Workshops Table

Longer, more detailed, hands on, lasting half a day.
These have limited seating.
Workshop Registration Opened July 5 Noon PDT – All Workshops are Sold Out!

EventBrite DEF CON Workshops signup page

One Page All Workshops list with descriptions
DEF CON 30 All Workshops Forum page

You may need to scroll to the right to see all info

SOLD OUT – Creating and uncovering malicious containers – Adrian Wood, David Mitchell, and Griffin Francis
Workshop Info
SOLD OUT – Evading Detection: A Beginner’s Guide to Obfuscation – Anthony Rose, Jake “Hubbl3” Krasnov, Vincent “Vinnybod” Rose
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SOLD OUT – Pentesting Industrial Control Systems 101: Capture the Flag! – Arnaud Soullie, Alexandrine Torrents
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SOLD OUT – Securing Industrial Control Systems from the core: PLC secure coding practices – Arnaud Soullie, Alexandrine Torrents
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SOLD OUT – Pivoting, Tunneling, and Redirection Master Class – Barrett Darnell, Wesley Thurner
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SOLD OUT – Hands-On TCP/IP Deep Dive with Wireshark – Chris Greer
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SOLD OUT – CTF 101: Breaking into CTFs… – Christopher Forte, Robert Fitzpatrick
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SOLD OUT – Hacking the Metal 2: Hardware and the Evolution of C Creatures – Eigentourist
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SOLD OUT – Dig Dug: The Lost Art of Network Tunneling – Eijah, Cam
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SOLD OUT – Protect/hunt/respond with Fleet and osquery – Guillaume Ross, Kathy Satterlee
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SOLD OUT – Finding Security Vulnerabilities Through Fuzzing – Hardik Shah
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SOLD OUT – Hybrid Phishing Payloads: From Threat-actors to You – Jon Christiansen, Magnus Stubman
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SOLD OUT – The Art of Modern Malware Analysis – Josh Stroschein, Ryan J Chapman, Aaron Rosenmund
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SOLD OUT – Introduction to Cryptographic Attacks – Matt Cheung
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SOLD OUT – The Purple Malware Development Approach – Mauricio Velazco, Olaf Hartong
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SOLD OUT – House of Heap Exploitation – Maxwell Dulin, Zachary Minneker, Kenzie Dolan, Justin drtychai Angra
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SOLD OUT – DFIR Against the Digital Darkness: An Intro to Forensicating Evil – Michael Solomon, Michael Register
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SOLD OUT – Introduction to Azure Security – Nishant Sharma, Jeswin Mathai
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SOLD OUT – Hand On Mainframe Buffer Overflows – Phil Young, Jake Labelle
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SOLD OUT – CICD security: A new eldorado – Remi Escourrou, Xavier Gerondeau, Gauthier Sebaux
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SOLD OUT – Introduction to Software Defined Radios and RF Hacking – Rich
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SOLD OUT РWindows Defence Evasion and Fortification Primitives РRohan Durve, Paul Ląn̩
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SOLD OUT – Securing Web Apps – Sam Bowne, Elizabeth Biddlecome, Irvin Lemus, Kaitlyn Handelman
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SOLD OUT – Securing Smart Contracts – Sam Bowne, Elizabeth Biddlecome, Irvin Lemus, Kaitlyn Handleman
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SOLD OUT – Automated Debugging Under The Hood… – Sergei Frankoff, Sean Wilson
Workshop Info
SOLD OUT – Master Class: Delivering a New Construct in Advanced Volatile Memory Analysis for Fun and Profit – Solomon Sonya
Workshop Info
SOLD OUT – Network Hacking 101 – Victor Graf and Ben Kurtz
Workshop Info