
A consolidated DEFCON 32 schedule that hour by hour has all the Talks, Workshops, Labs, Villages in one place for your use.

Pick the format that works best for you.
This is very much a work in progress, please check back to get the latest.

One Page ScheduleView or download to view directly from the browser on your device.
Combines FAQs / News / Maps / Talks / Villages
v1 – initial release, still missing MANY villages
Multi Page Schedule     Thur     Fri     Sat     SunSome browsers have a problem with a very LARGE single page.
Try this set of files if you’re having trouble with the above page.
public Google calendar – Recommended! View in Agenda mode
pdfPDF file for download and local viewing
epub ( Nook ) –
mobi ( kindle ) –
ebooks are back! load these into your favorite ebook reader/app
ical                –  ical file to import into your calendar
csv                –  CSV file for your use, what ever you come up with.
mysql dump  –  Dump of MySQL database that is used to generate these files.

Production of the above files is not affiliated with DEFCON 32.
Use at your own risk.
Yes . . . despite my best efforts there are a few errors,
and there may be. . . nope! . . .WILL BE! . . . last minute changes to the schedule.
For the latest please check the Info Booths and screens during the Con.

If you notice any problems or something is missing please let me know. Constructive comments and additional event info is welcome.

Have a good DEFCON 32!
Twitter: @qumqats

Thanks and <claps> go out to aNullValue and the Infobooth crew for their assistance!

DEF CON 31 website
DEF CON 30 website
Archive of previous years