Policies for Better Lives: Hacker Input to . . . Peter Stephens
12:00 - 13:45 Offensive Cyber Industry Roundtable Winnona DeSombre,Matt Hol . . .
12:00 - 13:45 Protect Our Pentest Tools! Perks and Hurdles in Di . . . Liz Wharton,Casey Ellis,O . . .
14:00 - 14:59 ONCD Cybersecurity Strategy Workshop Jason Healey,Samantha Jen . . .
14:00 - 14:59 The Exploding Wireless Attack Surface: Policy cons . . . Linton Wells

Return to Index

PSV - Physical Security Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 201-202 (Physical Security Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 17:59 Physical Security Village
11:30 - 11:59 Bypass 101 Karen Ng
12:30 - 12:59 Pwning Alarm Wires Bill Graydon
13:30 - 13:59 RFID Hacking 101 Ege F
14:30 - 14:59 Pwning RFID From 6ft Away Daniel Goga,Langston Clem . . .
15:30 - 15:59 Elevators 101 Karen Ng
17:00 - 17:59 Physical Security Bypasses redteamwynns
10:30 - 10:59 Bypass 101 Karen Ng
10:00 - 17:59 Physical Security Village
11:00 - 11:30 Bypass 102 Karen Ng
12:30 - 12:59 The least secure biometric lock on Earth Seth Kintigh
13:30 - 13:59 RFID Hacking 101 Ege F
14:30 - 14:59 Pwning RFID From 6ft Away Daniel Goga,Langston Clem . . .
15:30 - 15:59 Elevators 101 Karen Ng
16:30 - 16:59 RFID Hacking 101 Ege F
10:30 - 10:59 Bypass 101 Karen Ng
10:00 - 14:59 Physical Security Village
11:00 - 11:30 Bypass 102 Karen Ng
12:30 - 12:59 Forcible Entry 101 Bill Graydon

Return to Index

PT - Paid Training

Home Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
07:00 - 06:59 Paid-Training Registration Opens
08:00 - 09:59 Paid Training - Trainings Begin
09:00 - 16:59 Customizable Binary Analysis: Using angr to its fu . . . Audrey Dutcher,Fish Wang
09:00 - 16:59 A Practical Approach to Breaking & Pwning Kubernet . . . Madhu Akula
09:00 - 16:59 Offensive IoT Exploitation Nicholas Coad,Patrick Ros . . .
09:00 - 16:59 Practical Secure Code Review Ken Johnson,Seth Law
09:00 - 16:59 Defender's Guide to Securing Public Cloud Infrastr . . . Abhinav Singh
09:00 - 16:59 Pragmatic API Exploration Aubrey Labuschagne (Willi . . .
09:00 - 16:59 TCP/IP Deep Dive for Ethical Hackers – Featuring . . . Chris Greer
09:00 - 16:59 Zero 2 Emulated Criminal: Intro to Windows Malware . . . Dahvid Schloss
10:00 - 10:15 Paid Training - Rest Break
10:15 - 11:59 Paid Training - Trainings Continue
12:00 - 12:59 Paid Training - Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:59 Paid Training - Trainings Continue
15:00 - 15:15 Paid Training - Rest Break
15:15 - 16:59 Paid Training - Trainings Continue
17:00 - 16:59 Paid Training - Trainings end for the day
07:00 - 06:59 Paid-Training Registration Opens
08:00 - 09:59 Paid Training - Trainings Begin
09:00 - 16:59 A Practical Approach to Breaking & Pwning Kubernet . . . Madhu Akula
09:00 - 16:59 Offensive IoT Exploitation Nicholas Coad,Patrick Ros . . .
09:00 - 16:59 Practical Secure Code Review Ken Johnson,Seth Law
09:00 - 16:59 Defender's Guide to Securing Public Cloud Infrastr . . . Abhinav Singh
09:00 - 16:59 Pragmatic API Exploration Aubrey Labuschagne (Willi . . .
09:00 - 16:59 TCP/IP Deep Dive for Ethical Hackers – Featuring . . . Chris Greer
09:00 - 16:59 Zero 2 Emulated Criminal: Intro to Windows Malware . . . Dahvid Schloss
09:00 - 16:59 Customizable Binary Analysis: Using angr to its fu . . . Audrey Dutcher,Fish Wang
10:00 - 10:15 Paid Training - Rest Break
10:15 - 11:59 Paid Training - Trainings Continue
12:00 - 12:59 Paid Training - Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:59 Paid Training - Trainings Continue
15:00 - 15:15 Paid Training - Rest Break
15:15 - 16:59 Paid Training - Trainings Continue
17:00 - 16:59 Paid Training - Trainings end for the day

Return to Index

PWV - Password Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 218-219 (Password Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
13:00 - 12:59 Hacking Hashcat Ray “Senpai” Morris
11:00 - 10:59 So long, PBKDF2! The end of password-based key der . . . Vivek Nair

Return to Index

PYV - Payment Village

Location: Virtual - Payment Village
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
09:00 - 13:59 Payment Hacking Challenge
09:00 - 13:59 Payment Hacking Challenge
09:00 - 13:59 Payment Hacking Challenge
09:00 - 13:59 Payment Hacking Challenge

Return to Index

QTV - Quantum Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Summit 217 (Quantum Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:59 Quantum Village Opening Ceremony Quantum Village Team
11:00 - 11:59 Meet Lucy Jamie Friel
12:00 - 12:59 An introduction to quantum algorithms Kathrin Spendier,Mark Jac . . .
14:00 - 14:59 The Quantum Tech Showcase: From QKD to QRNG Demo Vikram Sharma
15:00 - 15:30 Debate - QKD
15:30 - 16:30 Quantum Hardware Hacking Mark C
16:30 - 17:30 PQC in the Real World James Howe
10:00 - 10:59 QC 101 workshop Mark C
11:00 - 11:59 QML/QNLP workshop/showcase Thomas Cervoni
12:00 - 12:59 Why Organizations Must Consider Crypto Agility Vikram Sharma
14:00 - 14:59 Start now or else! A perspective on transitioning . . . David Joseph
15:00 - 15:59 Debate - PQC, don't we have better things to do?
16:00 - 17:30 Quantini Time
10:00 - 10:59 Grover's Search - a worked example Mark C
11:00 - 11:59 Quantum Life: Burning Chrome Side Chat VWave
12:00 - 12:30 CTF Announcement Quantum Village Team

Return to Index

RCV - Recon Village

Location: LINQ - 3rd flr - Social B and C (Recon Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:50 The Future of Collecting Data from the Past: OSINT . . . Micah Hoffman
10:50 - 11:35 Information Confrontation 2022 – A loud war and . . . Luke Richards (Wbbigdave)
11:35 - 11:59 (Not-So-Secret) Tunnel: Digging into Exposed ngrok . . . Eugene Lim
12:00 - 12:45 Not All Who Wander Are Lost: Using OSINT for a Ful . . . Tracy Z. Maleeff
12:45 - 13:30 Stalking Back MasterChen
15:00 - 15:50 The Bug Hunters Methodology – Application Analys . . . JHaddix
15:50 - 16:25 The Richest Phisherman in Colombia Nick Ascoli
16:25 - 17:10 Scanning your way into internal systems via URLSca . . . Rojan Rijal
10:00 - 10:50 Attack Surface Management Panel Ben Sadeghipour
10:50 - 11:35 FOX STEED: Analysis of a Social Media Identity Lau . . . Shea Nangle
11:35 - 12:10 Phonerator, an advanced *valid* phone number gener . . . Martin Vigo
12:55 - 13:30 Finding Hidden Gems In Temporary Mail Services Berk Can Geyikçi
12:10 - 12:55 New Frontiers in GitHub Secret Snatching Tillson Galloway
15:00 - 15:50 Sonic scanning: when fast is not fast enough Jasper Insinger
15:50 - 16:15 A Light in Darkness: Child Predator Hunting throug . . . Jessica Smith
16:15 - 16:59 NPM, “Private” Repos, and You Justin Rhinehart

Return to Index

RFV - Radio Frequency Village

Location: Flamingo - Eldorado Ballroom (Radio Frequency Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 17:59 SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet Starlink
10:00 - 17:59 DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Re . . . Open Research Institute
10:30 - 11:30 RF CTF Kick Off Day 1 RF Hackers Village Staff
11:30 - 12:30 How a weirdly shaped piece of metal pulls cat meme . . . Tyler
12:30 - 12:59 Intro guide to keyfob hacking Woody
13:00 - 13:30 Wardriving 101 - or How I Learned to Stop Worrying . . . Raker
13:30 - 13:59 Keeping Your Distance: Pwning  RFID Physical Acc . . . Daniel Goga,Langston Clem . . .
14:00 - 14:30 Getting started with Meshtastic aromond
14:30 - 15:30 Have a Software Defined Radio? - Design and make y . . . Erwin
15:30 - 15:59 WIPS/WIDS Evasion for Rogue Access Points Eric Escobar
16:00 - 16:59 A Telco Odyssey. 5G SUCI-Cracker & SCTP-Hijacker Miguel Gallego Vara,Pedro . . .
17:00 - 17:59 When you're too competitive for your own good D4rkm4tter,El Kentaro,Gri . . .
10:00 - 17:59 SpaceX & Starlink Satellite Internet Starlink
10:00 - 17:59 DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Re . . . Open Research Institute
10:30 - 11:30 RF CTF Kick Off Day 2 RF Hackers Village Staff
13:00 - 13:59 Antennas for Surveillance Kent Britain WA5VJB
14:00 - 14:30 Biohacking Using SDR When You Don’t Know What Yo . . . J9
14:30 - 15:30 Rip and tear Iceman
15:30 - 15:59 Exploiting 802.11n Narrow Channel Bandwidth Implem . . . Ronald Broberg
16:00 - 17:59 Open Panel: War Driving Rig Makers Meetup D4rkm4tter,El Kentaro,Gri . . .
10:00 - 14:59 DEFCON Demonstrations and Presentations by Open Re . . . Open Research Institute
14:00 - 14:59 RF CTF Out-brief RF Hackers Village Staff

Return to Index

RHV - Retail Hacking Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 310, 320 (Retail Hacking Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 13:59 Human Chip Implants
11:00 - 11:59 Rock the Cash Box Spicy Wasabi
15:00 - 15:59 Mitigating vulnerabilities in two-factor authentic . . . Larsbodian
10:00 - 13:59 Human Chip Implants
11:00 - 11:59 Ethical considerations in using digital footprints . . . Larsbodian
11:00 - 11:59 I know what you ate last summer Wesley Altham (aka Wesrl)

Return to Index

ROV - Rogues Village

Location: LINQ - 3rd flr - Evolution (Rogues Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
11:00 - 11:59 Picking Pockets, Picked Apart James Harrison
12:30 - 13:30 Catch the Cheat Four Suits Co
14:00 - 14:59 False Dealing Daniel Roy
15:30 - 16:30 Secrets of an Advantage Player RxGamble
17:00 - 17:59 DIY Restraint Breaking Zac
11:00 - 11:59 Juicing & Marking Cards B
12:30 - 13:30 Verbal Steganography Re-Loaded Four Suits Co,Jax,Zac
15:30 - 16:30 Forgery & Document Replication Chris Dickson
17:00 - 17:59 Picking Pockets, Picked Apart James Harrison
10:00 - 13:59 Workshop Overflow Four Suits Co

Return to Index

RTV - Red Team Village

Location: Flamingo - Mesquite Ballroom (Red Team Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
11:00 - 11:59 Red Team Village Keynote Panel John Hammond,Alh4zr3d,Rya . . .
12:00 - 15:59 Dip Your Toes in Infrastructure Testing: A Hands o . . . Andrew Sutters,Jules Riga . . .
13:00 - 13:59 Attack and Defend with the Command and Control (C2 . . . Jake Williams
13:00 - 13:59 HackerOps Ralph May
13:00 - 13:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
13:00 - 13:59 Quiet Recon: Gathering everything you need with LD . . . Cory Wolff
14:00 - 14:59 Cyber Resilience Bootcamp Ron Taylor
14:00 - 14:59 HackerOps Ralph May
14:00 - 14:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
15:00 - 15:59 Cyber Resilience Bootcamp Ron Taylor
15:00 - 15:59 HackerOps Ralph May
15:00 - 15:59 Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs Omar Santos
15:00 - 15:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
16:00 - 16:59 HackerOps Ralph May
16:00 - 16:59 Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web Corey Ball
16:00 - 16:59 Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs Omar Santos
16:00 - 16:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
10:00 - 10:59 Container and Kubernetes Offense Michael Mitchell
10:00 - 10:59 Cyber Resilience Bootcamp Ron Taylor
10:00 - 10:59 HackerOps Ralph May
10:00 - 10:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
11:00 - 11:59 Container and Kubernetes Offense Michael Mitchell
11:00 - 11:59 Cyber Resilience Bootcamp Ron Taylor
11:00 - 11:59 HackerOps Ralph May
11:00 - 11:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
11:00 - 11:59 Phishing With Phineas (Again) - Steroid Boosted Ha . . . George Karantzas
12:00 - 12:59 Container and Kubernetes Offense Michael Mitchell
12:00 - 12:59 HackerOps Ralph May
12:00 - 12:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
12:00 - 12:59 Quiet Recon: Gathering everything you need with LD . . . Cory Wolff
12:00 - 15:59 Hacking Active Directory
13:00 - 13:59 Cyber Resilience Bootcamp Ron Taylor
13:00 - 13:59 HackerOps Ralph May
13:00 - 13:59 Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs Omar Santos
13:00 - 13:59 How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set . . . Scott Brink
14:00 - 14:59 AI Village + RTV Panel: The Use of AI/ML in Offens . . . Omar Santos,Will Pearce,W . . .
14:00 - 14:59 HackerOps Ralph May
14:00 - 14:59 Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web Corey Ball
14:00 - 14:59 How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set . . . Scott Brink
14:00 - 14:59 Offensive Wireless Security 101
15:00 - 15:59 HackerOps Ralph May
15:00 - 15:59 Hacking APIs: How to break the chains of the web Corey Ball
15:00 - 15:59 Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs Omar Santos
15:00 - 15:59 How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set . . . Scott Brink
16:00 - 16:59 Cyber Resilience Bootcamp Ron Taylor
16:00 - 16:59 HackerOps Ralph May
16:00 - 16:59 Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs Omar Santos
16:00 - 16:59 How Most Internal Networks are Compromised: A Set . . . Scott Brink
10:00 - 10:59 Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs Omar Santos
10:00 - 10:59 Intro to CTFs
10:00 - 10:59 Offensive Wireless Security 101
10:00 - 10:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .
11:00 - 11:59 Cyber Resilience Bootcamp Ron Taylor
11:00 - 11:59 Hacking WebApps with WebSploit Labs Omar Santos
11:00 - 11:59 Intro to CTFs
11:00 - 11:59 OSINT Skills Lab Challenge Lee McWhorter,Sandra Stib . . .

Return to Index

SEV - Social Engineering Village

Location: LINQ - 3rd flr - Social A (Social Engineering Community) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 19:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 19:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
08:30 - 08:59 Social Engineering Community Village opens - morni . . .
09:00 - 11:59 Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS
09:00 - 17:59 Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge
12:00 - 12:59 Cold Calls
13:00 - 15:59 Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS
16:30 - 16:59 Social Engineering the People you Love Micah Turner
17:00 - 17:30 Phishing with Empathy: Running Successful Phishing . . . Brian Markham,SooYun Chun . . .
17:30 - 17:59 Socially Engineering the Social Engineers: Underst . . . Crane Hassold
18:00 - 18:59 Ethics, morality & the law
08:30 - 08:59 Social Engineering Community Village opens - morni . . .
09:00 - 17:59 Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge
09:00 - 11:59 Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS
12:00 - 12:59 Cold Calls
13:00 - 15:59 Vishing Competition (SECVC) - LIVE CALLS
16:30 - 16:59 Psychological Reverse Shells MasterChen
17:00 - 17:30 The aftermath of a social engineering pentest. - A . . . Ragnhild “Bridget“ Sa . . .
17:30 - 17:59 Truthsayer: Make a remote lie detector and become . . . Fletcher Heisler
18:00 - 18:59 Social Engineering as a career panel
21:30 - 23:59 Social Engineering Community Village Mixer
08:30 - 08:59 Social Engineering Community Village opens - morni . . .
09:00 - 09:30 Research Calls Tessa Cole
09:30 - 10:59 Research and Cold Calls
09:00 - 09:59 Heroes vs Villians, a SEC Youth Challenge
11:30 - 12:59 Social Engineering Community Village Awards and Co . . .

Return to Index

SKY - SkyTalks - 303

Location: LINQ - BLOQ (SkyTalks 303) - Map
Hours: Fri: 08:30 - 18:30 - Sat: 08:30 - 18:30 - Sun: 08:30 - 14:00
Home Page:
Sched Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
09:30 - 10:20 Combatting sexual abuse with threat intelligence t . . . Aaron DeVera
10:35 - 11:25 Hundreds of incidents, what can we share? Brenton Morris,Guy Barnha . . .
11:40 - 11:59 Android, Birthday Cake, Open Wifi... Oh my! A.Krontab
12:45 - 13:35 Taking Down the Grid Joe Slowik
12:10 - 12:30 The Richest Phisherman in Colombia Matt Mosley,Nick Ascoli
13:50 - 14:40 Don't Blow A Fuse: Some Truths about Fusion Centr . . . 3ncr1pt3d
14:55 - 15:45 Cloud Threat Actors: No longer cryptojacking for f . . . Nathaniel Quist
16:00 - 16:50 Automated Trolling for Fun and No Profit burninator
17:05 - 17:55 Deadly Russian Malware in Ukraine Chris Kubecka
09:30 - 10:20 Geo-Targeting Live Tweets Chet Hosmer
10:35 - 11:25 What your stolen identity did on its CoViD vacatio . . . Judge Taylor
11:40 - 12:30 This one time, at this Hospital, I got Ransomware Eirick Luraas
12:45 - 13:35 Voter Targeting, Location Data, and You l0ngrange
13:50 - 15:40 INTERNET WARS 2022: These wars aren't just virtual Bryson Bort,Cheryl Biswal . . .
16:00 - 16:50 Dancing Around DRM Game Tech Chris,ギンジ . . .
17:05 - 17:55 Ghost Guns: Rapidly acquiring, constructing or imp . . . Judge Taylor
09:30 - 10:20 Eradicating Disease With BioTerrorism Mixæl S. Laufer
10:35 - 11:25 Basic Blockchain Forensics K1ng_Cr4b
11:40 - 13:30 Abortion Tech Maggie Mayhem

Return to Index

SOC - Social Activities: Parties/Meetups

PDT Times Title speaker
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
12:00 - 11:59 Friends of Bill W
16:00 - 17:59 Queercon Mixer
16:00 - 21:59 Toxic BBQ
17:00 - 16:59 Friends of Bill W
18:00 - 01:59 Thursday Opening Party - Entertainment Archwisp,DJ St3rling,Dr. . . .
18:00 - 20:59 DC702 Pwnagotchi Party
21:00 - 01:59 Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment CodexMafia,DotOrNot,Hecks . . .
06:00 - 05:59 DEF CON Bike Ride "CycleOverride"
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
11:00 - 10:59 No Starch Press - Book Signing - Craig Smith, The . . .
12:00 - 11:59 No Starch Press - Book Signing - Jasper van Wouden . . .
12:00 - 11:59 Friends of Bill W
13:00 - 12:59 No Starch Press - Book Signing - Fotios Chantzis, . . .
14:00 - 13:59 No Starch Press - Book Signing - Travis Goodspeed, . . .
15:30 - 16:30 EFF: Reproductive Justice in the Age of Surveillan . . . Corynne McSherry,Daly Bar . . .
16:00 - 17:59 Queercon Mixer
16:00 - 18:59 DC404/DC678/DC770/DC470 (Atlanta Metro) Meetup
16:00 - 18:59 DEF CON Holland DC3115 & DC3120 Group Meetup
17:00 - 19:59 Meet the Digital Lab at Consumer Reports
17:00 - 16:59 Friends of Bill W
18:00 - 01:59 Black & White Ball - Entertainment Biolux,Dual Core,Icetre N . . .
18:30 - 21:30 Girls Hack Village Meetup: Shoot Your Shot Network . . .
18:00 - 17:59 Lawyers Meet
19:30 - 01:59 Hacker Karaoke
20:00 - 23:59 Movie Night Double Feature - Arrival & Real Genius
20:00 - 21:59 Hacker Jeopardy
20:00 - 21:59 Pilots and Hackers Meetup
20:00 - 22:59 BlueTeam Village Party
21:00 - 01:59 GOTHCON (#DCGOTHCON)
21:00 - 01:59 Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment CaptHz,DJ Scythe,DJ UNIT . . .
22:00 - 00:59 Queercon Party
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
09:00 - 17:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) djdead,Kampf,Merin MC,Pie . . .
12:00 - 11:59 No Starch Press - Book Signing - Corey Ball, Hacki . . .
12:00 - 11:59 Friends of Bill W
13:00 - 12:59 No Starch Press - Book Signing - Joe Gray, Practic . . .
14:00 - 13:59 No Starch Press - Book Signing - Jon DiMaggio, The . . .
16:00 - 17:59 Queercon Mixer
17:00 - 18:59 Denial, Deception, and Drinks with Mitre Engage
17:00 - 16:59 Friends of Bill W
18:00 - 01:59 Night of the Ninjas - Entertainment CTRL/rsm,Krisz Klink,Magi . . .
19:30 - 00:59 BlanketFort Con
19:30 - 01:59 Hacker Karaoke
20:00 - 23:59 Movie Night Double Feature - The Conversation & Th . . .
20:30 - 23:59 Girls Hack Village 90’s House Party
20:00 - 21:59 Hacker Flairgrounds
20:00 - 21:59 Hacker Jeopardy
20:00 - 21:59 Meet the EFF
21:00 - 23:59 Arcade Party
21:00 - 01:59 VETCON
21:00 - 01:59 Hallway Monitor Party - Entertainment Hanz Dwight,Hellacopta,Te . . .
22:00 - 23:59 Whose Slide Is It Anyway? (WSIIA)
09:00 - 14:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rus . . .
09:00 - 14:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rus . . .
09:00 - 14:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rus . . .
09:00 - 14:59 Chillout Lounge (with entertainment) Merin MC,Pie & Darren,Rus . . .
12:00 - 11:59 Friends of Bill W

Return to Index

TEV - Tamper Evidence Village

Location: Summit BR 201-205, 235 Summit-Forum Pre-Fun 3 - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 13:00

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 17:59 Learn at Tamper-Evident Village
10:00 - 17:59 Learn at Tamper-Evident Village
10:00 - 12:59 Learn at Tamper-Evident Village

Return to Index

VMV - Voting Village

Location: Caesars Forum - Alliance 313-314, 320 (Voting Village) - Map
Hours: Fri: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 - Sun: 10:00 - 15:00
Sched Page:
DC Discord Chan:

PDT Times Title speaker
10:00 - 10:30 Election Cyber Security in the National Guard Brigadier General Teri (T . . .
12:00 - 12:59 The State of Election Security Training Jerome Lovato
13:00 - 13:30 Truly Maligned: How Disinformation Targets Minorit . . . Nicole Tisdale
14:00 - 14:59 Information Operations Bryson Bort,Nicole Tisdal . . .
16:00 - 16:30 Open Source Zero Trust Security using Ory Keto Patrik Neu
10:00 - 10:30 Dominion ImageCast X CVEs and reflections on CVD f . . . Assistant Professor Drew . . .
11:00 - 11:59 Three Time's a Charm: Our Experience at the Public . . . Ivo de Carvalho Peixinho
12:00 - 12:30 United We Stand Michael Moore,Nate Young
14:00 - 14:59 Election Forensics Assistant Professor Drew . . .
16:00 - 16:30 Digital Forensics and Voting Machines Will Baggett, CCEE, CFE

Return to Index

WS - DEF CON Workshops

Home Page:

PDT Times Title speaker
09:00 - 12:59 The Purple Malware Development Approach Mauricio Velazco,Olaf Har . . .
09:00 - 12:59 Network Hacking 101 Ben Kurtz,Victor Graf
09:00 - 12:59 Protect/hunt/respond with Fleet and osquery Guillaume Ross,Kathy Satt . . .
09:00 - 12:59 Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark - How thi . . . Chris Greer
14:00 - 17:59 Introduction to Software Defined Radios and RF Hac . . . Rich
14:00 - 17:59 Pentesting Industrial Control Systems 101: Capture . . . Alexandrine Torrents,Arna . . .
14:00 - 17:59 House of Heap Exploitation Zachary Minneker,Maxwell . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Introduction to Azure Security Nishant Sharma,Jeswin Mat . . .
09:00 - 12:59 CICD security: A new eldorado Gauthier Sebaux,Remi Esco . . .
09:00 - 12:59 Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing Hardik Shah
09:00 - 12:59 Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks Matt Cheung
09:00 - 12:59 The Art of Modern Malware Analysis: Initial Infect . . . Aaron Rosenmund,Josh Stro . . .
09:00 - 12:59 DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to For . . . Michael Register,Michael . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of . . . Eigentourist
14:00 - 17:59 Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows - RCE Edition Jake Labelle,Phil Young
14:00 - 17:59 Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: . . . Alexandrine Torrents,Arna . . .
14:00 - 17:59 FROM ZERO TO HERO IN A BLOCKCHAIN SECURITY Dikla Barda,Oded Vanunu,R . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Securing Smart Contracts Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam . . .
09:00 - 12:59 Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class Barrett Darnell,Wesley Th . . .
09:00 - 12:59 Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanc . . . Solomon Sonya
09:00 - 12:59 Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling Cam,Eijah
09:00 - 12:59 Windows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitiv . . . Paul Laîné,Rohan Durve
09:00 - 12:59 CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs (or “The Petting Zoo . . . Chris Forte,Robert Fitzpa . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to Yo . . . Jon Christiansen,Magnus S . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Creating and uncovering malicious containers. Adrian Wood,David Mitchel . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Evading Detection: A Beginner's Guide to Obfuscati . . . Anthony "Cx01N" Rose,Vinc . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Securing Web Apps Elizabeth Biddlecome,Sam . . .
14:00 - 17:59 Automated Debugging Under The Hood - Building A Pr . . . Sean Wilson,Sergei Franko . . .

Return to Index

Talk/Event Descriptions


AVV - Friday - 11:30-12:15 PDT

Title: 'Damn the exploits! Full speed ahead!' How naval fleet tactics redefine cyber operations
When: Friday, Aug 12, 11:30 - 12:15 PDT
Where: Flamingo - Sunset-Scenic Ballroom (Adversary Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Christopher Cottrell , Threat Operations Leader
Christopher Cottrell is a Threat Operations leader at Nvidia. By failing upwards into management after 10 years of being a red team operator for the government, he focuses on strategy, tactics, and philosophy the same way he applied himself to being a tactical operator. By taking a step back from the keyboard, he has discovered pitfalls that cyber teams are heading towards and is working on strategies to help the community avoid them. Christopher enjoys helping inspire others to be their best selves through writing papers on cyber philosophy, or by creating programs to give opportunities to break into cyber. He presented the red team development program at DEF CON 28 in the Red Team Village, titled ""Guerilla Red Team: Decentralize the Adversary"", and served on a joint panel at DEF CON 29 between the Red Team Village and the AI Village discussing the evolution of offensive security as AI/ML becomes more prevalent in the threat landscape. Christopher has published quality of life tools for Cobalt Strike (Deckbuilder, Quickrundown) and C2 tools for securely exfiling secret keys (Catcher). However his proudest achievement is serving daily as a husband and father to people who will forever be greater than himself.

The Naval Fleet: a symphony of specialized assets working together to complete a goal. Fleet doctrine and tactics were upended in the early 1900s when two new classes of ships were introduced: the carrier and the submarine. Looking at the past 20 years of cyber doctrine, new classes of capabilities were introduced: the red team and the hunt team. But unlike modern fleets, cyber teams are not properly incorporating these new assets to great effect, squandering the potential of the capability. The assets are leashed when they should be unleashed. By studying the unique capabilities of ships in a fleet and pairing them with a cyber discipline, we unlock countless real world examples of naval warfare tactics, battles, and strategy that can be applied to cyber and freeing the true potential of each cyber element. Like the critical evolution of the modern fleet from Battleship centric to Carrier centric, modern cyber teams are past due to make the same evolution from SOC centric, to Hunt centric.

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BICV - Friday - 12:00-12:30 PDT

Title: "The Man" in the Middle
When: Friday, Aug 12, 12:00 - 12:30 PDT
Where: Virtual - BIC Village

SpeakerBio:Alexis Hancock
No BIO available

Description:No Description available

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RCV - Friday - 11:35-11:59 PDT

Title: (Not-So-Secret) Tunnel: Digging into Exposed ngrok Endpoints
When: Friday, Aug 12, 11:35 - 11:59 PDT
Where: LINQ - 3rd flr - Social B and C (Recon Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Eugene Lim , Cybersecurity Specialist, Government Technology Agency of Singapore
Eugene (spaceraccoon) hacks for good! At GovTech Singapore, he protects citizen data and government systems through security research. He also develops SecOps integrations to secure code at scale. He recently reported remote code execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office and Apache OpenOffice and discussed defensive coding techniques he observed from hacking Synology Network Attached Storage devices at ShmooCon.

As a bug hunter, he helps secure products globally, from Amazon to Zendesk. In 2021, he was selected from a pool of 1 million registered hackers for HackerOne's H1-Elite Hall of Fame. Besides bug hunting, he builds security tools, including a malicious npm package scanner and a social engineering honeypot that were presented at Black Hat Arsenal. He writes about his research on

He enjoys tinkering with new technologies. He presented "Hacking Humans with AI as a Service" at DEF CON 29 and attended IBM's Qiskit Global Quantum Machine Learning Summer School.

Twitter: @spaceraccoonsec

ngrok is a popular developer tool to expose local ports to the internet, which can be helpful when testing applications or private network devices. Despite the large reconnaissance surface for development environments exposed by ngrok, most security research has focused on offensive applications for ngrok, such as ( Instead, I will focus on two new reconnaissance vectors: 1. ngrok domain squatting; and 2. ngrok tunnel enumeration.

By default, ngrok HTTP tunnels exposes HTTP traffic via randomly-generated * endpoints such as These subdomains can be harvested from a variety of OSINT sources, such as GitHub repositories, documentation, StackOverflow answers, and “how-to” blogposts. Unfortunately, paid ngrok users can select any * subdomain for their tunnels, allowing them to squat on these subdomains in wait for unsuspecting users copy-pasting commands that use these hard-coded “random” endpoints. I will show examples of squatting that yielded interesting webhook callbacks and leaked information.

ngrok also allows users to create TCP tunnels which are exposed via ports 10000-20000 on * Due to the ease of enumerating these values as compared to HTTP tunnels, users can easily map out the entire ngrok TCP tunnel space. This unveiled a house of horrors, from Jenkins dashboards to even VNC and MySQL servers that allowed anonymous access! I will share a statistical breakdown of one such mapping that clearly shows that ngrok users may have been far too reliant on security by obscurity.

I will conclude by sharing some tips on using ngrok safely through built-in authentication options and domain reservation. I will also share real-life examples of ngrok endpoints popping up in production code, further highlighting the potential of ngrok as a reconnaissance source.

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CPV - Friday - 17:30-17:59 PDT

Title: [T]OTPs are not as secure as you might believe
When: Friday, Aug 12, 17:30 - 17:59 PDT
Where: Flamingo - Sunset-Vista Ballroom (Crypto Privacy Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Santiago Kantorowicz
Santiago is a Staff Security Engineer at Twilio, with 14 years of experience in cybersecurity. He worked for 6 years securing and designing OTP and TOTP products, such as Authy and Twilio Verify. He is currently dedicated to securing Twilio Voice and video products along with Twilio Edge infrastructure. He started his cybersecurity journey doing Pen Test for 5 years, and then moved to MercadoLibre to kickstart the Appsec deparment. During his journey he discovered pasion for other topics and worked on non-security roles such as a Product Manager and as a Product Architect.

You likely receive OTPs (one-time-passwords) all the time, usually in the form of an SMS with a 4 to 8 digit code in it. Pretty common when you sign-in (or register) to Uber, your bank, Whatsapp, etc. The most adopted OTP size is 6 digits, and we just accept that it's hard to guess, after all it's 1 in a million chance, and leave it there. Some may wonder, what if get a new OTP after the first one expires, assuming it's another 1 in a million chance, and forget about it. When you calculate the actual chance of guessing an OTP one after the other, the odds are NOT 1 in a million. You will be surprised how the probabilities spiral once you start thinking of brute forcing OTPs one after the other, and what about parallelising the brute force among different users, the surprise is even bigger.

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MIV - Saturday - 14:15-14:45 PDT

Title: 404! Memory Holing and the SEO Warping of Human History
When: Saturday, Aug 13, 14:15 - 14:45 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (Misinformation Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Arikia Millikan , Journalist, Media Consultant
Arikia Millikan is an American journalist and editorial strategist living in Berlin. Her journalistic work showcases my dedication to deep research and the art of the interview, bringing a humanistic perspective to topics at the intersection of technology and the human mind. In the private sector, she thrives while scrutinizing complexity and unblocking communication sticking points that occur when specialists are tasked with conveying information to a general audience. Her client roster includes founders and thought leaders from fields such as biotechnology, venture capital, telemedicine, teletherapy, femtech, cybersecurity, and mixed reality media.

When a writer signs a contract to get paid for creating a publication for a digital platform, they often sign away all rights to that work. What happens 10 years later when those publications are bought, sold, and traded for the purpose of SEO link farming? I offer a few case studies in the bizarre reshaping of history due to the rise and fall of digital publications.

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BHV - Friday - 10:30-10:59 PDT

Title: A Capitalist approach to hospital security
When: Friday, Aug 12, 10:30 - 10:59 PDT
Where: Flamingo - Laughlin I,II,III (Biohacking Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Eirick Luraas
Eirick spends his days discovering and mitigating vulnerabilities, occasionally doing Incident Response, and once in a while tracking down bad actors. Sometimes he gets to compromise systems to show Executives that Hospitals are horribly insecure.

Eirick earned a Master's Degree in Cybersecurity, and he has spoken several times about the dangers technology creates in healthcare. Eirick helps bring awareness of the risks we are unknowingly taking every time we visit a Hosptial and works every day to reduce those dangers.

Eirick grew up in Montana and lived in Panama during his military service. He bounced around a few states in the US. He recently relocated to Tucson, Az where he is rediscovering his passion for photography. You can follow Eirick on twitter @tyercel.

Twitter: @tyercel

Description:No Description available

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DC - Friday - 16:30-17:15 PDT

Title: A dead man’s full-yet-responsible-disclosure system
When: Friday, Aug 12, 16:30 - 17:15 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Alliance 301-309, 321 (Track 4) - Map

SpeakerBio:Yolan Romailler , Applied Cryptographer
Yolan is an applied cryptographer delving into (and mostly dwelling on) cryptography, secure coding, and other fun things. He has previously spoken at Black Hat USA, BSidesLV, Cryptovillage, NorthSec, GopherConEU and DEF CON on topics including automation in cryptography, public keys vulnerabilities, elliptic curves, post-quantum cryptography, functional encryption, open source security, and more! He notably introduced the first practical fault attack against the EdDSA signature scheme, and orchestrated the full-disclosure with code of the CurveBall vulnerability.

Do you ever worry about responsible disclosure because they could instead exploit the time-to-patch to find you and remove you from the equation? Dead man switches exist for a reason...

In this talk we present a new form of vulnerability disclosure relying on timelock encryption of content: where you encrypt a message that cannot be decrypted until a given (future) time. This notion of timelock encryption first surfaced on the Cypherpunks mailing list in 1993 by the crypto-anarchist founder, Tim May, and to date while there have been numerous attempts to tackle it, none have been deployed at scale, nor made available to be used in any useful way. This changes today: we’re releasing a free, open-source tool that achieves this goal with proper security guarantees. We rely on threshold cryptography and decentralization of trust to exploit the existing League of Entropy (that is running a distributed, public, verifiable randomness beacon network) in order to do so. We will first cover what all of these means, we will then see how these building blocks allow us to deploy a responsible disclosure system that guarantees that your report will be fully disclosed after the time-to-patch has elapsed. This system works without any further input from you, unlike the usual Twitter SHA256 commitments to a file on your computer.

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AIV - Saturday - 10:00-10:50 PDT

Title: A few useful things to know about AI Red Teams 
When: Saturday, Aug 13, 10:00 - 10:50 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (AI Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Sudipto Rakshit 
No BIO available

AI Red Teams are sprouting across organizations: Microsoft, Facebook, Google, DeepMind, OpenAI, NVIDIA all have dedicated teams to secure and red team their AI systems. Even the US Government is jumping on this bandwagon. But surprisingly, unlike traditional red teams, which have an agreed upon form, function and definition, there is little agreement on AI Red Teaming. This talk synthesizes Microsoft’s perspective of AI Red Team and interleaves formal and informal conversations with more than 15 different AI Red Teams across the industry and governments, as well analyzing their job postings, publications and blog posts. We ground each of the lessons in our experience of red teaming production systems.

After this talk, you will get a taste of how AI Red Teams approach the problem, grasp what AI Red Teams do, how they interact with existing security paradigms like traditional red teaming as well as emerging areas like adversarial machine learning. You will be able to assess what it takes to be successful in this field, and how your can make an impact without a PhD in Adversarial Machine learning.

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RCV - Saturday - 15:50-16:15 PDT

Title: A Light in Darkness: Child Predator Hunting through OSINT, Dark Web Sleuthing & Linguistic Analysis
When: Saturday, Aug 13, 15:50 - 16:15 PDT
Where: LINQ - 3rd flr - Social B and C (Recon Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Jessica Smith
No BIO available
Twitter: @scarlettsleuth

Growing up, most of our parents told us, “There are no such thing as monsters.” The problem is, our parents likely knew nothing of the dark web, where the beings of nightmares live, breathe, and lurk. While we can’t be Van Helsing, slaying creatures of the shadows, we can target, hunt, and learn from them, digitally. This OSINT for good talk will examine child predator tracking and identification through open, deep, and dark web channels, as well as, leveraging linguistics analysis and chat forum engagement to locate vulnerabilities in OPSEC measures. Not even the stealthiest of targets can hide in the darkness for long, when their pursuers are armed with predator-specific investigative skills, a roadmap of their weaknesses and, of course, a white hat.

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DC - Friday - 13:30-14:15 PDT

Title: A Policy Fireside Chat with Jay Healey
When: Friday, Aug 12, 13:30 - 14:15 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Forum 106-110, 138-139 (Track 2) - Map
Speakers:Jason Healey,Fahmida Rashid

SpeakerBio:Jason Healey , Senior Research Scholar
No BIO available

SpeakerBio:Fahmida Rashid , Managing Editor of Features
No BIO available

In this fireside chat, Jason Healey (w0nk) will talk about the earliest days of information security and hacking, back in 1970s, where we’ve come since, and the future role of security researchers and hackers. This year is not just the 30th DEF CON but the 50th anniversary of the first realizations that hackers (red teams) will almost always succeed. Jason will reflect on the lessons for information security and hacking and explore if we have any chance of getting blue better than red. Unless we make substantial changes, our kids will be coming to DEF CON 60 without much left of a global, resilient Internet.

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DC - Friday - 11:30-12:15 PDT

Title: A Policy Fireside Chat with the National Cyber Director
When: Friday, Aug 12, 11:30 - 12:15 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Forum 106-110, 138-139 (Track 2) - Map
Speakers:Kim Zetter,Chris Inglis

SpeakerBio:Kim Zetter
No BIO available

SpeakerBio:Chris Inglis , National Cyber Director at the White House
No BIO available

Description:No Description available

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PT - Monday - 09:00-16:59 PDT

Title: A Practical Approach to Breaking & Pwning Kubernetes Clusters
When: Monday, Aug 15, 09:00 - 16:59 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Map

SpeakerBio:Madhu Akula
Madhu Akula is a pragmatic security leader and creator of Kubernetes Goat, an intentionally vulnerable by design Kubernetes Cluster to learn and practice Kubernetes Security. Also published author and cloud native security architect with extensive experience. Also, he is an active member of the international security, DevOps, and cloud native communities (null, DevSecOps, AllDayDevOps, AWS, CNCF, USENIX, OWASP, etc). Holds industry certifications like OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator), etc.

Madhu frequently speaks and runs training sessions at security events and conferences around the world including DEFCON (24, 26, 27 & 29), BlackHat (2018, 19, 21 & 22), USENIX LISA (2018, 19 & 21), SANS Cloud Security Summit 2021 & 2022, O’Reilly Velocity EU 2019, GitHub Satellite 2020, Appsec EU (2018, 19 & 22), All Day DevOps (2016, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21), DevSecCon (London, Singapore, Boston), DevOpsDays India, c0c0n(2017, 18 & 20), Nullcon (2018, 19, 21, 22), SACON 2019, Serverless Summit, null and multiple others.

His research has identified vulnerabilities in over 200+ companies and organizations including; Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, eBay, AT&T, WordPress, NTOP, Adobe, etc, and is credited with multiple CVEs, Acknowledgements, and rewards. He is co-author of Security Automation with Ansible2 (ISBN-13: 978-1788394512), which is listed as a technical resource by Red Hat Ansible. He is the technical reviewer for Learn Kubernetes Security, Practical Ansible2 books by Packt Pub. Also won 1st prize for building Infrastructure Security Monitoring solution at InMobi flagship hackathon among 100+ engineering teams.

Twitter: @madhuakula

Latest details, requirements, description, cost:

Training description:

The adoption of Kubernetes use in production has increased to 83% from a survey by CNCF. Still, most security teams struggle to understand these modern technologies.

In this real-world scenario-based training, each participant will be learning Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) to attack and assess Kubernetes clusters environments at different layers like Supply chain, Infrastructure, Runtime, and many others. Starting from simple recon to gaining access to microservices, sensitive data, escaping containers, escalating to clusters privileges, and even its underlying cloud environments.

By end of the training, participants will be able to apply their knowledge to perform architecture reviews, security assessments, red team exercises, and pen-testing engagements on Kubernetes Clusters and Containerized environments successfully. Also, the trainer will provide step by step guide (Digital Book) with resources and references to further your learning.

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PT - Tuesday - 09:00-16:59 PDT

Title: A Practical Approach to Breaking & Pwning Kubernetes Clusters
When: Tuesday, Aug 16, 09:00 - 16:59 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Map

SpeakerBio:Madhu Akula
Madhu Akula is a pragmatic security leader and creator of Kubernetes Goat, an intentionally vulnerable by design Kubernetes Cluster to learn and practice Kubernetes Security. Also published author and cloud native security architect with extensive experience. Also, he is an active member of the international security, DevOps, and cloud native communities (null, DevSecOps, AllDayDevOps, AWS, CNCF, USENIX, OWASP, etc). Holds industry certifications like OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional), CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator), etc.

Madhu frequently speaks and runs training sessions at security events and conferences around the world including DEFCON (24, 26, 27 & 29), BlackHat (2018, 19, 21 & 22), USENIX LISA (2018, 19 & 21), SANS Cloud Security Summit 2021 & 2022, O’Reilly Velocity EU 2019, GitHub Satellite 2020, Appsec EU (2018, 19 & 22), All Day DevOps (2016, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21), DevSecCon (London, Singapore, Boston), DevOpsDays India, c0c0n(2017, 18 & 20), Nullcon (2018, 19, 21, 22), SACON 2019, Serverless Summit, null and multiple others.

His research has identified vulnerabilities in over 200+ companies and organizations including; Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, eBay, AT&T, WordPress, NTOP, Adobe, etc, and is credited with multiple CVEs, Acknowledgements, and rewards. He is co-author of Security Automation with Ansible2 (ISBN-13: 978-1788394512), which is listed as a technical resource by Red Hat Ansible. He is the technical reviewer for Learn Kubernetes Security, Practical Ansible2 books by Packt Pub. Also won 1st prize for building Infrastructure Security Monitoring solution at InMobi flagship hackathon among 100+ engineering teams.

Twitter: @madhuakula

Latest details, requirements, description, cost:

Training description:

The adoption of Kubernetes use in production has increased to 83% from a survey by CNCF. Still, most security teams struggle to understand these modern technologies.

In this real-world scenario-based training, each participant will be learning Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) to attack and assess Kubernetes clusters environments at different layers like Supply chain, Infrastructure, Runtime, and many others. Starting from simple recon to gaining access to microservices, sensitive data, escaping containers, escalating to clusters privileges, and even its underlying cloud environments.

By end of the training, participants will be able to apply their knowledge to perform architecture reviews, security assessments, red team exercises, and pen-testing engagements on Kubernetes Clusters and Containerized environments successfully. Also, the trainer will provide step by step guide (Digital Book) with resources and references to further your learning.

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CLV - Friday - 12:10-12:30 PDT

Title: A ransomware actor looks at the clouds: attacking in a cloud-native way
When: Friday, Aug 12, 12:10 - 12:30 PDT
Where: Flamingo - Sunset-Scenic Ballroom (Cloud Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Jay Chen
Jay Chen is a security researcher with Palo Alto Networks. He has extensive research experience in cloud-native, public clouds, and edge computing. His current research focuses on investigating the vulnerabilities, design flaws, and adversary tactics in cloud-native technologies. In the past, he also researched Blockchain and mobile cloud security. Jay has authored 20+ academic and industrial papers.

Our research shows that the number of known ransomware attacks grew 85%, and the ransom demand climbed 144% (2.2M) from 2020 to 2021. The abundant data stored in the cloud make them lucrative targets for ransomware actors. Due to the fundamental difference between the cloud-native and on-premises IT infrastructure, existing ransomware will not be effective in cloud environments. Ransomware actors will need new TTPs to achieve successful disruption and extortion. What are the weaknesses that attackers are likely to exploit? What types of cloud resources are more susceptible to ransomware attacks? How may ransomware disrupt cloud workloads? This research aims to identify the possible TTPs using the knowledge of known ransomware and cloud security incidents. I will also demonstrate POC attacks that abuse a few APIs to quickly render a large amount of cloud-hosted data inaccessible. My goal is not to create fear, uncertainty, and doubt but to help clarify the risk and mitigation strategy.

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AIV - Saturday - 12:00-12:50 PDT

Title: A System for Alert Prioritization
When: Saturday, Aug 13, 12:00 - 12:50 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (AI Village) - Map
Speakers:Ben Gelman ,Salma Taoufiq

SpeakerBio:Ben Gelman 
No BIO available

SpeakerBio:Salma Taoufiq
No BIO available

At any moment, tens of thousands of analysts within security operations centers (SOCs) inspect security alerts to detect evidence of compromise, but the knowledge they gain in the process is often lost, siloed, or inefficiently preserved. In our talk, we’ll present a machine learning prototype that leverages this forgotten knowledge, helping analysts triage malicious alerts in a feedback loop. The system learns to predict which alerts analysts will escalate, presents these alerts to analysts, and improves as analysts make decisions about these alerts. Our system is trained on real activity from hundreds of SOC analysts analyzing threats over thousands of customer environments, and it demonstrates a dramatic reduction in alert volume with minimal loss in detection rate, freeing up analysts to dive into alerts that truly matter.

In our presentation, we describe this system in transparent detail, discussing the complexity of raw data, the limitations of current approaches, and how our system can integrate into existing infrastructure, even in the presence of unstructured data and a shifting landscape of security sensors. We’ll also show our system’s performance in the practical defense of a diverse population of organizations and go over in-the-trenches case studies illustrating our system’s strengths and weaknesses.

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RFV - Friday - 16:00-16:59 PDT

Title: A Telco Odyssey. 5G SUCI-Cracker & SCTP-Hijacker
When: Friday, Aug 12, 16:00 - 16:59 PDT
Where: Flamingo - Eldorado Ballroom (Radio Frequency Village) - Map
Speakers:Miguel Gallego Vara,Pedro Cabrera

SpeakerBio:Miguel Gallego Vara
Industrial engineer, currently working on vulnerabilities in non-commercial open source networks, attacks on mobile identities of subscribers to such mobile networks. Main focus on 5G networks. Implementation and automation of attacks on SDR platforms. In the last year he has joined the EthonShield project as a researcher and developer in the telecommunications area.

SpeakerBio:Pedro Cabrera
Industrial engineer, software defined radio (SDR) and drones enthusiast, he has worked in the main Spanish telecommunications operators, performing security audits and pentesting in mobile and fixed networks. In recent years he has led the EthonShield project, a startup focused on communications security and the development of new monitoring and defense products. He has participated in security events in the United States (RSA, CyberSpectrum, Defcon), Asia (BlackHat Trainings) and Spain (Rootedcon, Euskalhack, ShellCON, ViCON).
Twitter: @PcabreraCamara

The main objective of the presentation is to share the results of the research work with on-stage demonstrations, to bring the practical vision to everything presented in recent years on the security of 5G mobile networks. These attacks have been grouped into three areas; traditional denial of service attacks (Downgrade attacks), attacks on legacy protocols in the core of the network (SCTP Hijacker) and finally attacks on the new SUCI identity (SUCI Cracker).

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DL - Friday - 14:00-15:55 PDT

Title: AADInternals: The Ultimate Azure AD Hacking Toolkit
When: Friday, Aug 12, 14:00 - 15:55 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Committee Boardroom (Demo Labs) - Map

SpeakerBio:Nestori Syynimaa
Dr Nestori Syynimaa (@DrAzureAD) is one of the leading Azure AD / M365 security experts globally and the developer of the AADInternals toolkit. For over a decade, he has worked with Microsoft cloud services and was awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Security Researcher for 2021. Currently, Dr Syynimaa works as a Senior Principal Security Researcher for Secureworks Counter Threat Unit and hunts for vulnerabilities full time. He has spoken at many international scientific and professional conferences, including IEEE TrustCom, Black Hat Arsenal USA and Europe, RSA Conference, and TROOPERS.
Twitter: @DrAzureAD

AADInternals is an open-source hacking toolkit for Azure AD and Microsoft 365, having over 14,000 downloads from the PowerShell gallery. It has over 230 different functions in 15 categories for various purposes. The most famous ones are related to Golden SAML attacks: you can export AD FS token signing certificates remotely, forge SAML tokens, and impersonate users w/ MFA bypass. These techniques have been used in multiple attacks during the last two years, including Solorigate and other NOBELIUM attacks. AADInternals also allows you to harvest credentials, export Azure AD Connect passwords and modify numerous Azure AD / Office 365 settings not otherwise possible. The latest update can extract certificates and impersonate Azure AD joined devices allowing bypassing device based conditional access rules.

Audience: Blue teamers, red teamers, administrators, wannabe-hackers, etc.

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SKY - Sunday - 11:40-13:30 PDT

Title: Abortion Tech
When: Sunday, Aug 14, 11:40 - 13:30 PDT
Where: LINQ - BLOQ (SkyTalks 303) - Map

SpeakerBio:Maggie Mayhem
Maggie Mayhem is a former sex worker and current full spectrum doula. She has spoken previously at HOPE as well as DefCon, Skytalks, SxSW, the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, as well as many events and universities around the world. Her website is MaggieMayhem.Com.
Twitter: @msmaggiemayhem

In order to protect abortion access in America, it is imperative to understand what abortion is in material terms. This primer will discuss clinical and underground abortion procedures, provider opsec, targeted legislation against abortion access, how abortion access & gender affirming care are linked, and demonstrate how to build a DIY vacuum aspiration device. This talk will be presented from the perspective that abortion should be available on demand, without apology as part of a spectrum of human reproductive rights including gender affirming care and expression of sexual orientation. Providing abortions safely requires a background in healthcare that exceeds the time and content limitations of this talk. Though abortion will be discussed in practical terms, attendees will not be taught how to perform abortions.

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CLV - Saturday - 14:20-14:50 PDT

Title: Access Undenied on AWS - Troubleshooting AWS IAM AccessDenied Errors
When: Saturday, Aug 13, 14:20 - 14:50 PDT
Where: Flamingo - Sunset-Scenic Ballroom (Cloud Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Noam Dahan
Noam Dahan is a Senior Security Researcher at Ermetic with several years of experience in embedded security. He is a graduate of the Talpiot program at the Israel Defense Forces and spent several years in the 8200 Intelligence Corps. While this is his first time presenting at DEF CON, it is not his first time in front of a crowd. Noam was a competitive debater and is a former World Debating Champion.
Twitter: @NoamDahan

Access Undenied on AWS analyzes AWS CloudTrail AccessDenied events û it scans the environment to identify and explain the reasons for which access was denied. When the reason is an explicit deny statement, AccessUndenied identifies the exact statement. When the reason is a missing allow statement, AccessUndenied offers a least-privilege policy that facilitates access.

IAM is a complex system in which permission information is distributed among many sources and permission evaluation logic is complex. The tool can help both defensive and offensive security teams with this challenge.

For defenders. The need to facilitate access to teams annoyed or frustrated by access denied messages often breaks least-privilege and creates excessive permissions in the environment. AccessUndenied gives a minimal least-privilege policy suggestion and prevents this. Some users of the tool are even scaling their use by hooking AccessUndenied to a Lambda that automatically handles AccessDenied messages and sends them a slack notification with the tool's output.

For offensive teams. In AWS IAM, a Deny statement trumps any allow. Therefore even after privilege escalation to admin, certain actions can still be blocked. Offensive teams can use AccessUndenied to quickly and effectively track down these explicit deny statements to then circumvent or remove them.

Sometimes, the new and more detailed AccessDenied messages provided by AWS will be sufficient. However, this is not always the case.

Some AccessDenied messages do not provide details. Among the services with (many or exclusively) undetailed messages are: S3, SSO, EFS, EKS, GuardDuty, Batch, SQS, and many more.

When the reason for AccessDenied is an explicit deny, it can be difficult to track down and evaluate every relevant policy.

When the explicit deny is in a service control policy (SCP), one has to find every single policy in the organization that applies to the account.

When the problem is a missing allow statement, users still need to define a least-privilege policy.


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DL - Friday - 10:00-11:55 PDT

Title: Access Undenied on AWS
When: Friday, Aug 12, 10:00 - 11:55 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Caucus Boardroom (Demo Labs) - Map

SpeakerBio:Noam Dahan
Noam Dahan is a Senior Security Researcher at Ermetic with several years of experience in embedded security. He is a graduate of the Talpiot program at the Israel Defense Forces and spent several years in the 8200 Intelligence Corps. While this is his first time presenting at DEF CON, it is not his first time in front of a crowd. Noam was a competitive debater and is a former World Debating Champion.
Twitter: @NoamDahan

Access Undenied on AWS analyzes AWS CloudTrail AccessDenied events – it scans the environment to identify and explain the reasons for which access was denied. When the reason is an explicit deny statement, AccessUndenied identifies the exact statement. When the reason is a missing allow statement, AccessUndenied offers a least-privilege policy that facilitates access.

Audience: Cloud Security, Defense.

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MIV - Saturday - 15:45-16:15 PDT

Title: Ad it up: To minimize mis- and dis-information, we must reshape the ad tech business, not regulate speech
When: Saturday, Aug 13, 15:45 - 16:15 PDT
Where: Caesars Forum - Summit 220->236 (Misinformation Village) - Map

SpeakerBio:Jessica Dheere
Jessica Dheere is the Director of Ranking Digital Rights. She is the founder, former executive director, and board member of SMEX (, the Middle East’s leading digital rights research and advocacy organization. As a 2018–19 research fellow ( at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, she launched the CYRILLA Collaborative ( She is also a member of the 2019-20 class of Technology and Human Rights Fellow ( at Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. Dheere has presented at the Internet Governance Forum, the