Communities attending DEF CON
List of names and descriptions of the Communities that will be at DEF CON 32
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 1/Hall 3/HW3-06-03

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
DCNextGen’s mission is to empower the Next Generation of young hackers. By creating an environment where hands on discoveries can reveal new and unexpected ways of thinking about security and technology. Let’s explore and change the world together, one network at a time.
DCNextGen has a ton of awesome content planned for the youth hackers! If you’d like a printed schedule of our events, stop by our community space! You can also find us in Hacker Tracker and online at
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
DEF CON Groups (DCG)
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 2/W236

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
DEF CON is a favorite island of misfit toys. Finding your people is something many people struggle to do in their lifetime. But when you do find DEF CON, you want to take it home with you. DEF CON Groups is the cure to the Con Blues and the conversations, resources, and support that the DEF CON Groups Community at DEF CON provides encourages the creation of new groups, connecting Humans with their local groups, and reinvigorates existing groups with a community space that allows for a chill room vibe and fun atmosphere. We invite POCs and Group Participants to join in conversation, collaboration, trading group related stories, and of course, stickers and laughs as well.
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Twitter (@defcongroups) –
Community DC Forum Page
Community Page – Virtual

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
DEF CON Groups VR (DCGVR) addresses barriers preventing some hackers from attending the conference in person. Since DEF CON 28, DCGVR has offered an immersive virtual experience, allowing participants to socialize, present, and engage in panels, imitating the atmosphere of the physical event. Through VR technology, DCGVR fosters inclusivity, enabling global collaboration and contribution to the DEF CON community.
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Twitter (@DCGVR) –
Friends of Bill W
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 3/W301
Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 12:00 – 13:00, 17:00 – 18:00; Sunday: 12:00 – 13:00
We know DEF CON and Vegas can be a lot. If you’re a friend of Bill W who’s looking for a meeting or just a place to collect yourself, DEF CON 32 has you covered. Join us throughout the conference in the Friends of Bill W Community Space in room W301.
Links:Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Game Hacking Community
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 1/Hall 4/HW4-01-03

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
Welcome to the inaugural Game Hacking Community at DEF CON 32, where gaming and cybersecurity intersect in exciting and interactive ways. Our mission is to delve into various aspects of game security, fostering an environment of exploration, play, and learning.
At the Game Hacking Community, participants can engage in activities ranging from modding games to exploring the intricacies of memory hacking and multiplayer cheats and learning about game malware. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hacker, we will have presentations and activities to challenge your skills.
Be part of the evolution of game security. Dive into our activities, engage with other game hackers, and explore opportunities to contribute to and support the Game Hacking Community. Let’s play, learn, exploit, and perhaps even profit. See you there!
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Hard Hat Brigade
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 1/Hall 2/HW2-08-02

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
Ever see someone walking around DEF CON and wonder “what is up with the hard hats?”
The Hard Hat Brigade brings hackers together in the spirit of endless curiosity and tinkering. We use a common platform (hats) to combine art (bling) and hacker functionality (warez) to inspire others to explore outside of their comfort zones in a safe and welcoming community.
We encourage everyone to explore their creativity using art, electronics, mechanical design, or any other medium that piques their interest. Hats are inexpensive, widely available, and easy to modify to suit your needs. We started with hard hats but are not limited to any type of hat, so you have the freedom to choose whatever hat suits your fancy.
Despite everyone using a common platform, every creation is unique and embodies the personality of the creator. Walking around DEF CON, you can display your creation for all to see, and many will stop to ask you about what you have created. This allows you to talk about your experience, as well as inspire others to explore new ideas of their own.
One of the challenges at hacker summer camp has been finding people to connect with. By leveraging hard hats as a canvas, HHB has solved this challenge with something that is incredibly accessible while also offering a ton of variety. Gazing upon these creations, they reflect back the uniqueness of all the awesome hackers that we’ve been able to meet. In years past, we’ve had the opportunity to see how so many talented and creative hackers tackle the challenge of using the venerable hard hat as their muse. Just as fun, charming and skilled as so many attendees are, the hard hat has been a great vessel to carry their awesome projects.
Stop by our community space and make your trip memorable by trying on a hat, learning and sharing building techniques, networking with other hat loving hackers, and expressing yourself in your own hacker way. Keep on hacking!
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Twitter (@hardhatbrigade) –
HDA Community
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 1/W110

Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday: 10:00 – 14:00
DEF CON has made HDA a community, and we now have a community room! This room will be dedicated to the attendees with ADA needs, their friends, helpers, and anyone who wants to hang out and be social! So far we plan on providing charging stations, chill out sessions, an open call for a modular synth jam session, and more to come! Let’s all work together to make DEFCON Awesomely Accessible!
Visit the DEF CON Forums for the DEF CON 32 HDA Packet, coming soon!
Links:Official HDA Policy –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
La Villa
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 2/W235

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
La Villa Hacker is a vibrant initiative within the DEF CON community aimed at uniting and amplifying the voices of Latin American cybersecurity enthusiasts who speak Spanish or Portuguese. It offers a platform for these individuals to showcase their skills, share insights, and engage deeply with the global hacking and security community. The La Villa Hacker offers several core activities including talks, networking, and creative showcases, all conducted in Spanish or Portuguese to foster a strong sense of belonging and collaboration among Latino professionals at DEF CON.
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Twitter (@lavillahacker) –
Lonely Hackers Club
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 2/W208

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday 10:00 – 13:00
Lonely Hackers Club is a group to help people navigate their first DEF CON and other conferences as well as helping people break into the field. We have a lot of people who are from all sorts of fields who can help people based on what they want to do for a career. We welcome everyone into the community and support everyone who needs/wants help.
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Mastodon ( –
Twitter (@L0nelyH4ckers) –
Makers Community
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 1/Hall 2/HW2-07-01

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday: 10:00 – 13:00
The DEF CON Maker’s Community is the place where design, electronics, arts, crafts, software, and engineering all intersect. We serve as a home for ALL hackers and makers – providing tools, demos, talks and workshops (from makers like those in the Badgelife community), as well as exhibit space for highlighting current and past creations from some of your favorite DEF CON makers.
This year we’re starting the Bagelife Museum, a collection of current and former community-made badges, including SAO’s! Donate your own badges and SAOs to the museum to see them year after year, or bring out your SAO collection to trade with the community via our take-one leave-one SAO Trading Wall!
We’re still a new space, but we’re aiming to evolve into a “makerspace at con,” where attendees can experience cutting-edge tools like 3D Printers, Vinyl Cutters, Screen Printing, possibly even Laser Cutting and more, right on the con floor.
This is a space where creativity flourishes, collaborative projects can grow, and experimentation with equipment, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible is encouraged. Join us to celebrate the ingenuity of the DEF CON community.
Be sure to check out our Discords, as well as the schedule on our website at for the up-to-date talk and workshop schedule, as well as workshop registration details. We’ve got some cool talks on badges, making, and making badges lined up for you this year! See you at con!
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Twitter (@DC_Makers) –
Instagram –
Retro Club
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 1/Hall 4/HW4-04-01

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday: 10:00 – 13:00
The Retro Tech Community is here to celebrate where we came from, how computers and technology shaped our lives, and how even the most simple of computers still have an impact today this many years later. Rather than have a carefully curated collection of museum exhibits you can’t touch or breathe on/around our goal is to empower the community in general to bring in working examples of old (or new but inspired by old) tech to display, demonstrate, be passionate about, teach lessons on, and for all those who visit us to hack on and goof around with. Bring us your tired capacitors, your scratched cases, your huddled masses of wirewrapped panels yearning to see voltage again, the wretched refuse of your teeming e-waste pile, bring these the tempest-tost to us, we lift our 20A 120Volt circuits beside the golden door! (But yes if you bring it, you must bring it home with you. If it’s broken we will have a repair area set up and do the best we can!)
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 2/W213-W214

Friday and Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00; Sunday: 10:00 – 13:00
Co-founded in 2018 by Jim McMurry and William Kimble, the founders of and Cyber Defense Technologies, respectively, the VETCON conference is the official Veteran event of the DEF CON Hacker Conference. VETCON, through its Discord server and in person events, connects and supports veterans in the Information Security field. The event is open to all DEFCON attendees with a focus on military veterans. VETCON is a networking event where attendees will be able to relax, play fun military and cybersecurity related games, network, and connect with other Veterans in the Infosec field.
VETCON Is a Conference for Veterans, Run by Veterans, During the Largest Hacker Conference, DEF CON.
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Twitter (@vetcon_command) –
Women in Security and Privacy (WISP)
Community DC Forum Page
Community Map Page – LVCC West/Floor 1/Hall 3/HW3-05-04

Women in Security and Privacy (WISP)’s mission is to advance women and underrepresented communities to lead the future of privacy and security. We accomplish this by providing women and underrepresented communities with opportunities for technical and professional development through events, trainings, conferences, scholarships, mentoring, and job search. WISP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Links:Website –
Sub-Forum (DEF CON Forums) –
Twitter (@wisporg) –