DEF CON 32 Info

Important Message

There are a few things that we would like everyone to be aware of, leading up to DEF CON 32.

Sticker Policy

We have a beautiful culture of #stickerlife at DEF CON, and we hope that it can continue well into the future. Refer to the conference schedule for “sticker swaps”. We’re also putting up multiple sticker walls this year — it was a hit last year, and we hope that having a couple of them will be even more awesome this year.

The LVCVA (Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, owners of the LVCC) has a zero-tolerance policy with regard to adhering anything at all to their property, including stickers. Please DFIU. If you are caught adhering anything to LVCC property, you will likely be trespassed from the property by Las Vegas Police. Beyond stickers, you may also not use tape, sticky putty, tacks, or even non-stick clings.

Admission inspections and searches

The LVCC will not be searching or scanning people or bags entering the facility.


As always, human badges (that were not pre-purchased) are exclusively sold using cash (US currency). Merch is the same. No credit cards, debit cards, mobile payments, cryptocurrency, or any means other than USD cash will be accepted at either human registration or DEF CON Merch. We recommend bringing cash with you: there are only two ATMs inside the LVCC.

Food and beverage operations inside the LVCC, including the food court and bars, only accept cards and mobile payments. You cannot use cash to purchase food or beverage inside the LVCC.

Vendors are permitted to conduct transactions via whatever means they choose. We do not have a list of which vendors are accepting cash vs card.


The LVCC has many modern water-bottle filling stations, so free water will be readily available for those who bring their own reusable water bottles.


DCTV will exclusively be streaming online this year, and will not be available on any hotel TV channels.

Outside food and beverage

LVCC prohibits attendees from bringing outside food and beverage into the convention center, except in cases of medical or dietary necessity.

Photography policy

Public photography is allowed*. It’s okay to take photos of your friends if they’re cool with it. We’ve setup several “selfie spots” that are amazing art pieces created specifically for the yearly theme where you can take cool photos.

We want you to take consenting photos of each other and we want others to see the wide range of attendees we have at DEF CON having a good time. What we don’t want to see are group shots taken without consent/warning, images taken by the press, video of people standing in lines, etc.

Official Press & DEF CON Policy Village rules may differ, please refer to them. At DEF CON you may see our official photography goons capturing the uniqueness that is to be expected at DEF CON; they adhere to our photo policy.

Groups & individuals participating in public on stage (events, contests, or activities) are allowed* to be photographed.

Photography in the CTF room is NOT permitted without consent of the individuals to be photographed.

Crowd shots are VERY discouraged, if so desired you must alert the crowd to give them time to opt out. For example: ” Hey, I’m taking a photo, if you don’t want to be in it hide your face” .

Taking photos of people in hallways, lines, hanging out, at random, is not allowed without consent. Respect the rights of the individual not to be photographed. Deletion of photos can be requested by staff.

When taking pictures of your friends please use “portrait mode” because this will blur the picture background, respecting the privacy of those inadvertently captured.

NOTE: It is permissible to record violations of the DEF CON CoC to share with our safety team (link) to help us investigate and take action.

  • We reserve the right to revoke an individual’s permission to photograph, at any time, on a case by case basis. Failure to comply can result in revocation of admission without refund.