Villages List

DEF CON Villages

Each Village, as it’s name may imply, specializes in a topic or aspect of security or computers.

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Adversary Village – AVV

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Adversary Village
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Returning for DC 30!
Adversary Village Icon


Adversary Village is a community initiative which purely focuses on Adversary simulation/emulation, threat/APT emulation, Breach and adversarial attack simulation, supply chain security simulation, adversary tactics, life, adversary philosophy, survival skills and Purple teaming.Adversary Village will be organizing technical talks, workshops, live demos, Adversary Wars CTF, panel discussions and other hands-on activities on adversary simulation, emulation and purple teaming.

This is different from any of what has been covered in the existing villages, because our focus is on simulation of the actions of a threat actor or an adversary and this being simulated here. As this domain matures, we anticipate active participation from enterprises, as such simulations would help immensely towards internal capacity building from having a "live fire" training opportunity. An increasing number of researchers too are focusing on building tools and techniques for simulation of various adversarial actions against an organization or Supply chain, instead of actual real-world exploitation.
The goal of the Adversary Village would be to build a vendor neutral open security community for the researchers and organizations, who are putting together new means and methodologies towards the simulation/emulation of adversary tactics then purple teaming.

Adversary Wars CTF
Adversary Village will be hosting a CTF named "Adversary Wars", where the participants will have to pose as adversaries and simulate adversarial actions against each element of the dummy target organization.
Our end-goal is to build a CTF platform for adversary simulation/emulation knowledge sharing and exercises.
Adversary Wars would have real world simulation CTF scenarios and challenges, where the adversaries can simulate attacks and learn new attack vectors, TTPs, techniques, etc.
There would be combined exercises which include different levels of threat/adversary emulation and purple teaming.

Adversary Simulator booth
Adversary Simulator booth has hands-on adversary emulation plans specific to a wide variety of threat-actors, these are meant to provide the participant/visitor with a better understanding of the Adversary tactics.
This is a volunteer assisted activity where anyone, both management and technical folks can come-in and experience different categories of simulation, emulation and purple scenarios. Adversary Simulator booth will be having a lab environment focused on recreating enterprise infrastructure, aimed at simulation and emulating various adversaries. Visitors will be able to view, simulate and control various TTPs used by adversaries.
The simulator is meant to be a learning experience, irrespective of whether one is hands-on with highly sophisticated attack tactics or from the management.

Aerospace Village – ASV

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AppSec Village Icon

twitter: @AppSec_Village
CFP Link:

The first three AppSec Villages were a resounding success. We learned that whether in person or online, our AppSec community is fantastic. We are pumped to be back bigger and better.

Come immerse yourself in everything the world of application security has to offer. Whether you are a red, blue, or purple teamer, come learn from the best of the best to exploit software vulnerabilities and secure software. Software is everywhere, and Application Security vulnerabilities are lurking around every corner, making the software attack surface attractive for abuse. If you are just an AppSec n00b or launch deserialization attacks for fun and profit, you will find something to tickle your interest at the AppSec Village.

Software runs the world. Everything from IoT, medical devices, the power grid, smart cars, voting apps – all of it has software behind it. Such a variety of topics will be reflected in our cadre of guest speakers representing all backgrounds and walks of life.

AppSec Village welcomes all travelers to choose from talks by expert community members, an all AppSec-focused CTF, contests that challenge your mind and your skillz, and more. Bring your thirst for knowledge and passion for breaking things, and your visit to AppSec Village will be a thrill!

AppSec Village – APV

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Village Schedule Page

The first three AppSec Villages were a resounding success. We learned that whether in person or online, our AppSec community is fantastic. We are pumped to be back bigger and better. Come immerse yourself in everything the world of application security has to offer. Whether you are a red, blue, or purple teamer, come learn from the best of the best to exploit software vulnerabilities and secure software. Software is everywhere, and Application Security vulnerabilities are lurking around every corner, making the software attack surface attractive for abuse. If you are just an AppSec n00b or launch deserialization attacks for fun and profit, you will find something to tickle your interest at the AppSec Village. Software runs the world. Everything from IoT, medical devices, the power grid, smart cars, voting apps – all of it has software behind it. Such a variety of topics will be reflected in our cadre of guest speakers representing all backgrounds and walks of life. AppSec Village welcomes all travelers to choose from talks by expert community members, an all AppSec-focused CTF, contests that challenge your mind and your skillz, and more. Bring your thirst for knowledge and passion for breaking things, and your visit to AppSec Village will be a thrill!

Artificial Intelligence Village – AIV

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A.I Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC 30!


DEF CON Discord Channel

AI Village Icon

Artificial Learning techniques are becoming more prevalent in core security technologies like malware detection and network traffic analysis. Its use has opened up new vectors for attacks against non-traditional targets, such as deep learning based image recognition systems used in self driving cars. There are unique challenges in defending and attacking these machine learning systems that the security community needs to be made aware of. This AI Village will introduce DEF CON attendees to these systems and the state of the art in defending and attacking them. We will provide a setting to educate DEF CON at large through workshops and a platform for researchers in this area to share the latest research.

Our main focus is on expanding the hands-on activities that attendees can participate in. This year, attendees will create a realistic face using StyleGAN, learn how to generate text, and attack a discriminatory resume screening program. We’ll also have talks via CFP, and workshops: both introductory ML for beginners and intermediate/advanced on Facial Recognition/Adversarial ML. We are planning three contests inside the village: one as a standard CTF, another on evading a malware classifier (Ember), and a final realtime panel of Deepfaked DarkTangent’s answering personal questions and giving opinions on life, the universe, and everything!

Bio Hacking Village – BHV

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DEF CON Discord Channel
CFP Link:

Growing from seeds of demand, the Biohacking Village emerged at DEF CON to deliver action-oriented reinvention of the safety and security of health care. THE BIOHACKING VILLAGE , a 501(c)3 organization, is uniquely poised to inform global conversations in health care cybersecurity research. Representing voices who see ‘code’ as genetics, ‘subroutines’ as organic processes, and ‘programs’ as life itself the BHV has grown to become an expansive and inclusive, hands-on playground for the entire biomedical ecosystem – patients, clinicians, hackers, manufacturers, regulators, hospital administrators, and others seeking healthier futures through meaningful technology. This nimble community delivers hands-on, strident learning labs to influence in health care, industry, and manufacturing.

We bring the biomedical ecosystem to DEF CON in five ways:
DEVICE LAB : The highly-collaborative environment builds health care, connecting security researchers, manufacturers, clinicians, and regulators, to learn from each other and develop skills, codifying best practices and paths for high fidelity cyber safety.

SPEAKER LAB: Speakers foster critical thinking, problem solving, human interaction literacy, ethics debates, creativity, and collaboration. Subject matter experts and researchers share the future of their research, reflecting the biological technologies and emerging threats.

CATALYST LAB: Providing interaction with thought leaders from the medical device and citizen science communities through training and hands-on workshops and solutions design, to cover the entirety of the biomedical device and security ecosystem.

CAPTURE THE FLAG: Featuring the virtual learning environment of St. Elvis Hospital, the CTF offers protocol, regulatory, and biological challenges to access and assess vulnerabilities in real devices.

TABLE TOP EXERCISES: Discussion-based sessions of increasing complexity and difficulty regarding vulnerabilities in a series of Machiavellian healthcare industry scenarios.
Attached Files

Blacks in Cybersecurity – BICV

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Blacks In Cybersecurity (B.I.C) Village
PAST FORUM (not for this year:) DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC 30!
Icon or Logo for BIC Village

The Blacks In Cybersecurity (BIC) Village seeks to bring culturally diverse perspectives to the holistic Cybersecurity community; by way of a series of talks and a capture the flag event.

In providing these activities, we believe that we can normalize the discussion of deficiency and prejudices in Cybersecurity literacy, education and development that ultimately impact the progress and development of the field.

Our village programming is also designed to highlight Black experiences, innovations in the field, Black culture and Black history which is designed to encourage more diverse hobbyists and professionals to engage and contribute to this conference and the greater Cybersecurity and Hacker/Maker communities.

Blue Team Village – BTV

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Blue Team Village
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Returning for DC30!
Blue Team Village Icon/image

DEF CON Discord Channel

We’re still standing for our fourth DEF CON! Coming through the looking glass to showcase the defensive side of hacking, Blue Team Village is where you can find out all the multifarious facets of what it means to be a defender. You’ll be able to teach and learn about the various ways to keep people safe – and how to subvert attacker expectations to turn their methods back on them.

You’ll also be able to find community and mentor-ship within the defensive hacking paradigm, allowing you to find your path within this specialization to learning new skills and refining your old ones.

If you’re looking for a community of like-minded hackers with a tendency towards forensics, threat hunting, and other blue-aligned topics, come celebrate the art of defensive hacking with us!

Car Hacking Village – CHV

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Twitter: @CarHackVillage

Learn, hack, play. The Car Hacking Village is an open, collaborative space to hack actual vehicles that you don’t have to worry about breaking! Don’t have tools? We’ll loan you some. Never connected to a car? We’ll show you how. Don’t know where the controllers are? We’ll show you how to take it apart. Want to learn more about automotive hacking and cyber security? Check out our talks. Want to hack mobility scooters? Yes! We’ll do that to. Also, check out the CHV CTF.

Visit for the latest information.

Cloud Village – CLV

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Cloud Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!

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Cloud Village Icon

With the industry shifting towards cloud infrastructure at a rapid speed, the presence of an open platform to discuss and showcase cloud research becomes a necessity.

Cloud village is an open platform for researchers interested in the area of cloud security. We plan to organize talks, tool demos, CTF and workshops around Cloud Security and advancements.
We will open Call for Papers/Workshops/Tools as soon as we get an approval from DEF CON.

Our CTF will be a jeopardy style 2.5 days contest where participants will have to solve challenges around Cloud infrastructure, security, recon, etc. These challenges will cover different cloud platforms including AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean, etc. We will also reward our top 3 teams with awards.

Crypto Privacy Village – CPV

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Crypto & Privacy Village (CPV)
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
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DEF CON Discord Channel

At the Crypto & Privacy Village (CPV) you can learn how to secure your own systems while also picking up some tips and tricks on how to break classical and modern encryption. The CPV features workshops and talks on a wide range of cryptography and privacy topics from experts. We’ll also have an intro to crypto talk for beginners, crypto-related games, the infamous CPV puzzle, a key-signing party, privacy-related art installations, and other great events like the Gold Bug Crypto Privacy Contest.

The CPV discusses the interesting intersection of privacy and technology as well as building privacy enhancing technologies. We are able to dig into the nitty gritty details of cryptography and give high level crypo intros for those who might feel intimidated by it. We also discuss and hack on major topics and issues: facial recognition technology, license plate readers, privacy enhancing clothing, crypto backdoor laws.

Data Duplication Village – DDV

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Data Duplication Village
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Returning for DC30!
Data Duplication Village Icon

Check the schedule and/or for the most up-to-date information.

DEF CON Discord Channel

It’s true, the Data Duplication Village is back for DC 30! We have all the bits and bytes available from packed up into nice, neat packages. If you’re looking for something to fill up all your unused storage, may I recommend a nice hash table or two with a side of all of the DefCon talks? This is a "free-to-you" service where we’re providing you direct access to terabytes of useful data to help build those skills.

DEF CON will provide a core set of drive duplicators as well as data content options. We accept 6, 8, and 10TB drives on a first come, first served basis and duplicate ’till we can no longer see straight. Bring in your blank SATA3 drives – check them in early – to get the data you want. Come back in about 24 hours to pick up your data-packed drive. Space allowing, we’ll accept drives all the way through until Saturday morning – but remember, it’s FIFO!
  • It will be a first come, first served to duplicate ’till we drop.
  • Bring labeled 6TB SATA blank drives, and submit them in the queue for the data you want.
  • Come back in 14-24 hours to pick up your data-packed drive.
  • Space allowing, the last drop-offs will be no later than Saturday afternoon and the last drives will run overnight with the final pickup time at 11:30am.

WHAT IS AVAILABLE – Three drives:
  1. 6TB drive 1-3: Updated archive of plus other "direct from DT" content, built on last years collection and always adding more for your data consuming appetite.
  2. 6TB drive 2-3: GSM A51 and MD5 hash tables (Tables 1-2) with about 404 gigs free
  3. 6TB drive 3-3: more rainbowtables, lanman, mysqlsha1, ntlm, and some word lists (Tables 2-2) with about 136 gigs free

The DC 29 content will be posted at once finalized

* 6TB SATA3 512e format 7200rpm drive – one for each source you want

If you want a full copy of everything you will need three drives.
You can bring back last year’s drive(s) to be wiped / updated (you should remove any 2018 stickers).

Data Duplication Village Hours:

– Thursday, August 11, 16:00 – 19:00 (drop off only)
– Friday, August 12, 10:00 – 17:00
– Saturday, August 13, 10:00 – 17:00
– Sunday, August 14, 10:00 – 11:00 (last chance pickup only)

– Space permitting, last drop off is Saturday at 3:00pm.
– Last chance pickup is Sunday from 10:00 to 11:00.

We’re working on a method to post completed ticket ranges to and

  • Be aware that we cleared all the Vegas area stores of every single 6TB drive last year we did this so plan ahead and get them now!
  • Duplicating a 6TB (About 5.46 usable) drive at an average of 120 Megabytes a second comes out to just under 14 hours per drive.
  • With all about 16 duplicators going, we can duplicate about 95 drives concurrently.
  • We’re expect to push about 11GB per second out to the drives for 72 hours straight.
  • We did 335 drives for DC24 and we’re hoping to do even more at DC25!
  • We are expecting more total duplicator capacity than last year!

But wait – there’s more! A few years ago, we made our our stretch goal a reality to provide a pick-and-pull datastore in the DDV. We expect to do it bigger and better this year! Dark Tangent and KnightOwl l post the up-to-date details in the DC Forum thread and you are encouraged to ask any questions you have there as con approaches.

. Photo image of people at past Data Duplication VIllage

. Photo image of hard disks in a data duplication device

. Photo image of many hard drives on a table



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Girls Hack Village – GHV

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Girls Hack Village seeks to bring gender diverse perspectives of the contributions, perspectives, and issues facing women/girl hackers. It is a space to discuss issues affecting girls in cybersecurity and will include Talks, Workshops, and Discussions Panels. We are looking to have a village for womxn in ethical hacking fields that differ from organizations by focusing specifically on the experience of women as a diverse minority in cybersecurity.

Our village is designed to highlight the contributions and experiences of girls in cybersecurity. Women are underrepresented in cybersecurity and our goal is to highlight the female experience in Cybersecurity. Women are traditionally underrepresented at defcon and the girlshackvillage will give attendees the opportunity to learn about cybersecurity and hacking in a gender friendly place.

We will use the Discord to disseminate information during the village open hours and for Q&A during the discussion panel.


Ham Radio Village – HRV

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Ham Radio Village & Exams
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
Ham Radio VIllage and Exam Icon

DEF CON Discord Channel

Ham radio isn’t just what your grandpa does in the shed out back. Radios are an important piece of technology we use everyday, and amateur (“ham”) radio has been at the forefront of its development since day one — we are some of the original hardware hackers! DIY, exploration, and sharing has always been a vital part of our community and the goal of Ham Radio Village is to nurture this growth into the next generation with all of the amazing people at DEF CON.

Our village will have demos, talks, presentations, contests, and of course, license exams!

So come visit Ham Radio Village to learn more about the hobby, including how antennas work (and how to build your own), how to actually use that software defined radio sitting on the shelf, how to trackdown a rogue transmitter with a handheld radio, and how you can _legally_ transmit 1,500 Watts into the airwaves after taking a simple multiple-choice test!

One of the unique things about ham radio is that it goes deep into the theory and science of radio. This knowledge unlocks a whole new level of understanding about why and how radios work and radio waves propagate. With just about everything containing some sort of radio these days, this information can help us better research, attack, and defend all things that emit RF. For example: Just about anyone can build an antenna with simple hardware; having an understanding of the fundamentals allows you to troubleshoot and tune the performance of that antenna to pick up the exact signals you want while filtering out the rest.

Hardware Hacking and Solder Skills Village – HHV

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Hardware Hacking and Soldering Skills Village
DC29 Forum:
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DEF CON Discord
Hardware Hacking and Soldering Skills Village Icon

Every day our lives become more connected to consumer hardware. Every day the approved uses of that hardware are reduced, while the real capabilities expand.

Come discover hardware hacking tricks and tips regain some of that capacity, and make your own use for things! We have interactive demos to help you learn new skills. We have challenges to compete against fellow attendees. We have some tools to help with your fever dream modifications. Come share what you know and learn something new.

We are two villages in one. We run a large number of tables for soldering when in person, and to allow people to understand that hardware is more than soldering we run the Hardware Hacking Village as embedded / reversing / hardware things other than soldering.

Industrial Control Systems Village – ICSV

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ICS Village
DC29 Forum:
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ICS Village Icon

DEF CON Discord Channel

ICS Village is a non-profit organization with the purpose of providing education and awareness of Industrial Control System security.
• Connecting public, industry, media, policymakers, and others directly with ICS systems and experts.
• Providing educational tools and materials to increase understanding among media, policymakers, and the general population.
• Providing access to ICS for security researchers to learn and test.
• Hands on instruction for industry to defend ICS systems.

High profile Industrial Controls Systems security issues have grabbed headlines and sparked changes throughout the global supply chain. The ICS Village allows defenders of any experience level to understand these systems and how to better prepare and respond to the changing threat landscape.

Interactive simulated ICS environments, such as Hack the Plan(e)t and Howdy Neighbor, provide safe yet realistic examples to preserve safe, secure, and reliable operations. We bring real components such as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), Remote Telemetry Units (RTU), actuators, to simulate a realistic environment throughout different industrial sectors. Visitors can connect their laptops to assess these ICS devices with common security scanners, network sniffers to sniff the industrial traffic, and more!

Internet Of Things Village – IOTV

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IoT Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
IoT Village Icon
Follow both ISE ( @ISEsecurity )
IoT Village (
@IoTvillage) on Twitter for updates.

DEF CON Discord Channel

IoT Village advocates for advancing security in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry through bringing researchers and industry together. IoT Village hosts talks by expert security researchers, interactive hacking labs, live bug hunting in the latest IoT tech, and competitive IoT hacking contests. Over the years IoT Village has served as a platform to showcase and uncover hundreds of new vulnerabilities, giving attendees the opportunity to learn about the most innovative techniques to both hack and secure IoT. IoT Village is organized by security consulting and research firm, Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) , and the non-profit organization, Village Idiot Labs (VIL) . Watch IoT Village In Action to get an idea of our content and our attendees.

Keep an eye out for The IoT RED ALERT Contest.
Check out the official IoT Village Store for all your IoT Village swag!

Lock Pick Village – LPV

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Want to tinker with locks and tools the likes of which you’ve only seen in movies featuring secret agents, daring heists, or covert entry teams?

Then come on by the Lockpick Village, run by The Open Organization Of Lockpickers, where you will have the opportunity to learn hands-on how the fundamental hardware of physical security operates and how it can be compromised.

The Lockpick Village is a physical security demonstration and participation area. Visitors can learn about the vulnerabilities of various locking devices, techniques used to exploit these vulnerabilities, and practice on locks of various levels of difficultly to try it themselves.

Experts will be on hand to demonstrate and plenty of trial locks, pick tools, and other devices will be available for you to handle. By exploring the faults and flaws in many popular lock designs, you can not only learn about the fun hobby of sport-picking, but also gain a much stronger knowledge about the best methods and practices for protecting your own property.

MisInformation Village – MIV

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[Details to be changed later: This is what I have so far:] Click image for larger versionName:	Misinformation Village Small Logo.jpgViews:	462Size:	100.4 KBID:	242025


The Misinformation Village aims to present a comprehensive overview of misinformation tactics, current campaigns, potential methods for defense and inoculation, and discussions of current and future campaigns. We seek to define, identify, understand, address, and combat misinformation, as well as strengthen online content credibility and information quality.

Twitter: @misinfovillage


Packet Hacking Village – PHV

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Packet Hacking Village
DC29 Forum:
Returning for DC30!
Packet Hacking VIllage Icon

DEF CON Discord Channel

Packet Hacking Village

The Packet Hacking Village is an experience like no other. We are one of the longest-standing DEF CON villages, and we wear that honor with pride. The Packet Hacking Village is a place where everyone can take away some knowledge, whether they are a threat hunter, pentester, or an enthusiastic newcomer. We provide exciting events, live music, competitions with awesome prizes, and learning opportunities for all levels.

Wall of Sheep

The Wall of Sheep is an entertaining and interactive demonstration of what happens when network users let their guard down.

People don’t always think about internet safety in a practical sense. Even seasoned industry professionals get careless and believe that technology will passively protect them. The Wall of Sheep puts these assumptions to the test, and shows that when people let their guard down, anything can happen – and often does.

We monitor the DEF CON network, waiting for users to log into their email, web sites, or other network services without the protection of encryption. Once found, we post redacted yet identifiable information on the Wall of Sheep as a good-natured reminder that security matters, and someone is always watching.

Capture The Packet

The time for those of hardened mettle is drawing near; are you prepared to battle?
Compete in the world’s most challenging cyber defense competition based on the Aries Security cyber range. Tear through hundreds of bleeding-edge challenges, traverse a hostile enterprise-class network, and diligently analyze the findings to escape unscathed. Glory and prizes await those who emerge victorious from this upgraded labyrinth.

While Capture The Packet can easily scale for users of every level, for DEF CON we pull out all the stops and present our most fiendishly difficult puzzles. Capture The Packet has been a DEF CON Black Badge event for over 10 years, and we don’t plan on stopping. This event attracts the best of the best from around the world to play – are you ready to show us what you’ve got?

Packet Detective & Packet Inspector

DEF CON regularly attracts fresh talent in the Information Security field. Packet Detective and Packet Inspector engage experienced professionals and newcomers alike with hands-on, volunteer supported exercises.

These challenges promote critical thinking, teach core security tools, build professional cybersecurity skillsets, and inspire attendees towards larger Capture The Flag (or Packet!) style events.

Packet Detective and Packet Inspector are a great way for folks of all experience levels to learn under the eye of our skilled volunteers. Whether it’s time to brush up on skills or time to launch a new career, this is the best place to start.

Walkthrough Workshops

Walkthrough Workshops offer hands-on training at a self-guided pace. In these workshops, attendees take a deep dive into some of the most relevant subjects in cybersecurity with subject matter experts standing by to assist. Every year we bring new topics to the table, and our team of experts from all walks of life provide mentoring to guide the way.


At the Packet Hacking Village, we work hard to create a unique mood and vibe. The Wall of Sheep DJ Company (WoSDJCo) brings music and atmosphere into the mix. Our goal is to help everyone have a good time while staying entertained and motivated. Stop by and enjoy the smooth beats and deep vibes of musical hackery.

The Packet Hacking Village is where you’ll find network shenanigans and a whole lot more. There’s exciting events, live music, competitions with awesome prizes, and tons of giveaways. PHV welcomes all DEF CON attendees and there is something for every level of security enthusiast from beginners to those seeking a black badge. Wall of Sheep gives attendees a friendly reminder to practice safe computing through strong end-to-end encryption. PHV Speakers, Workshops, and Walkthrough Workshops delivers high quality content for all skill levels. Packet Detective and Packet Inspector offers hands-on exercises to help anyone develop or improve their Packet-Fu. WoSDJCo has some of the hottest DJs at con spinning live for your enjoyment. Finally… Capture The Packet, the ultimate cyber defense competition that has been honored by DEF CON as a black badge event for seven of the eight years of it’s run.

Password Village – PWV

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The Password Village provides training, discussion, and hands-on access to hardware and techniques utilized in modern password cracking, with an emphasis on how password cracking relates to your job function and the real world . No laptop? No problem! Feel free to use one of our terminals to access a pre-configured GPGPU environment to run password attacks against simulated real-world passwords. Village staff and expert volunteers will be standing by to assist you with on-the-spot training and introductions to Hashcat, as well as other FOSS cracking applications. Already a password cracking aficionado? Feel free to give a lightning talk, show off your skills, help a n00b learn the basics, or engage in riveting conversation with other password crackers.

Payment Village – PYV

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Village DC Forum Page

[Image to be added later]


Payment technologies are an integral part of our lives, yet few of us know much about them. Have you ever wanted to learn how payments work? Do you know how criminals bypass security mechanisms on Point of Sales terminals, ATM’s and digital wallets?

Payment technologies are an integral part of our lives, yet few of us know much about them. Have you ever wanted to learn how payments work? Do you know how criminals bypass security mechanisms on Point of Sales terminals, ATM’s and digital wallets? Come to the Payment Village and learn about the history of payments. We’ll teach you how hackers gain access to banking endpoints, bypass fraud detection mechanisms, and ultimately, grab the money!

Physical Security Village – PSV

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Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

Click image for larger version  Name:	LockBypassVillageLogo_HD.png Views:	0 Size:	33.2 KB ID:	240741

Expect hours of operation at DEF CON:
* Friday: 11:00-18:00
* Saturday: 10:00-19:00
* Sunday: 10:00-13:00

The Physical Security Village (formerly the Lock Bypass Village) explores the world of hardware bypasses and techniques generally outside of the realm of cyber-security and lockpicking. Come learn some of these bypasses, how to fix them, and have the opportunity to try them out for yourself.

We’ll be covering the basics, like the under-the-door-tool and latch slipping attacks, as well as an in depth look at more complicated bypasses. Learn about elevator hacking, attacking alarm systems at the sensor and communication line, and cut-away and display models of common hardware to show how it works on the inside.

Looking for a challenge? Show us you can use lock bypass to escape from a pair of standard handcuffs in under 30 seconds and receive a prize!

How will you or your village contribute a new perspective to the content at DEF CON?

The Physical Security Village (formerly the Lock Bypass Village) is almost 100% hands on and is one of the only villages that has content about physical security. We strive to develop new content on a yearly basis to retain the interest of new and existing participants. This year we will be rebuilding all of our door displays to improve the production value, we will also have new displays that capture elevator security, double doors (with a deadbolt), forcible entry, some content on Access controls/Wiegand/RFID cloning, and other subjects.

Door Display Lines of people ready practicing bbypssing mounted locks

ELectronic door mag-stripe

Door Displays

Example Talk, Speaker Karen


Policy Village – PLV

Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page


Hackers are early users and abusers of technology, and that technology is now critical to modern life. As governments make policy decisions about technology Hackers, researchers and academics need to be part of that conversation before decisions are made, not after policies are implemented. To do that DEF CON is a place for everyone on the policy and technology spectrum to interact, learn from each other, and improve technology.

Policy will build connections across and between technical and policy experts and provide opportunities for attendees interested
in learning more about how policy and technology intersect and to examine the challenges at this intersection.

Our Policy program will consist of Main stage presentation and panels, daytime sessions in our policy track, and some
evening lounges that will provide an off the record and more intimate setting to have policy-focused conversation

Quantum Village – QTV

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page

Click image for larger versionName:	Qvillagejpg.jpgViews:	754Size:	11.5 KBID:	240895

Village’s twitter Handle: @quantum_village

Official web address/URL:

CFP Link: Coming Soon.

Have you heard about ‘Q-Day’? Or perhap had someone tell you that ‘Quantum is coming!’ – well, they were right! Quantum Village is here! QV is a place to Engage, Explore, Discover, and Discuss ‘Quantum Information Science & Technology’ (QIST) from the hacker’s point of view. Free from ‘quantum woo’ and sales pitches we have activities, talks, seminars, badges, stickers, and more for people to learn about this new and fast growing part of tech. From talks for experts to workshops for the newbie, if you want to get quantum aware we have something for you!

Radio Frequency Village – RFV

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

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(Formerly the Wireless Village)
Returning for DC30!

RF Hackers Sanctuary presents: The Radio Frequency Village at DEF CON .

After 14 years of evolution, from the WiFi Village, to the Wireless
Village, RF Hackers Sanctuary presents: The Radio Frequency Village at

The Radio Frequency Village is an environment where people come to learn about the security of radio frequency (RF) transmissions, which includes wireless technology, applications of software defined radio (SDR), Bluetooth (BT), Zigbee, WiFi, Z-wave, RFID, IR and other protocols within the usable RF spectrum. As a security community we have grown beyond WiFi, and even beyond Bluetooth and Zigbee.

The RF Village includes talks on all manner of radio frequency command and control as well as communication systems. While everyone knows about the WiFi and Bluetooth attack surfaces, most of us rely on many additional technologies every day. RF Hackers Sanctuary is supported by a group of experts in the area of information security as it relates to RF technologies. RF Hackers Sanctuary’s common purpose is to provide an environment in which participants may explore these technologies with a focus on improving their skills through offense and defense. These learning environments are provided in the form of guest speakers, panels, and Radio Frequency Capture the Flag games, to promote learning on cutting edge topics as it relates to radio communications. We promise to still provide free WiFi.

Speaker and contest schedule can be found on our website:

Co-located with the RF Village is the RF Capture the Flag. Come for
the talks, stay for the practice and the competition.

Recon Village – RCV

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

Recon Village
Returning for DC30!
DC29 Forum:
Recon VIllage Icon

Twitter: /
DEF CON Discord Channel
Recon Village is an Open Space with Talks, Live Demos, Workshops, Discussions, CTFs, etc. with a common focus on Reconnaissance. The core objective of this village is to spread awareness about the importance of reconnaissance, open-source intelligence (OSINT), and demonstrating how even small information about a target can cause catastrophic damage to individuals and organizations.

We will have our Jeopardy Style OSINT CTF Contest again. The challenges will be around harvesting information about target organizations, their employee’s social media profiles, their public svn/gits, password breach dumps, darknet, paste(s), etc. followed by active exploitation, bug hunting, investigation, and pentest scenarios of virtual targets. All the target organizations, employees, servers, etc. will be created by our team and hence will not attract any legal issues.

Similar to the last year, there will be Awesome rewards for CTF winners, along with free t-shirts, stickers, village coins, and other schwag which attendees can grab and show off.

Red Team Village – RTV

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

[Image to be added later]


CFP: Coming Soon!

The Red Team Village is focused on training the art of critical thinking, collaboration, and strategy in offensive security. The RTV brings together information security professionals to share new tactics and techniques in offensive security. Hundreds of volunteers from around the world generate and share content with other offensively minded individuals in our workshops, trainings, talks, and conferences.

Retail Hacking Village – RHV

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

Click image for larger version  Name:	Logo_V4.png Views:	0 Size:	1.8 KB ID:	242050

Have you ever wondered about the inner workings of point of sale systems, remote pricing handsets, and wireless wheel locking systems?

Then the Retail Hacking Village is for you!

Here you can test and hack various retail devices – all in the name of security research.


Rogues Village – ROV

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

Returning for DC30!
DC29 Forum:

DEF CON Discord Channel
Rogues Village icon or logo

Rogues Village is a place to explore alternative approaches and uses for security concepts, tools, and techniques by looking to non-traditional areas of knowledge. Incorporating expertise from the worlds of magic, sleight of hand, con games, and advantage play, this village has a special emphasis on the overlap between Social Engineering, Physical Security, and Playful Mischief.

Because we specialize in non-traditional approaches, Rogues Village can be an excellent entry point for people with a less established background in the security space. By introducing and engaging with existing topics in innovative, relatable, and frequently hands-on ways, they can become easier for people to approach and pick up for the first time.

Additionally, we are one of the few villages with a view that explicitly extends beyond the security space, meaning our perspective will necessarily include influences, ideas, and inspirations that are unique to Rogues Village.

SkyTalks – 303 – SKY

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

303 Skytalks

Since DEF CON 16, Skytalks has been proud to bring you Old School DEF CON in a non-recorded, off-the-record track. Talks include technical deep dives, off-the-beaten path discussions, name-and-shame rants, cool technology projects, and plenty of shenanigans. We pride ourselves on a simple creed: “No recording. No photographs. No bullshit.

Twitter: @dcskytalks


Social Engineering Village – SEV

Village Home Page
Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

[Image/Logo/Iconography coming later]

The Social Engineering Community is formed by a group of individuals who have a passion to enable people of all ages and backgrounds interested in Social Engineering with a venue to learn, discuss, and practice this craft. We plan to use this opportunity at DEF CON to present a community space that offers those elements through panels, presentations, research opportunities, and contests in order to act as a catalyst to foster discussion, advance the craft and create a space for individuals to expand their network. SEC Village plans to accomplish the above by bringing together passionate individuals to have a shared stake in building this community.

For more information on our village stay tuned by following us at:

Call for Papers is open:

Tamper Evidence Village – TEV

Village DC Forum Page

Tamper-evident" refers to a physical security technology that provides evidence of tampering (access, damage, repair, or replacement) to determine authenticity or integrity of a container or object(s). In practical terms, this can be a piece of tape that closes an envelope, a plastic detainer that secures a hasp, or an ink used to identify a legitimate document. Tamper-evident technologies are often confused with "tamper resistant" or "tamper proof" technologies which attempt to prevent tampering in the first place. Referred to individually as "seals," many tamper technologies are easy to destroy, but a destroyed (or missing) seal would provide evidence of tampering! The goal of the TEV is to teach attendees how these technologies work and how many can be tampered with without leaving evidence.

The Tamper-Evident Village includes the following contests and events:
  • The Box; an electronic tamper challenge. An extremely realistic explosive with traps, alarms, and a timer ticking down. One mistake and BOOM, you’re dead. Make every second count! Sign ups on-site when the TEV begins.
  • Tamper-Evident King of the Hill; a full-featured tamper challenge. Tamper single items at your leisure and attempt to beat the current best. There can be only ONE! No sign ups required, play on-site when the TEV begins.
  • Badge Counterfeiting Contest; submit your best forgery of a DEF CON human badge. Other target badges are also available for those looking for more counterfeit fun!
  • For your viewing pleasure, collections of high-security tamper-evident seals from around the world.
  • Sit-down presentations & demonstrations on various aspects of tamper-evident seals and methods to defeat them.
  • Hands-on fun with adhesive seals, mechanical seals, envelopes, and evidence bags.

(A change to this content may appear soon.)

Voting Village – VMV

Village DC Forum Page
Village Schedule Page

Voting Village
Returning for DC30!
DC29 Forum:
Voting Village Icon…3sO8chqS5MGvwg

DEF CON Discord Channel

Voting Village explores voting machines, systems, and databases and works to promote a more secure democracy.