Paid Training Table

2 day training sessions on the Mon and Tue after DEF CON. There will be an additional cost for these.

One Page All Paid Training list with descriptions
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Defender’s Guide to Securing Public Cloud Infrastructures – Abhinav Singh
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Pragmatic API Exploration – Aubrey Labuschagne (William) & Marianka Botes
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TCP/IP Deep Dive for Ethical Hackers – Featuring Wireshark – Chris Greer
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Zero 2 Emulated Criminal: Intro to Windows Malware Dev – Dahvid Schloss
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Customizable Binary Analysis: Using angr to its full potential – Fish Wang & Audrey Dutcher
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A Practical Approach to Breaking & Pwning Kubernetes Clusters – Madhu Akula
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– Offensive IoT Exploitation
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Practical Secure Code Review – Seth Law & Ken Johnson
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